Sep 11, 2024 06:41 am UTC| Economy
최근의 약세에도 불구하고, 월요일에 발표된 BCA 리서치 보고서에 따르면 미국 달러는 여전히 회복력이 있으며 앞으로 몇 달 안에 반등할 것으로 예상된다고 분석했다. 제조업 침체와 금융 시장의 신중한 움직임이 특징인 글로벌 경제...
러시아 주요 은행들, 위안화 보유고 부족 선언... 중앙은행 조치 촉구
Sep 06, 2024 07:36 am UTC| Economy Central Banks
모스크바 (로이터) - 러시아 주요 은행들이 위안화 유동성 부족에 대응하기 위해 중앙은행의 조치를 촉구했다. 이로 인해 러시아 루블은 중국 위안화 대비 4월 이후 최저 수준으로 떨어졌으며, 위안화 스왑 금리는 세 자릿수로...
Why the pound has shot up while UK economy is struggling
Jul 18, 2023 08:01 am UTC| Economy
When Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwartengs tax-cutting mini-budget triggered a UK debt crisis in autumn 2022, the pound plummeted to almost parity with the US dollar. In 2023 the UK has endured weak growth, falling productivity...
Why US 'dollar doomsayers' could be wrong about its imminent demise
Jun 21, 2023 07:23 am UTC| Economy
The position of the US dollar in the global league table of foreign exchange reserves held by other countries is closely watched. Every slight fall in its share is interpreted as confirmation of its imminent demise as the...
War in Ukraine might give the Chinese yuan the boost it needs to become a major global currency
Jun 03, 2023 03:29 am UTC| Economy
The Chinese economys sheer size and rapid growth are impressive. China maintained one of the highest economic growth rates in the world for more than a quarter of a century, helping lift over 800 million people out of...
Brexit: UK pound has not crashed yet, but here's why it will probably suffer in years to come
Jan 14, 2021 04:56 am UTC| Investing
The Brexit deal has failed to have any major effect on the exchange rate of the pound since January 1. The pound has held steady against the US dollar at US$1.36 and has strengthened slightly against the euro to 1.12. This...
Korean Won Weakens Sharply Due to Speculations About Kim Jong Un's Health
Apr 22, 2020 10:40 am UTC| Economy
The Korean won had fallen to a low of 1,241.15 against the US dollar Tuesday following unconfirmed reports that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is gravely ill. The Korean won last fell to 1,229.59 per dollar. CNN...
Japan Leadership Candidates Back Wage Growth, Differ on Strategies for Household Support