Space Plasma Physicist, Queen Mary University of London
Dr Martin Archer is a Space Physicist at Queen Mary University of London (and Imperial College London). Martin became a published scientist whilst still an undergraduate, working on the Cluster space mission. It is this work which has inspired his PhD research on structures and waves in the Earth’s magnetosphere.
In addition to his research, Martin is determined to come up with fresh perspectives on how to communicate his love of science, especially to young audiences, and has worked on a number of exciting and unique projects including his DJ Physics shows, the Droppin’ Science Podcast, WiiJing and appearances at numerous science festivals and schools.
You’ll regularly see Martin on television both in the UK and internationally discussing the latest physics news, explaining scientific concepts and championing the importance of engaging the public with science. In addition to this Martin has featured on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme, the Guardian Science Weekly podcast and has written numerous science pieces and been profiled by a number of publications including The Guardian, The Times and MSN.
Here's how Doctor Who's time machine measures up with real instruments of space and time
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What does empty space sound like? We need your help to find out
Nov 24, 2016 00:17 am UTC| Science
We know that there is sound on planets and moons in the solar system places where theres a medium through which sound waves can be transmitted, such as an atmosphere or an ocean. But what about empty space? You may have...
How much radiation damage do astronauts really suffer in space?
Jun 16, 2016 05:32 am UTC| Science
Space is a really inhospitable place to live theres no breathable air, microgravity wastes away your bones and muscles and youre subjected to increased doses of radiation in the form of high-energy charged particles....