

Victoria Tanimonure

Associate Professor, Obafemi Awolowo University



Victoria White

Professor of Pyscho-Oncology, School of Psychology, Deakin University
Victoria White is a Professor (Psych-Oncology) in the School of Psychology and is a co-director of Deakin University’s recently established Carer Hub, a research centre focusing on improving outcomes for those caring for someone with cancer.

She has over 25 years’ experience in cancer control and oncology research, working across a range of cancer related behaviours including smoking uptake, alcohol use, understanding treatment patterns for different cancers and uptake and utility of supportive care programs for people affected by cancer. She has substantial experience in conducting systematic reviews and her research has utilised a range of research designs including randomised control trials, longitudinal and cross-sectional research designs.

She is a member of Cancer Council Victoria’s Medical and Scientific: Standing Research Sub-Committee (Deputy Chair since 2023). She is also a reviewer/panel member for grant schemes run by Australian Research Council, National Breast Cancer Foundation, South Australia’s Medical Research Institute, Cancer Australia’s Priority driven Grant scheme.

Professor White has published over 200 articles in peer-reviewed journals, with 15% of publications ranked in the top 10% most cited publications worldwide. In addition, she has authored more than 120 reports for state and federal governments, non-government and cancer advocacy organisations and health services, showing the impact of her work at a policy/practice level. Her work has been cited more than 11550 times across 115 countries.



Victoria Wilkinson

Assistant professor in Occupational Therapy, University of Bradford
I am an assistant professor in Occupational Therapy (OT), I have been lecturing at the University of Bradford since 2016 and I have undertaken many leadership roles over the years. My PhD is investigating the occupational behaviours of professional football players to inform the development of an occupational therapy preventative intervention. My PhD is in its final stages. My PhD includes four studies; first a literature review was conducted to identify gaps in professional football research regarding wellbeing support, subsequently a cross sectional survey of 74 professional football players was completed. My third study was two case studies with elite athletes and finally I conducted a Delphi study to gain a consensus of experts’ opinions in the development of an occupational therapy preventative intervention.

The Royal College of Occupational Therapy awarded me a grant to complete a scoping study before commencing my PhD and last year I presented my findings at the RCOT annual conference.

I have (and still am) supervising occupational therapy students conducting research with different populations of emerging adulthood. This stage of development I find particularly interesting as the majority of the students I teach, and research fall into this category. Previous research I have completed was developing a placement assessment criterion, for occupational therapy students.



Victoria (Vicky) McArthur

Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, Carleton University
Vicky McArthur is a researcher who studies game design, immersive documentary, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR). She is the co-director of MARVEL (the Mixed and Augmented Reality and Virtual Environments Lab) where she works with motion capture, 360 cameras, and mixed reality technologies.



Victoria Elizabeth Roper

Associate Professor in Law/Solicitor, Northumbria University, Newcastle
Dr Victoria Roper is a qualified solicitor (currently non-practising) and an Associate Professor in Law at Northumbria University, Newcastle.

Victoria completed her doctorate on the topic of corporate manslaughter and has published in various academic journals about the subject. She is regularly asked to advise other jurisdictions introducing similar offences.

Legal education is Victoria's other area of research. She is Chair of the Law Society's for England and Wale's Education and Training Committee and a Deputy Editor of the Law Teacher journal.



Victoria Florence Sperring

Research Officer, Monash University
Rohan works in the School of Biological Sciences at Monash University.

Rohan's research areas of interest are:

Marine vertebrate ecology
Ecology, conservation and management of Australian birds
Avian pathogens and bird migration in Torres Strait



Victoria J E Jones

Assistant Professor of Arts, Design and Social Science, Northumbria University, Newcastle
I am an interdisciplinary artist, designer and human geography researcher, currently Assistant Professor Arts, Design and Social Science at Northumbria University.

I am predominantly interested in the waiting body, and have researched: workers waiting through furlough, waiting in queues during the COVID-19 pandemic, waiting in the Queen’s lying in state queue and astronauts waiting for space launch. Acts of waiting are indicative of the conditions that surround them, but I am also fascinated by how waiting is felt spatially, emotionally and sensorially by individuals.



Victoria L. Rubin

Associate Professor & Director of the Language & Information Technology Research Lab (LiT.RL), Western University
Victoria L. Rubin is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Information and Media Studies and the Director of the Language and Information Technologies Research Lab (LiT.RL) at the University of Western Ontario. She specializes in information retrieval and natural language processing techniques that enable analyses of texts to identify, extract, and organize structured knowledge. She studies complex human information behaviors that are, at least partly, expressed through language such as deception, uncertainty, credibility, and emotions. Her research on Deception Detection and Automated News Verification has been published in several core workshops on these topics, in prominent information science and computational linguistics conferences, as well as the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. Her project entitled Digital Deception Detection: Identifying Deliberate Misinformation in Online News was funded by the Government of Canada Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Grant. In her recent textbook "Misinformation and Disinformation: Detecting Fakes with the Eye and AI," Rubin (2022) puts forward a package of countermeasures to disrupt the mis- and disinformation spread (see



Victoria Melkisedeck Lihiru

Lecturer, Faculty of Law, The Open University of Tanzania
Victoria Melkisedeck Lihiru holds a doctorate and master’s degree in law in human rights, constitutional law, and regional integration.



Victoria Puchal Terol

Profesora y Coordinadora de las Especialidades de Lengua Extranjera y Lengua y Literatura Española en el Máster Universitario de Profesorado de la Universidad Internacional de Valencia (VIU), Universidad Internacional de Valencia
Victoria Puchal es doctora en Lengua, Literatura y Cultura Inglesa por la Universidad de Valencia (2020). Sus principales líneas de investigación son el teatro popular y la literatura decimonónica y los estudios culturales y de género del siglo XIX. Actualmente es profesora y coordinadora de las especialidades de Lengua Extranjera y Lengua y Literatura Española en el Máster Universitario en Formación del Profesorado en la Universidad Internacional de Valencia (VIU). Además, forma parte del Grupo de Investigación “Literature, Arts and Performance” (GIUV2017-354) de la UV y participa como equipo de trabajo en el proyecto de investigación “Orientation” (FFI2017-86417-P).



Vidhura S. Tennekoon

Assistant Professor of Economics, Indiana University
Vidhura S Tennekoon is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis. Vidhura earned his BSc degree in Engineering from the University of Peradeniya and an MBA from the University of Colombo in Sri Lanka where he is originally from. He earned an MSc degree in Economics and Econometrics with Distinction from the University of Nottingham, UK. During 2008 to 2012, Vidhura attended Washington State University and received a PhD in economics. Before joining IUPUI in 2014, Vidhura worked at the Departments of Economics of the University of Oklahoma and Eastern Washington University where he taught several undergraduate and graduate economics courses. He also has professional experience as a central banker.



Vidia A. Gokool

Postdoctoral Researcher, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
I have spent years studying the composition and expression of human scent from its use as a forensic identifier to the underlying indications it yields about human health. I completed my doctoral studies at Florida International University where I established an instrumental method (using gas chromatography- mass spectrometry) that allows human scent samples to be associated to one another. Further development of tools like these will eventually allow us to quantify the similarity between two samples of human scent evidence and say how similar or dissimilar they are to one another.



Vidyasagar Potdar

Senior Research Fellow, School of Information Systems, Curtin University

I have a mix of academic and industry project experience.

In the first five years of my employment at Curtin University I was involved in a lot of Industry Funded Projects, where I had to understand the industry problems and propose a solution.

I was involved in researching in diverse areas based upon the industry partners needs and develop solutions with my team of PhD students.

This has resulted in me gaining a lot of experience in a lot of different areas, which is quite unique to me as a researcher since most other researchers are focussed on a very limited research areas.

Further all my research so far has been of practical nature, with real world applications.

My expertise is in the following areas:
1. Information Security, Anti-Spam, Cyber Security, Steganography, Digital Watermarking
2. Wireless Sensor Networks, Smart Grids, Cyber Physical Systems, Internet of Things
3. Low Cost Housing/Construction, Decision Support Systems for Construction Material Selection
4. Consumer Engagement, Data Quality, Social Media, User Contribution Measurement
5. Big Data, Data Analytics
6. Business Sustainability, Aviation Emissions



Vijay Janapa Reddi

John L. Loeb Associate Professor of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University



Vikaas Sohal

Professor of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco
Vikaas has always been fascinated by how complex behavior emerges from systems composed of seemingly simple units or rules. He grew up in Idaho, studied Applied Mathematics as an undergrad Harvard (where he worked with Mike Hasselmo) then completed Part III of the Maths Tripos at Cambridge. He did his MD/PhD at Stanford, working in the lab of John Huguenard. Vikaas stayed at Stanford to complete residency training in psychiatry. During this time, he worked in the lab of Karl Deisseroth, and published one of the early papers using optogenetics to study cortical circuits. This study showed that feedback inhibition from parvalbulmin interneurons is sufficient to generate gamma oscillations, and that gamma oscillations can enhance the flow of information through cortical circuits. Vikaas arrived at UCSF and started the lab in 2010. He is also a board-certified psychiatrist and continues to see psychiatric outpatients. In his ample free time, Vikaas enjoys watching TV with his daughters, yelling at referees during his son's soccer games, and debating the relative merits of various take-out options with his wife.



Vikki McLeod

PhD Graduate, Centre for Clean Energy Technologies and Practices, Queensland University of Technology
Areas of Interest: Energy Transitions, energy and environmental markets, Distributed Energy Resources (DER) integration, demand flexibility trading, non-traditional energy business models, creating investment environments for technology and business model innovation, carbon abatement strategy, energy affordability and energy security. Tertiary qualified in Engineering with higher degrees in energy policy, business, management and corporate governance.



Vikki Thompson

Senior Research Associate in Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol
Vikki Thompson is a researcher in the Geography department of Bristol University. Her work focuses on heat extremes, and their impacts on human health. She currently works in the Climate Dynamics Group.

Previously, she has worked for the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and prior to that the Met Office Hadley Centre. She researches the emergence of climate extremes in models, focusing on human health related extremes such as temperature and humidity related events.



Vikram Visana

Lecturer in Political Theory, University of Leicester
I joined the School of History, Politics and International Relations as a Lecturer in Political Theory in May 2022. Before this, I was a Dahlem Postdoctoral Fellow at the Free University of Berlin and worked as a historian of political thought at the Universities of Huddersfield and Edinburgh. At Leicester, I'm also the Admissions Tutor for Politics & International Relations.

My major research to date has focussed on Indian liberalism with my first book, Uncivil Liberalism: Labour, Capital and Commercial Society in Dadabhai Naoroji's Political Thought (2022) exploring the contribution of Indian liberalism to global ideas of sociality and political economy. I have since worked on article-length pieces on the political thought of the founder of Hindu nationalism, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. More recently, my second book-length project has turned to political emotion and republicanism in the political theory of the Global South with a particular focus on humiliation as a form of political domination.



Vikrant Panwar

Senior Climate and Disaster Risk Finance Specialist, ODI
Vikrant is a Senior Climate and Disaster Risk Finance Specialist in ODI’s Global Risks and Resilience programme, working primarily on disaster and climate risk financing and economics of disasters and climate change. He has experience in researching macro-fiscal implications of disasters and other climate risks at sovereign and sub-sovereign levels, including estimation of direct and indirect economic and non-economic impact of disasters and physical climate risks, and econometric analysis and actionable research on risk financing and DRM. He has experience of working with government institutions in developing countries and private sector organisations operating in the risk finance and resilient infrastructure space.

Vikrant has a doctoral degree in economics with specialisation in estimating macro-fiscal impacts of disasters and policy research on disaster risk financing strategy. He also carries a Master’s degree with finance major. Vikrant has multiple publications under his name published in peer-reviewed journals and books.



Viktoria Cologna

Postdoctoral Researcher, Swiss Institute for Advanced Study, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich



Viktoriia Lapa

Lecturer, Institute for European Policymaking, Bocconi University
Viktoriia Lapa is a Lecturer in the Department of Law at Bocconi University, Milan and an Affiliated Scholar at the Center for Constitutional Studies and Democratic Development, Bologna. She obtained her Ph.D. from Bocconi University. Her research interests cover national security in international trade law, Euroatlantic integration commitments within constitutions and Ukraine's EU accession.



Viktoriia Medvied

PhD researcher, School of English, University of St Andrews
Viktoriia Medvied (she, her, hers) is a Ph.D. student in Creative Writing and Modern Languages at the University of St Andrews. Her research is about writing Ukrainian children’s literature after February 2022 and the translation of the unspeakable into language through cognitive metaphor, narrative psychology, fairytale, and bibliotherapy. Other research interests include multilingualism in Ukrainian children’s literature, specifically the use of surzhyk, a speech practice* mixing Russian and Ukrainian that is underrepresented in young adult prose. Viktoriia is a published author for children in Ukrainian and translates contemporary Ukrainian children’s literature into English.



Ville Friman

I am an evolutionary biologist interested in eco-evolutionary dynamics of species interactions in multi-trophic communities. I conduct my research by the way of experimental evolution in laboratory microcosms with various microbes including bacteria, bacteriophages and protists. I am specifically interested in understanding the interplay between environment and ecology in determining the evolution of species interactions and how rapid adaptation might affect the composition, stability and ecosystem functioning of complex microbial communities.

Studying adaptation in real time

Experimental evolution is study of evolution in real time. The method involves culturing replicate populations of study species, such as microbes, in defined laboratory environments for hundreds or thousands of generations. The experimenter will control the environmental conditions but does not directly impose the selection. Instead, selection results from the “struggle for existence” between individuals within each population, and thus, selection is natural.

I use various species of bacteria, protists and phages as my study species. These microorganisms have inherently large population sizes and short generation times that favour rapid evolution. Species can be further cryopreserved in suspended animation, which allows direct comparisons between evolved, ancestral and control populations. Many microorganisms have relatively simple and well-understood genomes, which allow both genetic manipulation and identification of the genetic targets for selection.

Current projects

Eco-evolutionary dynamics of predator-prey and host-parasite interactions in complex communities
Microbial community responses to environmental change
Cascading effects of antibiotics in multi-trophic microbial communities
Trophic interactions and the maintenance of within-species cooperation
Phage therapy in clinical and agricultural contexts



Vilma A. Tripodoro

Dra en Medicina Paliativa e Investigadora Senior, Universidad de Navarra
Doctora en Medicina. Salud Bienestar y calidad de vida Universidad de Vic-Central de Cataluña, España
Especialista en Medicina Interna y Medicina Paliativa.
Investigadora Senior de ATLANTES Global Observatory of Palliative Care-Centro Colaborador de la OMS Instituto de Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad de Navarra España
Premio Eduardo Bruera ALCP 2022 a la investigación en Latinoamérica
Ex-Jefa de departamento de Cuidados Paliativos del Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas Alfredo Lanari, Universidad de Buenos Aires , Argentina
Miembro de la Comisión Directiva Pallium Latinoamérica (Asociación Civil) Argentina
Coordinadora de la RED-In-Pal de investigaciones Pallium
Executive Committee member of "The International Collaborative for the best care for the dying person".
Ex presidente Asociación Argentina de Medicina y Cuidados Paliativos 2008-2010
Trabaja en Docencia e Investigación en Cuidados Paliativos en Argentina y España
Scopus Author ID: 25422772700
ResearcherID: M-6540-2019



Vince Benigni

Professor of Strategic Communication, College of Charleston
Vince Benigni has four decades of experience in mass/digital media and strategic communication. He has taught a variety of courses in those fields as a Professor of Communication to both undergraduate and graduate students. He has served as the College's Faculty Athletics Representative (12 years) and his department's Graduate Director (five years) among his appointments, and received the College's Distinguished Service Award in 2015. He has also authored a number of guest columns that have appeared in various news outlets.



Vince Gaffney

Anniversary Chair in Landscape Archaeology, University of Bradford
Following postgraduate studies at Reading Professor Gaffney has gained an international profile in archaeological and heritage research. His current research projects include mapping the inundated landscapes of the Southern North Sea, agent-based modelling of the battle of Manzikert (1071) in Anatolia and the “Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes” Project - where he leads the UK team creating 3D and virtual imaging of the largely unmapped world heritage landscape. Other recent fieldwork has included a major project investigating Roman Wroxeter, survey of Diocletian’s mausoleum in Split, the wetland landscape of the river Cetina (Croatia), fieldwork in Italy centred on the Roman town at Forum Novum, historic landscape characterisation at Fort Hood (Texas) and internet mapping of the Mundo Maya region.

Professor Gaffney has received national and international awards for his work including the European Heritage Prize for contributions to global heritage and the Queen's Anniversary Prize for Higher Education. His work on inundated marine landscapes received the 2007 award for Heritage Presentation at the British Association for the Advancement of Science. His book “Europe’s Lost World” was awarded the “Best Publication” prize at the British Archaeological Awards in 2010.



Vincent Fournier

Professeur au Département de communication sociale et publique, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Vincent Fournier est professeur au Département de communication sociale et publique de l’Université du Québec à Montréal. Détenteur d’un doctorat en anthropologie, ses intérêts de recherche sont l’étude de la production et de la commercialisation du vin, la mondialisation de l’alimentation et les pratiques de socialisation en ligne. Vincent Fournier s’intéresse aussi à l’étude du comportement des consommateurs à travers les approches interprétatives. Après son doctorat, il a développé une pratique privée en marketing ethnographique et a travaillé en publicité, ce qui l’a amené à être engagé pour enseigner au sein du programme de communication marketing de l’UQAM. Amateur de vin, il a développé avec son frère Mathieu le site internet Il demeure toujours actif dans le monde du vin au Québec. Ses recherches actuelles portent, entre autres, sur l’étude anthropologique de la culture et l’industrie du vin dans la vallée de l’Okanagan en Colombie-Britannique (Canada).



Vincent Georgie

Marketing Faculty, Odette School of Business, University of Windsor
Vincent is Executive Director and Chief Programmer of the Windsor International Film Festival (WIFF).

He joined the Board of Directors of WIFF in 2009 and served as Director of Marketing. In 2013, he was appointed Executive Director & Chief Programmer. WIFF is the largest volunteer-run film festival in Canada, an official partner of the Toronto International Film Festival, and now welcomes an audience of 45,000+ to Windsor-Essex annually. Vincent was invited to jury TIFF's annual Canada's Top 10, in 2023.

Dr Georgie proudly joined the University of Windsor in 2009, where he has served as Associate-Vice President External (2020-2023), proudly opening the historic Armouries as Director of the School of Creative Arts (2017-2020), leading the Odette MBA Program (2013-2017) and continues his permanent role as a professor of Marketing (since 2009) and returns to lead the School of Creative Arts later in April 2024.

Vincent's research interests are:
Marketing of Arts and Culture
Film and Film festivals
Cultural leadership
Awards campaigns and film industry marketing strategy
Consumer behaviour
Consumption and materialism

Originally from Montréal, Dr Georgie holds a PhD in Marketing.



Vincent La Placa

Associate Professor of Public Health and Policy and Associate Head of School for Student Success, University of Greenwich
Dr Vincent La Placa joined the University of Greenwich in 2010 and specialises in global public health and wellbeing; design and implementation of health-related behaviour change segmentations; and social theory and research methodologies. He previously worked as a Research Consultant for the Department of Health (DH) [now DHSC], where he managed the qualitative strand of the "Healthy Foundations (HF) Life-stage Segmentation Model": one of the largest pieces of qualitative research funded by DH.

Dr La Placa, as Associate Professor of Public Health and Policy and Associate Head of School for Student Success, is strategically responsible for maximising student academic outcomes and learning and teaching experiences across the School of Human Sciences (HMS), University of Greenwich; and has previously presented research on international student recruitment to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). Prior to this, he was a Research Manager for a leading UK student accommodation provider, where he designed strategic research and insight, to enhance the student experience of accommodation and its impact upon student outcomes.

Dr La Placa has presented research at a variety of national and international conferences and is also an Honorary Fellow of the Eurasia Teaching and Research Association (TERA). He co-edited the book, “Wellbeing: Policy and Practice”, with Anneyce Knight and Allan McNaught, published in 2014. He has recently co-edited the book, “Social Science Perspectives on Global Public Health”, with Julia Morgan, published in 2023. He is currently co-editing a new book, called "Comparative Perspectives on Health and Social Care Policy and Practice Across OECD Countries" with Julia Morgan, due to be published by Routledge in 2024.



Vincent Pasquier

Professeur en GRH et relations professionnelles, HEC Montréal
Vincent Pasquier est professeur à HEC Montréal. Après avoir travaillé plusieurs années en France comme consultant pour les comités d’entreprise, il a obtenu un doctorat à Grenoble Ecole de Management.

Sa recherche porte sur le renouveau de la démocratie sociale au travers des nouvelles technologies. Elle interroge comment les nouveaux outils du numériques peuvent favoriser une plus large participation des salariés au dialogue social. Elle questionne également la manière dont les syndicats s’emparent d’outils qui viennent bousculer frontalement leur rôle d’intermédiaire politique.

En parallèle de ses travaux sur la démocratie sociale 2.0, il s’intéresse également à la l’économie du partage et à son potentiel créateur de nouvelles solidarités.



Vincent Raoult

Senior lecturer in marine ecology, Griffith University
I am an ecologist with a broad interest in how ecological processes can be used to achieve better conservation and management of threatened communities. As an expert with the use of stable isotopes as an ecological tool, I have used novel approaches to examine ecological interactions from species to ecosystems. I have strong interests in fisheries management, with a particular focus on sharks and rays. I strive to develop novel methodologies to answer or improve on numerous research issues using cutting-edge techniques including drones. I have worked in a variety of environments, from terrestrial aquaria to coral reefs to remote seas in Tasmania.



Vincenzo Bove

Professor in Political Science, University of Warwick
I am Professor of Political Science in the Department of Politics and International Studies (PAIS) of the University of Warwick.
I am currenty the Principal Investigator for an ESRC funded project on "The Effect of Terrorism on Public Attitudes and Individual Well-being in Great Britain".
My research has been funded by the AXA Research Fund, the British Academy, the ESRC, the Folke Bernadotte Academy, the Swedish Research Council, UNU-WIDER and the World Bank.
I have held teaching and research appointments at the University of Essex, the University of Genoa, the University of Naples "Federico II", Ca' Foscari University of Venice, IMT Lucca and Sciences Po, Paris.
In my pre-academic life, I served as an officer in the Italian Navy, principally working in anti-submarine warfare.
Fields: Civil-Military Relations, Defence Economics, International Migration, Military Interventions, Terrorism.



Vindhya Weeratunga

Lecturer, School of Business, Australian Defence Force Academy
I am a Lecturer in the School of Business at UNSW, Canberra. I teach both undergraduate (Organisational Behaviour) and postgraduate courses (People and Systems, Driving Performance) and undertake research mainly in the field of human resource management.

I am an HR practitioner / CEO turned academic. I draw upon my professional experience in people management to inform my research and increase the relevance and robustness of it. I have an emerging record of research excellence, working independently and collaboratively with researchers in Australia, the US, and the UK. My current research projects deal with employee engagement, well-being, future of work, HR practices and different demographic groups, in Australia, Sri Lanka, and the US.



Vineet Thakur

Assistant Professor, International Relations, Leiden University
Vineet Thakur is a university lecturer at the Institute for History, Leiden University. He writes on international relations, South Asia and southern Africa.



Vinood B. Patel

Professor in Clinical Biochemistry, University of Westminster

Dr Vinood B. Patel BSc, PhD, FHEA, FRSC is a Professor in Clinical Biochemistry at the University of Westminster. Dr Patel graduated from the University of Portsmouth with a degree in Pharmacology and completed his PhD in protein metabolism from King’s College London in 1997 and post doctoral studies at Wake Forest University Medical School, USA. He presently directs studies on metabolic pathways involved in diabetes and liver disease, particularly related to mitochondrial energy regulation and cell death. Research is being undertaken to study the role of nutrients, antioxidants, phytochemicals, iron, alcohol and fatty acids. Other areas of interest include identifying new biomarkers that can be used for diagnosis and prognosis of liver disease, understanding mitochondrial oxidative stress in Alzheimers disease. Dr Patel has edited biomedical books in the area of diet, nutrition and health prevention, biomarkers, has published over 150 articles. He was elected to the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2014.



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