

Oleksa Drachewych

Assistant Professor in History, Western University
Professor Drachewych specializes in the history of Soviet and Modern European foreign policy, international communism, transnational human and civil rights movements, and transnational anti-imperialism. He is the author of The Communist International, Anti-Imperialism and Racial Equality in British Dominions (Routledge, 2018) and the co-editor of Left Transnationalism: The Communist International and the National, Colonial and Racial Questions (McGill-Queen's University Press, 2020). He is currently writing a book comparing Soviet atrocities in the Second World War and Postwar period to Russia's atrocities in Ukraine.



Oleksandra Ivashchenko

Medical Physicist, Netherlands Cancer Institute
I am a medical physicist with a broad background in medical image analysis and molecular imaging, currently responsible for radiation safety and personalized dosimetry in radionuclide therapy at the nuclear medicine department of the University Medical Center Groningen. In addition to my work, I am one of the main coordinators of a volunteering initiative #ScienceForUkraine.



Oleksandra Ozcan

Lecturer in International Business, University of Portsmouth
I am a lecturer in International Business at the School of Languages and Applied Linguistics at the University of Portsmouth and a PhD student at Swansea University. I hold a BA and LLM degrees in International Business Law and MSc in International Business Management.

My research interests are within the field of Strategic Management and Innovation Management, specifically protection of trade secrecy and other IP rights. Throughout my professional career, I have had various work experience as a legal associate working for a trade company and compliance specialist working for a large bank.

As a lecturer now, I deliver business and law-related content on different modules and supervise postgraduate
dissertation projects.



Olena Vasylets

Profesora asociada, Facultad de Filología y Comunicación, Universitat de Barcelona
Olena Vasylets es Profesora Asociada en la Universitat de Barcelona. El foco prinicipal de su investigación son los aspectos cognitivos en adquisición de segundas lenguas. Su trayectoria investigadora incluye participación continuada en proyectos de investigación financiados en convocatorias competitivas, publicaciones científicas, participación en congresos internacionales y organización de encuentros científicos. Sus publicaciones han visto la luz en varias obras colectivas publicadas por editoriales internacionales (Cambridge University Press, John Benjamins, Routledge) y en revistas de prestigio, incluidas Journal of Second Language Writing (Q1/índice de impacto: 6.1), Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (Q1/índice de impacto: 4.3), Language Learning (cuartil/índice de impacto: 5.2), Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching (Q1/índice de impacto: 1.9), Studies in Second Language Acquistion (Q1/índice de impacto 5.4).



Olga Anikeeva

Research Fellow, School of Public Health, University of Adelaide
Dr Olga Anikeeva is a Research Fellow in the Environment and Health Research Group within the School of Public Health. She has a research and teaching background in epidemiology and public health, with experience in both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Her research interests include the impacts of extreme heat and climate change on health and wellbeing, particularly among vulnerable populations, such as outdoor workers, culturally and linguistically diverse communities and older individuals.



Olga Epitropaki

Professor of Management, Durham Business School, Durham University
Prior to joining Durham University Business School, Olga was Professor of Organizational Behavior at ALBA Graduate Business School at the American College in Greece where she held the "Stavros Costopoulos" Chair in Human Resource Management and Development. She previously worked at Aston University and the Institute of Work Psychology at Sheffield University.

Her research has been published in top refereed journals, such as the Academy of Management Annals, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management, the Leadership Quarterly, the Journal of Organizational Behavior, the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology and the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, among others. For her doctoral thesis, she won the 2001 Jepson School Award for Outstanding Dissertations in Leadership Studies, and she was among the six finalists for the 2000 Newman Best Dissertation Award for the Academy of Management.

She has served as Senior Associate Editor of the Leadership Quarterly, Associate Editor of the British Journal of Management and Associate Editor of Frontiers in Psychology: Organizational Psychology. She is also a member of various Editorial Boards.

She has further worked for many years as a consultant and executive trainer for numerous Greek and multinational companies such as AIG, AstraZeneca, Athens International Airport, Bancpost, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Boeing, EFG-Eurobank, Erste Bank, GlaxoSmithKline, Minerva, Interamerican, ING, National Bank of Greece, National Power Corporation, Nissan, Novo Nordisk, Pepsico, Phillip Morris, Piraeus Bank, Sanofi Aventis, Titan Group, Vodafone, Xerox and others.



Olga Logunova

Research Associate, King’s Russia Institute, King's College London
I am an experienced researcher specializing in social media analytics, driven by a passion for understanding digital culture, social media communication, and the power of influence marketing.
With a proven track record in both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, I bring a unique perspective to the table.
My commitment to staying at the forefront of social media trends and emerging technologies ensures that I provide innovative and forward-thinking insights to drive success in today's ever-evolving digital landscape.



Olga Margalef

Profesora de geomorfología y riesgos geológicos, Universitat de Barcelona
Soy licenciada en Geologia y doctora en ciencias de la Tierra. Mi investigación se ha centrado en (1) reconstrucciones paleoambientales y paleoclimáticas a partir de registros lacustres y de turberas usando indicadores biológicos y geoquímicos y (2) el estudio del ciclo de nutrientes en el suelo en el contexto de cambio global. Actualmente trabajo para comprender los efectos de la desaparición del permafrost sobre la geomorfología, hidrología y quimismo de los suelos árticos y subárticos. Tengo experiencia como docenten en el campo de geomorfología y riesgos geológicos. También dedico parte de mi tiempo a la divulgación científica y activismo ambiental. Creo que la comunidad científica tiene un papel muy importante para acercar la ciencia a la sociedad y contribuir en la lucha contra la emergencia climática



Olga Maxwell

Senior Lecturer, School of Languages and Linguistics, The University of Melbourne
Olga Maxwell is a Senior Lecturer in ESL and Applied Linguistics in the School of Languages and Linguistics. She works on bi-/multilingualism, intonation modelling, acoustic phonetics, English as second language, varieties of English in multilingual societies, prosodic variation, language contact, and language attitudes.



Olga Perovic

Principal Pathologist, National Institute for Communicable Diseases
A Prof/Dr Olga Perovic is a Principal Pathologist at the Centre for Healthcare-Associated
Infections, Antimicrobial Resistance and Mycoses at National Institute for Communicable
Diseases, a division of the NHLS. She is medical doctor with clinical microbiology speciality and
is affiliated with Department of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases at WITS. Her
responsibilities include Antimicrobial Resistance Reference Laboratory, AMR surveillance,
outbreak investigation, teaching and training. Professor Perovic leads Antimicrobial Resistance
(AMR) programs in South Africa. Prof Perovic is a principal investigator of numerous projects
and she is involved in teaching and training of undergraduate, postgraduate and other related
learners. She experiences a vast ranges of involvements in AMR field, from the basic
antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) to the whole genome sequencing; from the bed site
microbiology to the hospital antimicrobial stewardship programs; from infection control
programs at hospitals to the national policy development; from the routine real time to the
national AMR surveillance programs. Perovic is a chair of National Advisory Committee (NAC)
for Antimicrobial Susceptibility at South African Society of Clinical Microbiology (SASCM).
She is an expert in laboratory quality system and responsible for External Quality Assessment
programs in bacteriology and antimicrobial susceptibility testing.



Olga C. Pandos

PhD Candidate in Technology, Medical Law and Ethics, University of Adelaide
I graduated with a double degree in Laws (with First Class Honours) and Science (with majors in Biochemistry and Genetics) from the University of Adelaide. In 2020, I was admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor in the Supreme Court of South Australia.

I am currently studying a PhD in Law – Technology, Medical Law and Ethics, at the Adelaide Law School. I am able to rely upon my technical expertise in science, to enhance the quality and analysis of my research. My unique skillset, both in law, law reform and science, enables me to critically analyse complex areas of law.

I have established myself as a young scholar and competent writer. I am able to convey complex scientific concepts and ideas to a broad audience. My research scholarship, output, impact and publications reflect my expertise. I have also been involved in a number of Government projects for the South Australian Law Reform Institute and the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.

My research expertise extends beyond technology law to medical law and ethics, notably decision-making capacity and consent. I have also established strong connections with South Australian Aboriginal communities, leading consultation for law reform and other projects.



Oli Buckley

Professor of Cyber Security, University of East Anglia
Oli Buckley is a Professor of Cyber Security at the University of East Anglia, where he leads the Cyber Security, Privacy and Trust Lab.

His research focuses on the human aspects of cyber security, behavioural biometrics, insider threat, and the impacts of new technologies on society. His recent projects include user identification and behavioural biometrics with keystroke dynamics, social justice in algorithmic decision making and the use of chatbots to improve trust and sensitive disclosures.

Prior to joining UEA Oli worked as a Lecturer in the Information Operations group at Cranfield University, a Researcher at the University of Oxford Cybersecurity Centre and as a software engineer in industry.

Key Research Interests and Expertise
Current research interests include cyber security, behavioural biometrics, digital identity, privacy, trust, data leakage, insider threat detection, and the application of machine learning and visualisation within cyber security. Oli has recently developed research on the gamification of cyber security concepts and the impacts of rapidly evolving AI technologies on security and privacy.



Oliver Bown

Postdoctoral fellow, UNSW Sydney
Oliver Bown is a researcher and maker working with creative technologies. He comes from a highly diverse academic background spanning social anthropology, evolutionary and adaptive systems, music informatics and interaction design, with a parallel career in electronic music and digital art spanning over 15 years. He is interested in how artists, designers and musicians can use advanced computing technologies to produce complex creative works. His current active research areas include media multiplicities, musical metacreation, the theories and methodologies of computational creativity, new interfaces for musical expression, and multi-agent models of social creativity. He is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Art and Design, University of New South Wales.



Oliver Castell

Senior Lecturer at the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Cardiff University
I was appointed as a Cardiff University SBP Research Fellow and Lecturer in September 2013. A Pharmacist by training, I gained my PhD (Cardiff University) in multiphase microfluidics, exploiting the unique characteristics of flow on the microscale for high-efficiency chemical separations, work that earned nomination for the Desty Memorial Award for Innovation In Separation Science.

I then went on to work on a Technology Strategy Board-funded project providing micro- and nano-technology solutions to challenges faced in the scientific industry, before moving to the lab of Mark Wallace at Oxford University for postdoctoral research in the development of high-throughput screening platforms for the optical quantification of membrane protein function.

At Oxford I was also able to pursue my interest in more fundamental science and biophysics with single-molecule studies of membrane proteins in droplet interface bilayers (DIBs) - collaborative work that I still maintain. Working between Oxford University and KTH Stockholm I then undertook research as part of £5M EPSRC funded (Curvature Asymmetry and Patterning Integrated Through All Length Scales) research project, a large-scale, cross-institute, multidisciplinary collaboration led by Imperial College London, working in the field of molecular membrane engineering. Now at Cardiff, I continue to involve in the CAPITALS consortium.

I also have a keen interest in science engagement through the arts, performing interactive science-themed music at Einstein's Garden at Green Man Festival 2013 and having scientific photography of my research featured in the National Museum of Wales Research Images Exhibition.

Professional memberships

I am an affiliate member of EPSRC funded research project, a large-scale, multidisciplinary collaboration between leading UK universities working in the field of molecular membrane engineering.



Oliver Davis1

Senior lecturer, Cardiff University
I'm a Senior Lecturer in Archaeology and Civic Mission at Cardiff University. I'm passionate about the prehistory of Britain, particularly Wales, and working with local communities to tell the stories of this fascinating period



Oliver Gingrich

Programme Lead BA (Hons) Animation, University of Greenwich
Dr Oliver Gingrich is the programme lead for the BA (Hons) Animation at the School of Design, University of Greenwich, a media arts practitioner and researcher. With an Engineering Doctorate in Digital Media, and 15 years of professional practice in the Creative Industries as Creative Director and Art Director, Olive's practice centres around holographic projection, real-time animation and participatory art: As holder of an AHRC-research grant for participatory media arts and its effect on social connectedness and public health, Dr. Oliver Gingrich is exploring intersection between co-creation practices, art and wellbeing. As Director at Art in Flux, Olive supports underrepresented artist groups within the media arts. At the University of Greenwich, Olive's role is within teaching as senior lecturer across all three cohorts, research and creative practice. Olive Gingrich is academic conduct officer and forms part of the ECR research network.



Oliver Gough

DPhil Candidate, Faculty of History, University of Oxford
My research focuses on the history of progressive political thought in Britain from around 1850 to 1950. I am exploring the ideas of citizenship and 'civic character', and the way in which shifting understandings of these concepts were reflected in political activity, policy and legislation. I am particularly interested in the attitude progressive writers took towards voluntary associations such as trade unions, cooperatives, and friendly societies, and the role they believed these institutions might play in cultivating public-spirited citizens.



Oliver Gruner



Oliver Heath

Professor of Politics, Royal Holloway University of London
Oliver Heath is Professor of Politics and co-director of the Democracy and Elections Centre. He holds a BA (Hons) in Social Anthropology from the University of Sussex and an MA in Political Behavior from the University of Essex, where he also received his PhD. He joined the Department in 2008, having previously held a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Essex and an ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship at the LSE. He has also worked at the University of Strathclyde and held visiting positions at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) in India, Universidad Simon Bolivar in Venezuela, and the Centre for the Study of Political Change (CiRCap) in Italy.

Oliver's main research interests include elections and voting behaviour, public opinion, and survey design and analysis. He has a particular interest in both UK elections and Indian elections. He is the author of Political Research: Methods and Practical Skills (with Sandra Halperin) and has published his work in the Journal of Politics, British Journal of Political Science, European Journal of Political Research, Electoral Studies, Political Behavior, and Political Studies among others. He has received funding for his research from the ESRC, British Academy, and Nuffield Foundation, and has written commissioned reports for the Home Office on voluntary participation, citizenship and ethnic diversity and for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation on Brexit and low income voters.



Oliver Schilke

Director of the Center for Trust Studies, Professor of Management and Organizations, University of Arizona
Oliver Schilke is a Professor in the Management and Organizations Department and a Professor (by courtesy) in the School of Sociology at the University of Arizona. He is also the Director of the Center for Trust Studies at the University of Arizona. He studies trust, organizational routines, and legitimacy and is interested in interorganizational relationships, innovation, and entrepreneurship.



Oliver Springate-Baginski

Oliver’s primary research interest is the political economy / political ecology of forest governance reform in developing countries. He mainly focuses on issues of: 1) democratisation, policy and reform rights reform and the associated political empowerment of forest users, 2) livelihood development and poverty alleviation at the forest – agricultural interface, and 3) integrated biodiversity management in forest management.

These interests have been developed through leading a range of research projects with partners across Asia region, particularly India, Nepal and Burma/Myanmar. He is co-author/editor, with Piers Blaikie, of ‘Forests, People and Power’ (Earthscan 2007).

Oliver has also worked as a forest and environmental policy advisor on donor-funded projects in India and currently Burma / Myanmar.

Oliver is the coordinator of the Burma/ Myanmar Development Research Network.



Oliver Visick

PhD Student in Ecology and Evolution, University of Sussex



Oliver A.H. Jones

Professor, RMIT University
Professor Oliver Jones is a Professor of Chemistry at RMIT University and and internationally recognised expert in analytical science. He is passionate about using science to keep our environment safe. He has a demonstrated track record of research, teaching and leadership within the higher education sector with experience in both the UK and Australia.

Oliver is a graduate of Imperial College London, PhD and MSc (2005 and 2001) and Queen Mary University of London, BSc Hons. (2000). His research expertise is in the field of Analytical Biological and Environmental Chemistry with interdisciplinary applications in biology, environmental science, water technology and forensic science. He is particularly interested in tracking the fate and behaviour of pollutants in the environment and determining their possible effects on biological systems.

Oliver has received a number of awards for his research, including the ANZMAG Sir Paul Callaghan medal the SETAC AU Mid-career medal, the RACI Environmental Chemistry Medal and the Barry Inglis Medal from the National Measurement Institute. In 2019 he was listed as ‘Iridium’ on the IUPAC periodic table of outstanding younger chemists (one of only 118 people worldwide to be honoured in this way). He has over 140 peer-reviewed publications with an h-index of 39 and >7300 citations. His research papers can be found on his Google Scholar profile (

Oliver is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) and the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (FRACI, and an Associate Fellow of the Institution for Chemical Engineers (AFIChemE). He served on the Australian Academy of Science National Committee for Chemistry and was previously President of the Australian and New Zealand Metabolomics Network and a board member of the International Metabolomics Society, and the Australia and New Zealand Society for Magnetic Resonance. His is a current board member of the Australia and New Zealand Society for Mass Spectrometry.

Oliver has featured widely in TV, radio and newspapers where he is skilled at providing informed, evidence-based context, and explaining complex science to a mainstream audience. He has featured widely in TV, radio and newspapers (Channel 9 News, ABC News, The Age, the Sydney Morning Herald, the Guardian, the Times Higher Education, and the Washington Post) and can be found promoting science on Twitter, Mastodon, Instagram and TikTok as @dr_oli_jones



Oliver C. Stringham

Researcher, University of Adelaide
I research the conservation and biosecurity risks of the legal and illegal wildlife life trade.



Olivera Simic

Associate Professor, Griffith University



Olivia Bellas

PhD Candidate, University of Adelaide
I am a PhD Candidate at the University of Adelaide, based at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute and a part of the Supportive Oncology Research Group. My current project investigates the neuropsychological complications of chemotherapy and the involvement of the endocannabinoid system.

Previously, I worked as a researcher for Flinders University investigating menstrual support in Australian primary schools for children who experience early menarche.



Olivia Davies

Flinders University



Olivia Evans

Indigenous Research Fellow, Australian National University
I am a Gomeroi woman and was born and raised in Newcastle, NSW on Awabakal land. I am currently a research fellow at the Australian National University and was awarded a PhD in Social Psychology from the University of Newcastle in 2019. My research focuses on allyship and prejudice towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, political psychology, inequality and the social determinants of health. My current projects include an ARC funded investigation of online strategies for increasing the social inclusion of working class university students and a longitudinal project investigating non-Indigenous attitudes before and after the Voice to Parliament referendum.



Olivia Gosseries

Le Dr Olivia Gosseries est codirectrice du Coma Science Group. En tant que neuropsychologue, ses premiers travaux ont porté sur le diagnostic et le pronostic chez les patients souffrant de troubles de la conscience qui sortent du coma en utilisant la stimulation cérébrale non invasive et l'électrophysiologie. Ces dernières années, elle a travaillé de manière plus approfondie sur les options thérapeutiques pour cette population de patients difficiles. Afin d'étudier la conscience humaine de manière plus globale, elle s'intéresse désormais aussi à l'anesthésie, à la mémoire du coma, au rêve lucide, à la méditation, à l'hypnose, à la transe cognitive et à la réalité virtuelle.

Elle est rédactrice en chef adjointe des revues Clinical Neurophysiology et Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. Elle a coédité la deuxième édition du livre `Neurology of Consciousness' (Elsevier, 2015), a révisé des articles pour de nombreuses revues scientifiques, supervise des doctorants et a organisé plusieurs conférences (Coma Day, Human Brain Project conference on consciousness). Elle compte plus de 160 publications dans des revues internationales à comité de lecture telles que Science, Lancet, Lancet Neurology, Annals of Neurology et Brain, et de nombreux exposés invités lors de conférences internationales.

Son objectif est de continuer à améliorer les soins aux patients qui sortent du coma, de contribuer à la compréhension de la conscience humaine et de promouvoir l'éducation et la sensibilisation du public à ce sujet clinique et de recherche fascinant.



Olivia Groves

Adjunct Research Fellow, Curtin University
Olivia Groves is a mid-career researcher and experienced educator. Olivia spent 15 years teaching diverse learners in school, language education, and tertiary settings both in Australia and internationally and is now an educational researcher with 13 years experience. Olivia’s research interests lie in understanding the conditions under which learning takes place in order to maximise the potential for learning and success of all students.



Olivia Howland

Research Fellow in Social Science and Geography, University of Nottingham
Olivia is an anthropologist and an artist specialising in visual methodologies, gender, and health related fields. Her work in Kenya and Tanzania has covered livelihoods, indigenous medicines, informal alcohol brewing, WASH and One Health. Olivia uses and explores novel and visual methods in her work, which is primarily ethnographically informed, as well as working with transdisciplinary study design and reflexive techniques. At Nottingham, Olivia is a Research Fellow on the Invisible Women, Invisible Workers project with Dr Sabina Lawreniuk, where she is the in-country lead for Ethiopia. Olivia has supervised a number of postgraduate students, taught masterclasses on social science study design, methodologies and analysis, created and curated visual art exhibitions based on research findings, and is passionate about the use of art in social science both as method and as public engagement.



Olivia Knowles

High Performance Manager, Hawthorn FC, and Researcher, Deakin University
I completed my Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science (Honours) and PhD at Deakin University. My research explores the impact of inadequate sleep on strength training and skeletal muscle health in females. I have an interest in how the menstrual cycle and hormones can impact exercise and muscle adaptation. I am also the AFLW High Performance Manager at the Hawthorn Football Club.



Olivia Peters

Criminologist & PhD Candidate in Sociology, University of Guelph
Olivia Peters (MA 2017; University of Manitoba) is a Criminologist and PhD Candidate in Sociology at the University of Guelph where she studies intimate partner stalking, help-seeking, and how we think about risk. Her background includes mixed-methods research, and she has experience working with victims of intimate partner violence, child abuse, and criminal harassment. Currently, she contributes to true crime television media as an on-screen expert and is involved in projects on adult cyber harassment and digital piracy of online sex-work.

Olivia has conducted research on risk assessment for intimate partner violence (IPV) with Indigenous populations, IPV policing, male victims of IPV, and femicide. She is dedicated to working with community partners in victim/survivor advocacy, animal welfare, and healthcare.

Olivia Peters is a recipient of the SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier scholarships at both the MA and PhD level. Most recently, she received the Women's Health Scholars Award from the Council of Ontario Universities (2024-25).



Olivia Remes

PhD Candidate, University of Cambridge

Olivia Remes is a PhD student at the University of Cambridge. Her research focuses on mental disorders and is using the European Prospective Investigation of Cancer (EPIC) study, one of the largest, European cohort studies looking at chronic diseases and the way people live their lives.

She has received a PhD studentship from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).

E-mail address: [email protected]



Olivia Wills

Accredited Practising Dietitian, PhD candidate, University of Wollongong

Olivia Wills is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and member of Dietitian's Australia. She earned her Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Hons1) as a Dean's Scholar at the University of Wollongong in 2021. Currently, she is pursuing a PhD at the University of Wollongong, with a focus on multiple sclerosis and diet, driven by her passion for advancing our understanding of the impact of nutrition in health and disease. Olivia's research is supported by a post-graduate scholarship from MS Australia. Olivia is also working clinically, providing dietetic counselling services for a diverse range of medical conditions, including endocrine, gastrointestinal, metabolic and neurologic disorders, including MS.



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