Doctoral Researcher, Monash University
I research in the fields of social and cultural theory and frequently publish in my main area of interest—body modification, tattoo, identity and alterity.
I am also undertaking a PhD in sociology and behavioural science at Monash University's Behaviour Works.
What do people think about smartglasses? New research reveals a complicated picture
Nov 09, 2024 06:12 am UTC| Insights & Views Technology
Smartglasses, a type of wearable device, have evolved rapidly since the pioneering yet ill-fated Google Glass received social backlash in 2013. Early adopters were nicknamed Glassholes, and the product never reached...
A new exhibition captures the magic and power of tattoos across cultures
Jul 03, 2019 20:49 pm UTC| Insights & Views Life
Our Bodies, Our Voices, Our Marks, a suite of exhibitions at Melbournes Immigration Museum, offers visitors a chance to engage with tattoo on a level deeper than skin. Here, stories of culture, tradition and migration...