

Paula Holland

Senior Lecturer in Public Health, Lancaster University
My research focusses on: the relationship between work, disability and health; barriers to disabled people’s employment; and interventions to support disabled workers’ employment, including workplace adjustments. Disabled people have lower employment rates than non-disabled people, and are also more likely to be employed in insecure, lower-skilled and low-paid work. These employment inequities have severe consequences for their financial independence, health and wellbeing, and provide a mechanism for producing and exacerbating social inequalities in health.

I am lead investigator on a study funded by the Nuffield Foundation exploring disabled people's experiences of remote and hybrid working and how employers can design remote/hybrid working to be inclusive of their need and preferences:



Paula Jarzabkowski

Paula Jarzabkowski is a Professor of Strategic Management. Her research focuses on strategy-as-practice in complex contexts, such as regulated firms, third sector organizations and financial services, particularly insurance and reinsurance. Her research in this regard has been foundational in the establishment of the field of strategy-as-practice. She is experienced in qualitative methods, having used a range of research designs, including cross-sectional and longitudinal case studies, and drawing on multiple qualitative data sources including interviews, observation, audio and video ethnographic techniques and archival sources to study private and public sector organizations. In particular, this includes the first global ethnography – a programme of research that included the use of video methods - of the reinsurance industry.

Professor Jarzabkowski’s career has been marked by a series of prestigious fellowships that have enabled her to conduct detailed ethnographic studies of business problems. For example, in 2006-2007, funded by an AIM Ghoshal Fellowship, she conducted an audio-ethnographic longitudinal study of the paradoxical tensions involved in implementing a major strategic shift in a regulated telecommunications firm. From 2009-2012, she held the inaugural Insurance Intellectual Capital Initiative (IICI) fellowship, under which she conducted a 3-year audio and video ethnography of the global reinsurance market, which extended her skills from organisational to industry-level ethnography. From 2012-2014 she held an EC Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship at Cornell University.

Her work has appeared in a number of leading journals including Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies and Organization Studies and in 2005, she published the first book on strategy-as-practice, Strategy as Practice: An Activity-Based Approach (Sage).

In addition, her engagement with industry has made Professor Jarzabkowski skilled in turning academic research into applied outputs, including collaborating with industry in developing research questions, and presenting here research at industry venues and conferences. The relevance of her work was recognised recently with the prestigious 2013 ESRC Outstanding Impact on Business Award.

Professor Jarzabkowski has just released a new book with Oxford University Press, entitled 'Making a Market for Acts of God: The Practice of Risk-Trading in the Global Reinsurance Industry' based on her 3-year ethnographic study of the industry.



Paula Maurutto

Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Toronto
Paula Maurutto is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and holds a cross-appointment at the Centre of Criminology and Sociolegal Studies at the University of Toronto. Her research interests are in the fields of law, criminal justice and punishment, as well as security and surveillance. In the area of preventive security and surveillance, her work questions the extent to which counter-terrorism practices and border controls erode fundamental aspects of justice and reproduce racial hierarchies. She has worked extensively on the use of risk assessments and criminal records in the field of punishment and penal management.



Paula Mayer

Associate Research Scientist, Nursing, Saskatchewan Polytechnic
I have been a Faculty member at Saskatchewan Polytechnic in the Nursing program for the past 9 years. I completed my BN degree with distinction July 2022 after 30 years as a diploma RN in many domains of nursing. I consider myself a baby researcher, but I am part of a fantastic research team studying older adults and my skills are improving in this area all the time.



Paula Murphy

Assistant Professor, School of English, Dublin City University
I am an assistant Professor in the School of English in Dublin City University, specializing in popular film, especially film and technology, and Irish literature and film, with an emphasis on new and marginal voices.

I have just published a book on representations of artificial intelligence in film, AI in the Movies, with Edinburgh University Press, and a number of related journal articles:
- ‘"You Feel Real to Me, Samantha": The Matter of Technology in Spike Jonze's Her’. In Technoculture: An Online Journal of Technology in Society, Vol 7, 2018.
- ‘“Through the Looking Glass”: Bodies of Data in Alex Garland’s Ex-Machina’. Film International, 17.3: 79-85.
-‘‘Writers and Writers of Writers: Creativity and Authorship in the First AI Novel’. Kritikos: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal of Postmodern Cultural Sound, Text and Image. Vol 19, Fall/ Winter, 2023.



Paula Contesse Carvacho

Directora del Máster en Atención Temprana, Universidad Nebrija
Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Máster en Investigación en Educación (UAB) y Máster en Psicopedagogía en la Universidad del Desarrollo de Chile. Formación de grado de Profesora de Educación Primaria y Diferencial con especialidad en Discapacidad Intelectual.
Áreas de investigación y desarrollo académico han sido siempre la diversidad, la inclusión educativa y la discapacidad intelectual tanto en la formación de futuros docentes como en equipos multidisciplinares en escuelas que promueven la inclusión educativa. A lo largo de mi trayectoria laboral me he desempeñado como profesora jefe tanto en escuelas especiales como en colegios regulares en niveles de educación primaria y en proyectos de integración.



Paulina Arroyo Pardo

Professeure titulaire ESG, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Domaines d'expertise :

- Comptabilité de management
- Comptabilité environnementale
- Développement durable
- Gestion de crise
- Organismes de bienfaisance
- Théories des organisations
- Whistleblowing



Paulina Bleah

Nurse Practitioner, PhD Nursing Student, Queen's University, Ontario
I am a 4th year PhD nursing student at Queen’s University, School of Nursing. I completed my undergraduate nursing education and my master in nursing/nurse practitioner at Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University). My PhD research is focused on understanding what it is like to live with diabetes in Liberia. I am particularly interested in how social, economic, political, and historical factors/structures influence the experience of living with diabetes in Liberia. My research interest is fuelled by my experience with global health outreach in Liberia. I am learning how I can use my voice and platform to advocate for policies and programs that support equity-deserving persons living with chronic illnesses.



Paulina Sliwa

Professor of Philosophy, Universität Wien
I'm professor of moral and political philosophy at the University of Vienna.

I received my PhD from MIT in 2012. Before that I read Physics & Philosophy at Balliol College in Oxford.



Pauline Costes

PhD Candidate at MECADEV (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique/Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle), Sorbonne Université
My thesis aims to quantify and explain the variability of elephant trunk behaviour using ethology and biomechanics. In other words, whether at individual, population or species level, can the performance of the trunk, in terms of manipulation, be explained by its behaviour, shape, trajectory, speed or strength? To answer this question, interdisciplinary procedures are used to acquire and analyse data. This project will enrich the discussion around fundamental biological and ecological questions. At the end of the project, thanks to a transfer of knowledge to bio-inspired robotics, all this new data will help to design a prototype prehensile trunk capable of reproducing the movement of the elephant trunk.



Pauline Jones1

Associate Professor in Language in Education, University of Wollongong
Associate Professor Pauline Jones is a researcher and teacher educator in the School of Education at the University of Wollongong. Her research interests are educational linguistics/semiotics, advanced literacy development and disciplinary dialogue.

Her current research focusses on contemporary literacy skills in the disciplines of Science, English and History and how these develop across the years of schooling. She has recently led the Transforming Literacy Outcomes (TRANSLIT) project, a local study of literacy development from preschool to junior secondary. She has also investigated the use of multimodal texts in tertiary science classrooms. Her doctoral students work in a range of areas including multimodality, online learning, classroom discourse studies, literacy development and curriculum in schools and tertiary settings and teacher professional development.

In 2022 she is co-convenor (with Dr Shoshana Dreyfus) of the Interdisciplinary Discourse Analysis in Education, the Arts and Social Sciences (IDEAS) research group. IDEAS is focussed on the application of theories of linguistics and semiotics to a broad range of social issues including climate change and sustainability. Its membership comprises an intergenerational group of scholars from across UOW and beyond who meet fortnightly in a program of seminars, workshops, and student presentations.



Pauline McCallion

Senior Business Editor
Pauline has been a journalist for 18 years, mostly writing about business and finance. After covering the impact of the global financial crisis on UK consumers, she moved to the US in 2008 to write about financial regulation, risk management and energy trading. She is now based in Northern Ireland and joins The Conversation UK after a decade as a freelance writer and editor.



Pauline McGuirk

Senior Professor of Urban Geography, University of Wollongong
I have a BA (Hons) in Geography/History, a Dip. Ed and PhD (1993) in Urban Geography from Dublin University. I am a fellow of the Academic of Social Sciences Australia (awarded 2016). I have been Director of the Australian Centre for Culture, Environment, Society and Space at the University of Wollongong since 2017, having previously been DIrector of the Centre for Urban and Regional Studies at the University of Newcastle, NSW (2006-2016). My research focusses on the changing geographies, practices and politics of urban governance, with a current focus on urban governance innovation. I am a former editor of Progress in Human Geography: an international flagship journal in the discipline.



Pauline Raimondeau

Postdoctoral Associate in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Yale University
Pauline seeks to understand the factors influencing plant evolution and adaptation. She is now working on the evolution of drought tolerance in wild populations of an American widespread flower.



Pauline Roberts

Senior Lecturer in the School of Education, Edith Cowan University
Pauline has a focus on reflection, ePortfolios and technology but also teaches in the leadership area, with a focus on advocacy and workforce issues impacting on the early years.

She has also engaged with research examining the impact of NAPLAN on children’s wellbeing and was honoured to be included in the consortium reviewing the Australian Approved Learning Frameworks.



Pauline Treble

Research Scientist, Environment Research Group, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
Dr Pauline Treble is a research scientist within the Environment research group at ANSTO, where she works with a multi-disciplinary team of atmospheric scientists, hydrologists, groundwater and paleoenvironmental scientists.

Pauline specialises in constructing stalagmite-based paleoclimate and palaeofire records using ANSTO’s Isotope Tracng in Natural Systems and Synchrotron facilities. She has established cave monitoring programs that use caves as a natural laboratory to understand surface to cave drip water processes, develop novel palaeoenvironmental proxies and to track rainfall recharge to groundwater under a changing climate. She supervises Honours and PhD level as well as early career researchers on these projects.



Pauline C. Reinecke

Assistant researcher, University of Hamburg
Pauline Charlotte Reinecke is a doctoral researcher at Hamburg University of Technology. Her research focuses on grand societal challenges related to emerging technologies such as AI and Circular Economy, controversies in discourses around technology development, and processes of technology regulation. Her work has been published in leading management journals such as Journal of Information Technology, Journal of Business Economics and International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management.



Paulo Vasconcelos

Professor, The University of Queensland
Associate Professor Paulo Vasconcelos' research is in the fields of: Low-T Geochemistry, Economic Geology and 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology. He received his PhD from The University of California (Berkeley).



Paulo Sérgio Bernarde

Professor titular, Campus Floresta, Universidade Federal do Acre (UFAC)
Possui graduação em Ciências Biológicas pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina (1996), mestrado em Zoologia pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (1999) e doutorado em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2004).
Atualmente é Professor Titular da Universidade Federal do Acre (Campus Floresta - Cruzeiro do Sul - AC) e docente permanente credenciado nos cursos de Mestrado em em Ciências da Saúde na Amazônia Ocidental da UFAC (Rio Branco - AC) e de Doutorado na Rede de Biodiversidade e Biotecnologia da Amazônia Legal - REDE BIONORTE.
Tem experiência nas áreas de Ecologia e Zoologia com ênfase em herpetologia (anuros, lagartos e serpentes), Etnoecologia e em Animais de Interesse na Saúde.



Pavle Arsenovic

Senior Scientist, University of Natural Resources and Life Science (BOKU)



Pavlo Shydlovskyi

Associate Professor of Archaeology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
I, Pavlo Shydlovskyi, born in 1974, am a graduate of the Historical Faculty of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, specializing in History and Archaeology (1997). I have worked at the Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Kyiv Regional Center for the Preservation of Monuments of History, Archaeology, and Art, and the Scientific Research Institute of Monument Protection Studies under the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine. Since 2002, I have been teaching courses in prehistoric archaeology and the preservation of archaeological heritage at the Department of Archaeology and Museology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. In 2008, I defended my dissertation titled "Cultural Adaptation of Early Hunters in Eastern Europe (18-10 thousand years ago)" to obtain the academic degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences in the specialty of World History. In 2014, I was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor. I lead the expedition of the Department, focusing on the study of prehistoric sites in the Middle Dnieper region. I am the founder of the NGO Center for Paleoethnological Research and the scientific editor of VITA ANTIQUA publishing. Since the beginning of the large-scale aggression by the Russian Federation in February 2022, I participated in the Territorial Defense Service of Kaniv District (March-May 2022) and became an employee of the Ukrainian State Institute for Cultural Heritage, concurrently, to implement the monitoring of archaeological sites during the war in Ukraine. Since January 2024, I have been elected as the Head of the Department of Archaeology and Museum Studies at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv through a competitive selection process.



Payam Dehghani

Associate Professor, Cardiology, University of Saskatchewan
Payam Dehghani is a clinical co-director of the Prairie Vascular Research Inc (PVRI), and an Associate Professor at the University of Saskatchewan. He is an interventional cardiologist at the Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region and director of the Adults with Structural Heart Disease Clinic.



Pearl Mok

Research Fellow, Centre for Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, University of Manchester
I work with large-scale electronic health databases to investigate topics in epidemiology, using data from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) and ResearchOne. My current research focuses on four areas: mental health of young people, adverse outcomes associated with the use of antipsychotics in people with dementia, the use of prescribing safety indicators to reduce hazardous prescribing, and a new study on post-discharge care after acute kidney injury.

Before joining the Centre for Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety at the University of Manchester, I was based at the Centre for Mental Health and Safety at the University where much of my research was on the epidemiology of self-harm, suicide, and violence. This included working on a 5-year programme investigating the risk factors for suicidal behaviour and violence in young people, using data from the Danish national registers.



Pedi Obani

Associate Professor, School of Law, University of Bradford
Dr Pedi Obani has worked in the higher education sector since 2012, collaborating extensively with academics in Nigeria, South Africa, Canada, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, among others. She is experienced in leading both on-campus and distance learning programmes, as well as teaching a range of undergraduate and postgraduate modules. Before starting her academic career, Pedi qualified as a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria and was active in private law practice.

Pedi's research interests revolve around inclusive development and sustainability, including the interactions between law and climate change, governance of water and other natural resources, and gender issues. She graduated with a distinction from the University of Aberdeen, and is a former NUFFIC Netherlands Fellowship Professional fellow. She obtained her PhD from the University of Amsterdam in 2018. Following this, between 2019 and 2020, she worked with the United Nations University – Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA) as a research fellow in environmental policy. In this role, she developed and led a workstream on knowledge for quality natural resource governance, with particular focus on climate change-related stranded assets risks in Africa.

In the course of her academic career, Pedi has received several national and international research grants and awards, such as the Global Challenges Research Fund, Nigeria Tertiary Education Trust Fund, and the United Kingdom African Studies Association Mary Kingsley Zochonis Fellowship. She is an affiliate of the African Academy of Sciences. She also holds membership of professional associations, in addition to her active involvement in regional and international civil society networks. Her research and wider engagements have contributed to enhancing interdisciplinary collaborations and policy discourse among academics, technocrats, and practitioners, in connection with human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals on water and sanitation (SDG 6), energy security (SDG 7), climate action (SDG 13), gender equality (SDG 5) and quality education (SDG 4).



Pedro DiNezio

Associate Professor of Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder
Pedro DiNezio, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences. DiNezio studies dynamics, predictability, and impacts of global climate fluctuations generated by the tropical oceans, such as El Niño and La Niña. DiNezio uses numerical models to investigate drivers of past environmental changes inferred from geological archives with the objective of improving predictions of future climate change.



Pedro Doll

PhD candidate, University of Canterbury
I'm a PhD candidate at the University of Canterbury (Aotearoa New Zealand). My research is focused on recent (<20,000 years ago) lava flows at Ruapehu volcano, and I use geochemical, geophysical, remote sensing and field data to understand when eruptions occurred. Before my PhD, I studied geology at the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), and I researched short temporal changes in the occurrence of mass movements in Mendoza Province, Argentina.



Pedro Dutra Salgado

Lecturer in International Relations, University of Portsmouth
I am a scholar dedicated to critical studies in International Relations, Global Political Economy, and Historical Sociology. My teaching and research explore many interdisciplinary dialogues between these three areas, with an empirical emphasis on Latin American, and specifically Brazilian, experiences of colonisation, state-formation and development.

I have degrees in Social Sciences (UERJ) and Law (UFRJ), an MA in International Relations at Sussex University, and a PhD in International Relations titled "The Peculiarity of Brazilian State-Formation in a Geopolitical Context: The Challenge of Eurocentrism in International Relations and Political Marxism". My doctoral research was funded by CNPq, a funding agency under Brazil's Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

Outside of academia, I have worked with legal and political consultants of trade unions in the oil sector in Brazil.



Pedro Mendonça

Associate Professor of Work and Employment, Heriot-Watt University
Associate Professor of Work and Employment at Heriot-Watt University, with keen interest in the impact of Artificial Intelligence on work and workers. PhD in Human Resource Management, University of Strathclyde. From 2013 to 2016 I was Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher for The Changing Employment Network. I am a member of the British Sociological Association and part of Editorial Board of the journal Work, Employment and Society. My research focuses on trade unions, European employment regulation, and platform work and the changes it produces on labour and the labour process. My work has been published in British Journal of Industrial Relation, British Journal of Management, New Technology, Work and Employment, Work, Employment and Society.



Pedro Tabensky

Director, Allan Gray Centre for Leadership Ethics, Rhodes University
Pedro Tabensky was born in Santiago, Chile, to refugee parents. His mother is a Holocaust survivor born in Hungary two weeks before the final stage of the final solution. His father, of Polish Jewish ancestry, is a refugee of the Chinese revolution. He has lived a peripatetic life since the age of three, ending up in South Africa in 2001 and meeting his wife, with whom he has two children. Tabensky is the founding director of the Allan Gray Centre for Leadership Ethics (AGLE), Department of Philosophy, Rhodes University (South Africa). He is the author of Happiness: Personhood, Community, Purpose and of several articles and book chapters. Tabensky is also the editor of and contributor to Judging and Understanding: Essays on Free Will, Narrative, Meaning and the Ethical Limits of Condemnation; The Positive Function of Evil; and, coedited with Sally Matthews (his wife), Being at Home: Race, Institutional Culture and Transformation at South African Higher Education Institutions. He has a book, published in 2023 by Routledge, titled Fanon and Camus on the Algerian Question: An Ethics of Rebellion. He is commencing work on another book provisionally titled Ethics and Education as Practices of Freedom, coming out with Lexington, probably in 2026.



Peer Zumbansen

Professor of Business Law, McGill University
Research and teaching in business law, corporate governance, sustainable finance, law and political economy, legal theory, and transnational law. Studies of law and philosophy in Frankfurt, Paris and Harvard. PhD Frankfurt. Worked part-time in law firm while writing post-doctoral Habilitation, raised kids, former night-time cab driver, air-freight worker, nurse and student group mentor.



Pehr Granqvist

Professor of Psychology, Stockholm University
My teaching currently consists of lectures on attachment, psychology's precursors in the history of ideas, and philosophy of science at various courses and programs at the Department.

Apart from teaching, my work consists of research on a host of topics usually related to attachment theory in one way or the other.

I got my PhD in psychology at Uppsala University in 2002, on a dissertation which related attachment theory to various aspects of religion. After that, I worked as post-doc, lecturer, and researcher (“forskarassistent”) at the same University. I came to the Department of Psychology at Stockholm University in 2009, as research associate and senior lecturer. I functioned as Director of the PhD program in psychology 2011-2015. I became full Professor in psychology in 2015.



Pei-Chin Wu

Ph.D. Candidate in Oceangraphy, University of Rhode Island
Pei-Chin Wu is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography. Wu received both her B.S. and M.S. from National Taiwan University.



Peita Richards

Research Fellow, Charles Sturt University
Dr Peita L. Richards is a current recipient of the Office of National Intelligence, National Intelligence Postdoctoral Grant, 2023 (project 202308). Her research is focused on extending methods developed in her doctoral research to the national intelligence priority area of “measuring reliable behavioural indicators of multiple social identity features in real world settings”.

Since submitting her PhD in 2022, Peita worked across post-doctoral research associate roles, where she supported projects focused on Indigenous communities. Her work included policy briefs for professional organisations on online safety for employees from diverse backgrounds; policy evaluations of social media training programs for Indigenous children entering high school; and policy evaluations of Aboriginal led, community-based programs to combat family violence. A Wiradjuri woman herself, Peita also worked as a Research Associate on an ARC Linkage Grant, investigating potential interventions to support Indigenous girls who runaway or are reported missing during their teenage years.

A NESA accredited teacher, over the last nine years, Peita has taught at undergraduate and postgraduate level, across three universities. She has been active in units of criminology, peace and development, Indigenous studies, social psychology, international law, international security, and social research methods. Additionally, she has worked extensively with dedicated First Nations mentoring and tutoring supporting programs across two universities, assisting students in a one-to-one capacity to achieve their own academic and professional goals.

Prior to entering education, Peita worked in the United States, where she undertook a variety of roles in political communications. Building upon a professional communications background in Australia, she was able to develop policy analysis and development skills; liaise with stakeholders; and communicate findings to a diverse range of audiences.

Peita is strongly committed to, and passionate about, solutions based research.



Pénélope Van den Bussche

Doctorante en Sciences de Gestion, ESCP Business School
Pénélope Van den Bussche est doctorante au département Contrôle et Pilotage des Organisations de l'ESCP Europe, à Paris.
Titulaire d'un master Recherche en Comptabilité et Contrôle de l'Université Paris Dauphine, ses recherches portent sur les plateformes digitales et l'économie collaborative.



Penelope Woods

Lecturer, Department of Literature Film and Theatre Studies, University of Essex
Dr Pen Woods is currently a Lecturer in Drama and European Literature at the University of Essex. She specialises in early modern and current theatre spectatorship, focusing on the flipside of performance studies to examine the significance of the reception of drama and how audiences produce the meanings and legacies of art both now and in the past. She collaborated with Shakespeare's Globe and Queen Mary University of London on a PhD project on Globe Audiences from 2007-2012 and was appointed to a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Australian Centre for Excellence for the History of the Emotions at the University of Western Australia 2012-2015. She was awarded a SLAM Fellowship to spend a year at Sydney University. Between 2014-2016 she received funding from CHE and Shakespeare's Globe to accompany the Globe to Globe Hamlet World Tour and collaborated with Dr. Malcolm Cocks on the compilation of the largest global audience data set for one production. From 2015-2021 she was a Lecturer in Drama at Queen Mary University of London, spending six months at The Graduate Centre, in the City University of New York. In 2022 she was appointed to a temporary position as Lecturer of Early Modern Studies at Newcastle University. As well as a historian of performance, audience and spectatorship, Woods is a cultural theorist of affect and a historian of the emotions with a focus on how emotions underpin the social and cultural scripts we live by and how we can intervene in these. As part of this research and education-led activism she co-founded the organisation Poetry Vs Colonialism with Poet Laila Sumpton and Professor of Education Victoria de Rijke which works with arts and heritage organisations, schools and Universities using poetry workshops as a springboard for processing the legacies of colonialism in society and the arts and forging new futures. She is currently finalising the manuscript of her first book The Audience at Shakespeare's Globe. Her next project is on the spectatorship of weather both now and in the past.



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