Dr Martin Moore is director of the Centre for the Study of Media, Communication and Power, and a Senior Research Fellow in the Policy Institute at King’s College London. He was previously founding director of the Media Standards Trust (2006-2015) where he directed the Election Unspun project and wrote extensively on the news media and public policy. Recent research publications include:
Election Unspun: Political Parties, the press, and Twitter during the 2015 election campaign (2015); Who was hacked? An investigation into phone hacking and its victims (2015); Addressing the Democratic Deficit in Local News through Positive Plurality (2014) and IPSO: An Assessment (2013).
He is author of The Origins of Modern Spin (Palgrave Macmillan 2006) and ‘Plurality and Local Media’ in Media Power and Plurality, ed Steven Barnett and Judith Townend (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015).
Imagine if Google or Facebook took a line on the EU referendum
Apr 05, 2016 04:45 am UTC| Insights & Views Technology
Imagine if on June 23 this year British citizens looking at google.co.uk found the words #VoteIn towards the bottom of the search page. Perhaps they would ignore it and go about their business, or perhaps it would remind...