Professor of Computer Science, UMass Lowell
Prof. Wang's current research interests include text mining algorithms and systems, data modeling and its applications, and combinatorial optimizations. His previous interests included large-scale network dynamics, cloud computing and search over encryption, network security, wireless networks, and computational complexity theory. He is particularly interested in algorithmic problems and mathematical modeling arising from practical applications, including data analysis and applications, intelligent text automation, wireless sensor networks, computational medicine, networking, and online social networks. He worked on computational complexity theory from late 1980's to early 2000's, including structural complexity, average-case complexity, and average NP-completeness.
Jan 31, 2023 07:26 am UTC| Technology
Empowered by artificial intelligence technologies, computers today can engage in convincing conversations with people, compose songs, paint paintings, play chess and go, and diagnose diseases, to name just a few examples...
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