

Vera Vasas

Research Fellow in Ecology and Evolution, University of Sussex
Vera Vasas is a computation biologist working in the field of animal cognition. Her work explores the algorithmic bases of vision and visual learning, aiming to understand the computations taking place in animal brains.

Her favourite subjects are insects - due to the dual selection pressures of living complex lives and being limited in their energy, insect brains are small and highly efficient, offering an excellent model system for studying the fundamental principles of animal minds.

Vasas is currently a Research Fellow at the University of Sussex, working on models of ant navigation with Prof Paul Graham. Previously she has worked at Queen Mary, University of London, where she studied visual cognition in bees with Prof Lars Chittka.



Vera Wagner

Research Assistant, Mathematics Teaching and Learning Lab, Concordia University
Vera Wagner holds a Master's of Arts in Child Studies from Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. Her research focused on children's thinking in math, in particular how certain mathematics tools can impact how young students develop their understanding of number. She puts what she has learned into practice as an elementary school teacher.



Vered Shwartz

Assistant Professor, Computer science, University of British Columbia
Vered Shwartz is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia, and a CIFAR AI Chair at the Vector Institute. Her research interests focus on natural language processing, with the fundamental goal of building models capable of human-level understanding of natural language. She is interested in computational semantics and pragmatics, commonsense reasoning, multimodal models, and culturally-aware NLP models.

Before joining UBC, Vered was a postdoctoral researcher at the Allen Institute for AI (AI2) and the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington. Prior to that, She did her PhD (2019), M.Sc. (2015), and B.Sc. (2013) in Computer Science in Bar-Ilan University.




Verena Gruber

Associate Professor of Marketing, EM Lyon Business School
I am an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Lifestyle Research Center at emlyon business school. My research broadly relates to consumption and sustainability and is informed by a transformative consumer research agenda that aims to benefit consumer welfare and quality of life.



Vernon Rive

Associate professor, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau
Vernon is an Associate Professor at Auckland Law School. Before joining Auckland Law School, he was an Associate Professor and Deputy Head of School at the Auckland University of Technology School of Law. Prior to commencing a full-time academic career, Vernon practiced environmental, planning and public law in Auckland, latterly as a partner at New Zealand national commercial law firm Chapman Tripp.

His teaching and research activities focus on four (related) areas of interest: public law, climate change law, international environmental law and New Zealand environmental law. Throughout his academic career, he has lectured in Public Law, Constitutional Law, Judicial Review, International Law, International Environmental Law, Resource Management Law and Climate Change Law.

He has published widely in the areas of environmental and international environmental law. In 2019, his research on a 5-year New Zealand Law Foundation-supported project critiquing New Zealand and international law responses to fossil fuel subsidies culminated in the publication of a monograph Fossil Fuel Subsidies: an International Law Response published by Edward Elgar. He is the author of Laws of New Zealand: Climate Change (LexisNexis NZ, Wellington, 2017); “International Environmental Law” in Alberto Costi (ed) Public International Law: A New Zealand Perspective (1st ed, LexisNexis NZ, Wellington, 2020); “Environmental Assessment” in Derek Nolan (ed) Environmental and Resource Management Law (7th ed, LexisNexis NZ, 2020).



Veronica Hutchings

Associate professor, Psychology, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Veronica Hutchings is a registered psychologist and associate professor at the Grenfell Campus of Memorial University, located in Corner Brook, N where she provides clinical services to the campus' 1300 students. She has a small private practice where she sees exclusively health psychology referrals. Previously she worked in Halifax, NS in seniors' health/geriatric medicine where the bulk of her caseload comprised of individuals living with dementia and their family members.



Veronica Escobar Olivo

Research Associate, School of Social Work, Toronto Metropolitan University
Veronica Escobar Olivo is a Research Associate in the School of Social Work at Toronto Metropolitan University. Her current body of research explores the experiences of othering of Latin American and Caribbean youth, specifically in the education, judicial, immigration, and child protection systems, violence against women and children, coloniality, and epistemologies of the South. She has authored and co-authored several articles and chapters, including the co-authored chapter “Latin American youth and belonging at school in Ontario, Canada” (in Youth, Education, and Wellbeing in the Americas; Routledge, 2022).



Veronique Griffith

Lecturer in Healthcare Sciences, University of Manchester
I completed my undergraduate degree at Harvard University in 2002, my clinical medical degree (MD) at Yale School of Medicine in 2009, and my PhD in anthropology at Durham University, UK in January 2019. My PhD research and subsequent book focussed on women's experiences of endometriosis, a chronic gynecological disease, and the reasons for long delays in diagnosis and experiences of endometriosis in the clinic.

I currently teach in public health with a focus on health protection, applied epidemiology, and participatory research methodologies, among other topics.

I have broad research interests within public health including how health technologies in hospitals impact on therapeutic practices. My main research focus lies in the fluidity of diagnostic categories and how this ultimately affects therapeutic practices and access to care by disadvantaged communities. I am particularly interested in ontologies of chronic diseases primarily in women and minority populations, with an emphasis on media and online visual representations of menstruation, childlessness, chronic illness, and pain.



Véronique Helfer

Senior scientist, Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT)
Mangrove ecosystems; environmental change; species distribution modeling; eDNA/aDNA biomonitoring; biotic interactions; ecosystem processes and services; landscape genetics/genomics; environmental metabolomics; organic matter dynamics; mangrove microbiome; spatial conservation planning.



Vianey Rueda

PhD Student in Resource Ecology Management, University of Michigan
Vianey grew up in San Elizario, Texas, a small city in the lower valley of El Paso. Before starting her first year at the University of Michigan as a PhD student, Vianey worked for the City of Boerne, Texas as the city’s Data Architect, where her task included managing the city’s water data and building a water dashboard to be used for decision-makers. Vianey first became interested in water concerns, specifically the role of science and policy in water management, through her work on the family farm and her proximity to the Rio Grande. She grew increasingly more concerned as she saw the section of the Rio Grande that passes through El Paso go dry (as it remains today) and as the livelihood of many farmers became threatened by a scarce resource and a changing climate. Vianey aspires to have a career in policy, either through advising or a political career of her own.

Vianey’s current research is focused on the 1944 Water Treaty between the United States and Mexico and using an interdisciplinary lens to finding alternative water delivery mechanisms for the Rio Grande that reduce treaty non-compliance and protect community needs in the face of increasing basin variability. Her interdisciplinary approach is to combine socio-economic, hydrologic modeling, and a legal/political analysis in order to uncover holistic solutions. An important component of her research is the continued interaction with communities of the Texas-Mexico border and the co-production of knowledge.



Vicki Crawford

Professor of Africana Studies, Morehouse College
Professor of Africana Studies/Director of the Morehouse College Martin Luther King, Jr. Collection
B.A., Spelman College; M.A., University of Georgia; Ph.D., Emory University



Vicki Cummings

Professor of Neolithic Archaeology, Cardiff University
I am an archaeologist who specialises in the Neolithic of Britain and Ireland within a wider north-west European context. I have a particular interest in monuments and have led research projects exploring chambered tomb architecture in Wales, Scotland and Ireland. I also have a long-term interest in teaching and researching hunting and gathering communities on a world scale.



Vicki McNamara

Senior Research Associate, Centre for the Future of the Legal Profession, UNSW Sydney
I am Senior Research Associate with the Centre for the Future of the Legal Profession at Law & Justice, UNSW. I have worked across the legal sector for many years and I am admitted to practice law in NSW. My previous professional experience spans both legal practice and senior business management roles at global and Australian law firms, and with legal operations teams in ASX listed corporations in the financial services and FMCG sectors.

My work in a practice context includes designing and delivering business strategies that leverage enterprise knowledge, build professionals' expertise and integrate new technology.

I have a proven track record of designing and implementing Knowledge Management (KM) and legal technology strategies, solutions, and systems that leverage enterprise knowledge to enhance service delivery, operational efficiency, and business performance. My management competencies include KM framework development and governance; knowledge and research services management; technology acquisition, project management and delivery; business management and planning; process redesign and transformation, and innovation strategy delivery.



Vicki Saunders

Postdoctoral research fellow, CQUniversity Australia
Dr Saunders (BPsych, MPH, PhD) is a Gunggari woman with connections to the Maranoa region of Southern Central Queensland. She is currently research fellow with the Jawun Research Centre (formerly the Centre for Indigenous Health Equity) Central Queensland University and the Centre for Research Excellence-Strengthening Systems STRengthening systems for InDigenous health care Equity (CRE-STRIDE). She is also Adjunct Research Associate with the Queensland Conservatorium Research Centre through the Listening to Country project (see She is currently a member of the Maya Kawayu Indigenous data governance committee (ANU) and the Muliyan research consortium, which is a community of independent academics/educational researchers working with the Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives. Her research interests are focused on building First Peoples research capacity, public health and arts-based research as well as Indigenist and poetic inquiry.



Victor Brar

Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia
I am a scholar within the Faculty of Education at UBC, as well as an elementary and adult education practitioner in the Surrey School District. My research interests lie in the intersection of academia and K-12 classrooms.



Victor Channell

Murramarang and Walbunga Elder, Indigenous Knowledge
Murramarang and Walbunga Elder and Knowledge Holder. Dhurga Language group.



Victor Court

Économiste, chercheur associé au Laboratoire interdisciplinaire des énergies de demain, Université Paris Cité
Après ses études d’ingénieur en sciences de l’environnement (AgroParisTech) et son master en économie de l’énergie (IFP School), Victor a réalisé un doctorat (Université Paris Nanterre) dont la thèse portait sur le rôle de l’énergie dans le processus de croissance économique. Cette analyse se focalisait notamment sur le concept de retour énergétique sur énergie investie (EROI en anglais pour « Energy-Return-On-Investment »), qui est une mesure de l’accessibilité de l’énergie. Durant les trois années qui suivirent ce doctorat, Victor a mené des recherches dans différentes institutions. D’abord au sein de la Chaire Énergie et Prospérité et du Centre de formation sur l’Environnement et la Société de l’ENS Ulm. Ensuite en Angleterre, dans la Science Policy Research Unit de l’Université du Sussex à Brighton, où son travail s’est concentré sur l’impact énergétique des technologies numériques.

Victor Court a rejoint le Centre Économie et Management de l’Énergie d’IFP School en mars 2020. Il participe à l’enseignement et à l’organisation des trois programmes du Centre (Énergie et marchés, Petroleum Economics and Management, et le Master Économie de l’environnement, de l’énergie et des transports). Ses centres d’intérêt concernent les interactions entre changement technique, transition énergétique et développement économique dans le temps long. Victor est également chercheur associé à la Chaire Energie & Prospérité, ainsi qu'au Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Energies de Demain (LIED, Université Paris Cité)

En plus de ses cours et de ses publications dans différents journaux académiques, Victor s’attèle désormais à la rédaction de livres pour le grand public. Le premier d’entre eux, « L'Emballement du monde », est un essai sur l’histoire des sociétés humaines et sur la façon dont l’énergie et les rapports de domination s’y entrelacent.



Victor Danneyrolles

Professeur-chercheur en écologie forestière, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC)
My research aims to understand the historical, contemporary, and future effects of global changes on forest ecosystems.



Victor J. Lance

Founder and president of Lance Surety Bond Associates, Inc.

Victor began his career serving as an officer in the United States Marine Corps. He served as a logistics officer during a combat tour to Afghanistan, and during a subsequent tour to Iraq was the officer in charge of an Iraqi Police Transition Team. Later, he was assigned to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, serving as Assistant Professor of Naval Science and Marine Officer Instructor. During this time, he taught a series of undergraduate military history courses covering the evolution of warfare in past and present conflicts.

Victor graduated from Villanova University with a degree in Business Administration and holds a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business.



Victor Onyilor Achem

Researcher, University of Ibadan
Victor Achem is a doctoral researcher at the University of Ibadan, with a first and second degree in sociology from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, and the University of Ibadan. He specialises in social research and data deconstruction, with a focus on informing policy and justifying intervention.



Victor Song

Assistant Professor, Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University
Dr. Victor Song is an assistant professor jointly in Finance and Innovation & Entrepreneurship areas in the Beedie School of Business of Simon Fraser University after working for two years as a research associate in the School of Public Policy, University of Calgary where he earned his dual Ph.D. degree in Economics and Finance as a distinguished doctoral graduate.

His research focuses on Corporate Finance, Industrial Organization, and Innovation and his teaching interests include Corporate Finance, International Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions and Managerial Economics. Victor has earned several teaching excellence awards from Simon Fraser University and University of Calgary, respectively, since he was a doctoral student.



Victor C. Eze

PhD, Research Fellow at IFRA-Nigéria, University of Ibadan
Victor C. Eze is a Research Fellow with French Institute for Research in Africa. He earned his Doctor of Philosophy and Master’s Degree in Communication and Language Art with focus on Political Communication from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. His research interests include media framing, international communication, political communication, crisis/peace communication and China-Africa relations.



Víctor Climent Sanjuán

Profesor Titular de Sociología, Universitat de Barcelona
-Doctor en Sociología por la Universidad de Barcelona y Licenciado en Ciencias Políticas y Sociología por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.
-Profesor Titular de Universidad
-Vicerector de Relaciones Laborales de la UB desde enero de 2021
-Consejero del Consell de Treball, Econòmic i Social de Catalunya (CTESC) desde octubre 2019.
-Investigador en 2 proyectos europeos y 4 proyectos estatales de I+D.
-Autor de numerosas publicaciones científicas. Las 3 últimas publicaciones datan de 2020 y 2021 (CIS, Revista Izquierdas y Revista Educar) y entre 2015 y 2021 ha editado 8 publicaciones indexadas; 6 artículos y 2 capítulos de libro en un monográfico (CIS y Palgrave Macmillan). Código Orcid: 0000-0003-0175-4341.
-Ponente en cuatro congresos internacionales: Barcelona (2016), Valencia (2014), Paris (2014) y México (2013). Y profesor invitado en las Universidades de Sao Paulo (2019), Católica de Chile (2018) y Buenos Aires (2017).



Victor Dos Santos Paulino

Professeur associé en management de l'innovation et stratégie, Chaire Sirius, TBS Education
Victor DOS SANTOS PAULINO enseigne le management de l’innovation et la stratégie à la TBS Education.

Il exerce régulièrement des responsabilités pédagogiques dans des formations en lien avec le management de l’innovation et les activités spatiales.

Il est membre du RRI (Réseau de Recherche sur l’Innovation) et du comité éditorial des revues Innovations (Journal of Innovation Economics & Management Innovations, Revue d'économie et de management de l'innovation).

Ses recherches traitent du thème de l’innovation à la fois sous l’angle méso (ex. dynamiques industrielles et des marchés) et l’angle micro (ex. stratégies, changements organisationnels). Depuis 2003, il est co-directeur de la Chaire SIRIUS ce qui lui a permis de développer une forte expertise dans le secteur spatial.

Il publie ses travaux dans des revues scientifiques de rang international et il a écrit le livre : Trajectoires d'innovation dans l'industrie spatiale.

Il encadre plusieurs thèses de doctorat.



Victor Martínez de Albéniz

Profesor de IESE en operaciones, información y tecnología, IESE Business School (Universidad de Navarra)
Víctor Martínez de Albéniz is a full professor in IESE’s Department of Production, Technology and Operations Management.

He joined IESE in 2004 after earning a Ph.D. at the Operations Research Center of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and an engineering degree at École Polytechnique in France.

His research is on broad operations management. He started his career working on procurement and supply issues, where a balanced sourcing portfolios can provide low cost, flexibility, and innovation opportunities. He has spent the last 15 years working on retail topics, where he has developed models for fashion trends (apparel, music, etc.) and optimized operations in volatile markets. He is currently interested in the interface of firm operations with consumers, and this includes the design of retail touchpoints, the management of experiences, and the use of repeated interactions to drive consumer behavior.

His work has been published in journals such as Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing and Services Operations Management, or Production and Operations Management. He has received support by the European Research Council (ERC), the Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness, and La Caixa foundation. In 2015 he was awarded the Sabadell Herrero prize for Economic Research and in 2018 the MSOM Young Scholar Prize. He is also a Department Editor of Management Science and has been a member of the editorial boards of Manufacturing and Services Operations Management, and Production and Operations Management.

In addition, Prof. Martínez de Albéniz teaches IESE courses on operations management, operations strategy, advanced methods for operations and new product development, both at the executive and MBA levels. He has also taught at other schools such as MIT, MDE (Côte d’Ivoire) or the Indian School of Business.



Victor R. Lee

Associate Professor of Learning Sciences and Technology Design in Education, Stanford University
My academic career has examined the future possibilities for STEM Education that could be made accessible in current learning spaces. This has involved research and design work that has been in school, libraries, museums, online, and at home. I have been recognized with the three top distinctions in my field for early career research (NSF CAREER Award, National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Fellowship, and the AERA Jan Hawkins Award). Currently, I serve as president of the International Society of the Learning Sciences.



Victoria Barnes

Reader in Commercial Law, Brunel University London
Dr Victoria Barnes is Reader in Commercial Law at Brunel University London. Her research examines contract, commercial and corporate law from transnational, comparative and interdisciplinary perspectives. She unpicks pivotal historic events, such as landmark cases, and place them in context. Global actors, such as judges, lawyers, and other influential figures, including CEOs, feature heavily in her work often as catalysts for socio-legal change. She has published around 40 journal articles and book chapters on these themes.



Victoria Bateman

Fellow in Economic History, University of Cambridge
Victoria is author of the book “Naked Feminism: Breaking the Cult of Female Modesty”, published in March 2023. She has published extensively on economics, economic history and feminism, has written for Bloomberg, has appeared on the BBC and ITV, and has spoken at the Hay Festival, the Bradford Literary Festival, The Festival of Ideas, and The House of Literature (Oslo). Her previous books include “The Sex Factor: How Women made the West Rich”, and she is the resident economic historian on the BBC Radio 4 series “Understand: the economy”.

Aside from her writing and public speaking, Victoria is also known for using her body in art and protest to challenge the assumptions and stigma surrounding women’s bodies. Her naked portraits have been displayed at the Mall Galleries in London (2014 & 2019) and at Girton College, Cambridge, and she has delivered live naked performances on stage at Dartington Literary Festival, at the Cambridge Junction theatre and at Chester Diversity Festival - as well as making appearances on the topic of feminist economics at DEFRA and the ONS in nothing more than a handful of banknotes.

For further information on Victoria, see her website



Victoria Brookes

Lecturer in Epidemiology and One Health, University of Sydney
Dr Brookes’ research focuses on using field and epidemiologic methods to promote evidence-based practice in One Health, particularly emerging and neglected infectious diseases. She has extensive research experience using methods such as risk assessment and disease modelling for the development of strategies for disease preparedness, including prevention, detection, and response. Dr Brookes has led several projects including One Health for health promotion strategies in the Southeast Asian and Oceanic regions, One Health capacity building in the Pacific region, and One Health on Country: making a difference to animals and their people in remote Indigenous communities in Australia. She is also involved in epidemiologic research of a range of diseases including rabies, Hendra virus, African swine fever, and Japanese Encephalitis virus.



Victoria Canning

My research broadly includes impacts of and responses to sexual violence, conflict related abuse and torture. I am particularly interested in the effects of these on women seeking asylum, specifically in relation to accessing support in key dispersal areas.

I am currently researching the impacts and harms of the British asylum system on women seeking asylum in Merseyside, including the harms of immigration detention and wider forms of structural violence. Findings from this, and my previous research, will be published in my first monograph in 2016.

European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control (Board Member)
Sociology of Rights Group British Sociological Association (Law, Crime and Rights conference convener)
Prisons, Punishment and Detention Working Group (Co-ordinator)
Merseyside Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre (Board Member)
Research interests

Recent publications
Books and Book Chapters
Canning, V. (forthcoming – expected 2016) Asylum, Gender and State Power: Harm and Structural Violence in the British Asylum System Oxon: Routledge.

Canning, V (ed.) (2014) Sites of Confinement: Prisons, Punishment and Detention, European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control Publishing.

Canning, V. (2011) Who’s human? Developing sociological understandings of the rights of women raped in conflict, in Hynes, P., Lamb, M., Short, D. and Waites, M. (eds.) Sociology and Human Rights London: Routledge.

Journal Articles
Canning, V. (2015) Unsilencing Sexual Torture: Responses to Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Denmark, British Journal of Criminology, Online First:

Canning, V. (2014a) International Conflict, Sexual Violence and Asylum Policy: Merseyside as a Case Study, Critical Social Policy, February 2014, Vol. 34, Issue 1: 23-45.

Canning, V. (2014b) Women, Asylum and the Harms of Detention Criminal Justice Matters December 2014, Vol. 98.

Canning, V. (2011) Women Seeking Sanctuary: Questioning State Responses to Violence against Women in the Asylum System, Criminal Justice Matters September 2011, Vol. 85.

Canning, V. (2010) Who’s human? Developing sociological understandings of the rights of women raped in conflict, International Journal of Human Rights Vol. 14, nos 6-7, 847-862.

Wider Publications

Canning, V. (2014a) Violence in Britain: Behind the Wire at Immigration Removal Centres, The Conversation, available at last accessed 26/08/2014.

Canning, V. (2014b) Interview: Amnesty International Finds Global Torture ‘Flourishing’ available at May 2014.

Canning, V. (2013) Illusions of Freedom: The Paradox of Border Confinement, Oxford University Border Criminologies available last accessed 17/02/2014.

Canning, V. (2011a) Policy or Practice? Exploring Support for Conflict Rape Survivors Seeking Asylum in Merseyside, Asylum Aid: Women’s Asylum News June 2011.

Canning, V. (2011b) Transcending Conflict: Exploring Sexual Violence Support for Women Seeking Asylum in Merseyside, PhD Thesis (awarded March 2012).
Conference Participation: Selected



Victoria Cooper2

Lecturer in Social Policy and Criminology, The Open University
I joined the Open University in 2015 as a Lecturer in Social Policy and Criminology.

I am the Co-director of the International Centre for Comparative Criminological Research (ICCCR), which is an interdisciplinary, cross-faculty research centre concerned with developing and supporting research projects and papers that think critically about problems of crime and justice. The ICCCR works in partnership with the Centre of Criminal Justice Studies (CCJS).

My research focuses on homelessness in relation to: housing, hostels, the criminal justice system, community punishment and geographical displacement. I am interested in how society contains and manages homeless groups through these various institutions. Currently, I am looking at the relationship between welfare reforms, the rise in evictions and homelessness. I have led on research projects commissioned by homeless charities and local authorities. Prior to working in Universities, I worked as a practitioner in housing and homelessness.



Victoria Garfield

Senior Research Fellow in Genetic Epidemiology, UCL
I am a Senior Research Fellow in Genetic Epidemiology at UCL, where I completed my PhD in 2018. I have a degree in Psychology and a master's degree in Research Methods. In my current role I focus on research around why people with poorer sleep are more likely to have more health problems in later life, and I also work on trying to understand why people with diabetes and/or high blood pressure may be more likely to have dementia in later life.



Victoria Honeyman

Lecturer in British Politics, University of Leeds

Since completing my PhD here at the University of Leeds in 2005, I have taught on a wide range of modules. My primary specialism is British Politics, with a particular specialism in British foreign policy. I have written extensively on the foreign policy objectives of both the Conservative and Labour Parties. I am also the BISA Foreign Policy Working Group Convenor. My PhD was a critical biography of the Labour MP Richard Crossman and was published in 2007.

I am module leader for the third year module British Foreign Policy and the first year British Politics module. I also teach on the second year modules Approaches to Political Science and British Central Government. I have previously run the third year Britain and the EU module and the Political Corruption module. In addition to working in POLIS I have also taught in the School of History and worked at the University of Salford for several years running their second year Labour Party History module.

Much of my current research is focused on British Foreign Policy. I have recently published an article entitled ‘Liberal Interventionism to Liberal Conservatism; the short road in foreign policy from Blair to Cameron’ in British Politics journal. I also organised a conference entitled ‘Britain and the Wider World’, held at the University of Leeds in July 2015, focusing on the importance of personal relationship in bi-lateral foreign policy. The papers from this conference will become a journal special edition.

I am also working on an article on Conservative foreign policy under Hague, Iain Duncan Smith and Michael Howard and am planning to begin writing in the near future on Britain’s development aid programme.



Victoria Minson

Lecturer and Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Birth to Five Years) (Accelerated) Course Coordinator, Australian Catholic University



Victoria Pham

PhD Candidate in Biological Anthropology, University of Cambridge
Spanning art, technology and science, Victoria Pham is an Australian artist, evolutionary biologist, writer and composer. She is based between Paris and Sydney. Originally trained as an archaeologist, she is a current PhD candidate in Biological Anthropology at the University of Cambridge, St John's College.

Victoria is represented by the Australian Music Centre as an Associate Artist where a collection of her scores are available. She is the Artistic Director of FABLE ARTS, lead artist in the RE:SOUNDING project with James Nguyen, co-lead artist in the collective SONANT BODIES with James Hazel, and host and producer of podcast series DECLASSIFY.

Her works have been performed, exhibited and commissioned across Australia, the United States of America, the United Kingdom and France. She has been commissioned by and exhibited in a number of galleries and ensembles such as the TATE Britain, the Sydney Opera House, Australian Contemporary Centre for Art (ACCA), Art Gallery of New South Wales, Arts House Melbourne, the Anna Schwartz Gallery, the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and Campbelltown Arts Centre, amongst others. She has featured as a lead artist in international art festivals, including VIVID (2015-16), TINA (2018), Tilde: New Sounds (2019), BLEED (2020) and ANTIDOTE (2022), amongst others.

As an evolutionary biologist and archaeologist, her specialisation is in bioacoustics, the evolution of sound-signalling and acoustic mapping technologies. Victoria has worked with several international museums and institutions such as the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, and has conducted solo fieldwork around the world.

Her artistic practice is driven by explorations into the sonic connections across nature; practices of decolonisation and listening deeply. The hallmark of her interdisciplinary practice is her belief that a partnership with Nature is fundamental, and that Nature is a collaborator to her design, research and sound-based work. Victoria continues to pursue her work in biodesign through research into bioacoustics and mycology which inform the cross-form approaches that structure her creative process.



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