Dr Matthew Derry joined the Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry (CEAC) department in December 2019 as a Lecturer in Chemistry. Prior to joining Aston University he studied for his MChem degree in Chemistry with a Year in Industry at the University of York in 2012. This was followed by an industrially-funded PhD in Polymer Chemistry at the University of Sheffield under the supervision of Professor Steven P. Armes FRS in 2016, where his thesis was entitled "Polymerisation-induced self-assembly in non-polar media". He then continued at the University of Sheffield as a Research Associate to study block copolymer self-assembly using X-ray scattering in the groups of Professor Steven P. Armes FRS, Professor Anthony J. Ryan OBE and Dr Oleksandr O. Mykhaylyk.
Recycling: what you can and can't recycle and why it's so confusing
Jun 01, 2023 11:35 am UTC| Life
When it comes to recycling are you a wishcycler? No, I didnt know what this term meant until recently either apparently its when people try to recycle items that should be thrown away instead. And the government are...