

Agnès Maillot

Associate Professor, School of Applied Languages and Intercultural Studies, Dublin City University
My main area of research is the conflict in Northern Ireland, and more particularly Sinn Féin and the IRA, on which I have published many books and articles. I also work on post-conflict politics, covering areas such as victims and reconciliation, the legacy of violence,
I also research contemporary Irish society, as well as multiculturalismalism in France and Ireland, and am I currently working on issues of asylum seekers in the French and Irish contexts.



Agneta Herlitz

Professor of Psychology, Karolinska Institutet
Agneta Herlitz is Professor of Psychology at Karolinska Institutet since 2008. Her research has the overarching aim to describe and explain these differences but also to understand the potential impact they may have on society and everyday life. Although the research has a focus on cognition, specifically episodic memory, she is also interested in sex differences in other areas, such as personality, interest, and career choices.



Agus Wicaksana

PhD Candidate in Operations and Supply Chain Management, The University of Melbourne



Agustín Joel Fernandes Cabal

Investigador predoctoral en Filosofía, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Licenciado en Periodismo por la Universidad de Palermo, en Buenos Aires.
Master en Filosofía por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
Doctorando en Filosofía por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.

Desarrollo de proyectos en Doc Land Films
Redactor en Diario ABC entre 2019 y 2020.



Agustina María Torres Prioris

Profesor Sustituto Interino en el Departamento de Didáctica de la Matemática, de las Ciencias Sociales y de las Ciencias Experimentales, Universidad de Málaga. Miembro del Grupo de Investigación en Enseñanza de las Ciencias y Competencias (ENCIC), Universidad de Málaga
A continuación adjunto una versión resumida de los puntos solicitados de mi curriculum:

-Formación Académica: Doctora en Biología. UMA. 2017; Master en ESO, Bachillerato y FP. UMA. 2015; Master de Fundamentos Celulares y Moleculares de los Seres Vivos. UMA. 2011; Licenciada en Biología. UMA. 2010.

-Experiencia profesional: DOCENCIA, PSI en la UMA. Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales. Grado en Primaria. 2021-Actualidad. DOCENCIA en FP en TS en Anatomía Patológica, TS en Higiene Bucodental y TS en Laboratorio Clínico. CESUR 2017-Actualidad. DOCENCIA en la asignatura PIM en Botánica, Zoología y Ecología. Grado en Biología, UMA. Curso 2014/15; DOCENCIA en la asignatura de Zoología. Grado en Biología, UMA. Curso 2014/15; DOCENCIA en la asignatura de Zoología. Grado en Biología, UMA. Curso 2013/14; DOCENCIA en la asignatura de PIM en Botánica, Zoología y Ecología Grado en Biología, UMA. Curso 2013/14; Personal Investigador en Formación. UMA. 2011- 2017. Alumna Interna. Departamento de Biología Animal. UMA. 2008-2011. Alumna Interna. Departamento de Biología Celular, Genética y Fisiología. UMA. 2007-2008.



Ahmad Al-Mallahi

Associate Professor, Engineering, Dalhousie University



Ahmad Kirmani

Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Materials Science, Rochester Institute of Technology
I am an Assistant Professor of Chemistry & Materials Science at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT).

In a career spanning 10+ years, I have researched next-generation solution-processed semiconductor electronics based on colloidal nanocrystals, metal-oxides, and metal-halide perovskite semiconductors. This body of research has so far resulted in over 55 research articles with lead works published in high-impact journals including Nature Energy, Nature Communications, Joule, Advanced Materials, & ACS Energy Letters, besides multiple contributed and invited talks. During my postdoctoral tenure at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), I have advanced perovskite optoelectronics for aerospace applications.

My research has drawn attention to the interfacial and microstructural complexity in printed electronics, and the need to understand it for enabling the lab-to-fab transition.



Ahmad Nuril Huda

Lecturer, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung
Islamic Studies, Anthropology of Religion, New Media Technology, Popular and Visual Culture, Islamic Film.



Ahmad Syarif

Doctor of International Affairs candidate, Johns Hopkins University



Ahmed Abdulla

Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Carleton University
Professor Ahmed Abdulla joined the CU Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering faculty on July 1, 2020. Prof. Abdulla investigates energy system design for deep decarbonization—focusing on the role of disruptive energy technologies that sit at a low level of technical readiness, including energy storage systems, advanced nuclear power, and negative emissions technologies. Prof. Abdulla employs process modeling, systems engineering, engineering economics, and quantitative risk and decision analysis in his research. He also pays special attention to integrating insights from public policy and behavioural science in his models in order to optimize the design and deployment of truly sustainable technologies—ones that are both techno-economically viable and socio-politically acceptable.



Ahmed Khwaja

Professor of Marketing, Business & Public Enterprise, Head of the Marketing Subject Group, Cambridge Judge Business School
Research interests are primarily in marketing strategy and quantitative marketing, including: health care markets; innovation and market entry; customer and employee relationship management; pharmaceutical R&D, retail chain expansion and growth; and social enterprises in emerging markets.
Specific interests are health-related consumption decisions; market entry, retail chain expansion and firm size dynamics; role of experience spillovers and alliances in pharmaceutical R&D and innovation; effect of employee engagement on customer satisfaction and retention; distortions due to moral hazard & adverse selection in health care markets; and how social enterprises balance their “double bottom line” in resource scarce emerging markets.
Academic and methodological interests include dynamic structural models, estimation of games of strategic interaction, matching estimators, asymmetric information & incomplete markets, simulation based econometric methods, and reinforcement learning.
Subject group: Marketing



Ahmet Begde

PhD Candidate, Neurorehabilitation, Loughborough University
I am a final year PhD student at Loughborough University with a background in physiotherapy. I have a BSc degree in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation from Pamukkale University in Turkey and an MSc in NeuroPhysiotherapy from the University of Nottingham in the UK. My PhD also focuses on neurorehabilitation and investigates the effectiveness of dual-task exercise training on cognition, mobility and fall risk in people with dementia. I am an HCPC-registered physiotherapist and a Member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.



Ahra Ko

Research Project Manager for the Behavior Change for Good Initiative, University of Pennsylvania
Post-doctoral researcher at The Wharton School and School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania. Ph.D. in social psychology. Research focuses on functional flexibility of social minds; interplay of social motivation and ecology in shaping thoughts, emotions, and behaviors



Ai Ming Chow

Postdoctoral Fellow, Management and Marketing, The University of Melbourne
Ai Ming Chow is a Melbourne Early Career Academic Fellow at the University of Melbourne, where she teaches and researches in the field of marketing. Her research focuses on examining the reflexive approach to Indigenous-settler relations to explore potential sites of transformation within and beyond the markets.

She specialises in interpretive research methods including in-depth interviews, fieldwork, netnography and ethnography. She also studies influencer marketing, consumption and consumer culture.



Aichia Chuang

Professor of Organizational Behavior, University of North Carolina – Greensboro
Aichia Chuang is Professor of Organizational Behavior and PhD Director of Business Administration in the Department of Management, Bryan School of Business and Economics at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Before joining UNCG, she was the Fu-Bon Endowed Chair in Management and Distinguished Professor at the National Taiwan University in Taiwan where she was Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management in the Department of Business Administration. She earned her doctorate in Human Resources and Industrial Relations from the University of Minnesota and her B.A. in Sociology from the National Taiwan University. She served as visiting scholar at Stanford University in the US and Kyoto University in Japan. Chuang’s research interests include leadership, inclusion (person-environment fit and diversity), cross-cultural management, service climate and service performance, creativity, and multilevel theories and methods. Chuang’s research has appeared in such top journals as the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Harvard Business Review.

Chuang is currently the HR Ambassador of the HR Division of the Academy of Management representing Taiwan. She was a previous Associate Editor of Human Relations (Financial Times 50). She serves or has served on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Journal, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Review, Management and Organization Review, and Asia Pacific Journal of Management.



Aida Dehkhoda

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington



Aidan Byrne

PhD Candidate, Department of Geography, King's College London
Aidan is a final year PhD candidate based at King's College London and the Natural History Museum London, funded by the London NERC DTP. His project utilises open-access remote sensing and climate products to investigate hydrological changes across the East African Rift System, their environmental drivers, and the impacts of changes on water quality and biodiversity.



Aidan Hehir

I joined the Department of Politics and IR in 2007; previously I worked at the University of Sheffield. I gained my PhD in 2005 from the University of Limerick. Currently I am a Reader in International Relations and Director of the Security and International Relations Programme. My research interests include humanitarian intervention, the responsibility to protect and international human rights law.

I have published a number of books, articles and book chapters on issues related to humanitarian intervention. I am part of a group which was awarded a grant by the ESRC for a two year project on “The Responsibility to Protect and Prosecute: The Political Sustainability of Liberal Norms in an Age of Shifting Power balances”.

I am also Co-Convenor of the BISA Working Group on Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect. I have regularly contributed to current affairs debates through newspapers, blogs, radio and television.

Currently I am supervising three PhD students and I am a member of BISA, the ISA and the PSAI.



Aidan Horner

Associate Professor in Psychology and Neuroscience, University of York
Psychologist and neuroscientist who conducts research into episodic memory, spatial navigation, forgetting, and sleep. I use experimental psychology, brain imaging (fMRI and MEG), polysomnography, and computational modelling to understanding how the brain allows us to remember things over long periods of time. I am particularly interesting in understanding why and how we forget. Ultimately, I want to know whether we can minimise forgetting when we want to remember things, such as in an educational setting, and increase forgetting when we want to forget, such as when we have intrusive memories of traumatic events.



Aidan McGartland

PhD student and research assistant, Music Theory, McGill University
I am a doctoral candidate at McGill University, where I am also a research assistant and teaching assistant. My background is in musical performance (classical singing), and I conduct research on twentieth musical modernism (focussing on twelve-tone music and neoclassicism) in the disciplines of music theory and music history. I study underrepresented composers, such as women modernist pioneers Margaret Sutherland and Elisabeth Lutyens. For my research, I employ a range of music theories from both tonal and post-tonal theories. One of my main goals as a scholar is to engage with the general public to educate and disseminate research, facilitating increased musical and cultural literacy in society.



Aidan Moir

Visiting Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, University of Toronto
Aidan Moir is a Visiting Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream with the Department of Arts, Culture and Media at the University of Toronto Scarborough. She received her Ph.D. in Communication & Culture from York University.



Aífe Hopkins-Doyle

Lecturer in Social Psychology, University of Surrey
Dr Aífe Hopkins-Doyle is an Assistant Professor in Social Psychology. Her research explores how people understand and experience the social world with a particular focus on the social-cognitive and ideological factors influencing the accuracy of our judgements about gender relations, social issues, and political actions.

She is the co-lead of the Psychology of Gender and Sexuality Lab at University of Surrey.



Aileen Editha

PhD Candidate in Law, Queen's University, Ontario
Aileen started her PhD at Queen's Law School in 2021, after obtaining her LLB (Hons) and MJur (without corrections) from Durham University, UK. Her research explores ownership over human biological materials from critical race and feminist lenses. Born and raised in Indonesia, Aileen is an avid reader, serious embroiderer, and serial pet petter.



Aileen Ionescu-Somers

Lecturer in Entrepreneurship, Université de Lausanne
Dr. Aileen Ionescu-Somers is currently a Lecturer (Chargée de Cours) at University of Lausanne, Faculté de Hautes Etudes Commerciales. Her academic interests are around entrepreneurship, innovation and business sustainability, and she teaches on topics such as strategic sustainability and strategic innovation. Aileen is also Global Entrepreneurship Monitor’s Executive Director and one of the annual GEM Global Report authors. Prior to this, she led research on sustainability at IMD Business School in Lausanne.



Aimee Bailey

Lecturer in English Language, De Montfort University
I am a discourse analyst interested in the relationship between language and identity, particularly in terms of gender and sexuality.

My research looks at how gender and sexuality are constructed through digital and news media. It makes use of queer theory, feminist theory, corpus linguistics and (multimodal) critical discourse analysis.

I am especially interested in the role of language in issues of inclusion and exclusion, and have examined this in contexts such as queer women's online spaces and the representation of trans athletes.



Aimee Brett

Lecturer in Ecology & Conservation, Nottingham Trent University
I am a lecturer in Ecology and Conservation at Nottingham Trent University. I am interested in plant ecology and soil science especially in agricultural habitats.



Aimee-Marie Dorsten

Associate Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication, Point Park University
Aimee- Marie Dorsten is a professor who teaches Media Ethics,
Communication Law and Policy, Journalism, and Media Studies at Point Park University
in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Her current research in the feminist political
economy of communication critiques the received historiography of the field
of communication. Her future political economy of communication research
examines representation of the US foster care system and implications
for policy. Her work has appeared in Communication Theory and The
International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy.



Ainnoun Kornita

Interaction Designer, University of Technology Sydney
I graduated from University of Technology, Sydney and my current job is a UX Researcher in Indonesian government. I have helped the Indonesian government to conduct the research and deliver policy briefs.



Aino Lilja Petterson

Postdoctoral Fellow of Psychology, University of Oslo
Aino's research interests are mainly in the field of social psychology, specifically, political ideology, and intergroup relations. She is especially interested in different factors that influence people's attitudes toward different groups.

She is a postdoctoral researcher on a project entitled ‘Downplaying difference? How ethnic minorities navigate discrimination in Norway’.



Ainslie Heasman

Clinical Forensic Psychologist, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, and Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ontario Tech University
Dr. Ainslie Heasman is a registered clinical and forensic psychologist in Ontario with over 17 years of experience engaging in the assessment and treatment of adults with sexual behaviour problems and/or atypical sexual interests. She received her Ph.D. in Clinical Forensic Psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology in 2005. She is employed full-time at the Sexual Behaviours Clinic at the Centre for Addiction & Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto, ON and maintains a private practice. She recently led the development of Canada's first national and federally funded child sexual abuse perpetration prevention program, Talking for Change, housed at CAMH. She is a member of the Canadian Psychological Association, the Ontario Psychological Association and is the President-Elect of the Association for the Treatment & Prevention of Sexual Abuse (ATSA).



Aiora Zabala

Lecturer in Economics and the Environment, The Open University
I joined the OU Economics Discipline as a Lecturer in January 2022. Prior to that, I was Senior Editor at the journal Nature Sustainability before launch and during its first years. I've taught environmental policy, economics and methods since 2013, mostly at the Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, where I'm also Senior Fellow.

I've published research on a range of sustainability policies from environmental and ecological economics perspectives, such as environmental and conservation programs in rural areas in Mexico and South Africa, deforestation drivers at large scales, peatland fires in Indonesia, and public policy for sustainable transport to industrial estates.

I use a range of methods and tools, including R statistical language, Q methodology, econometrics, multi-criteria decision methods, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and data visualisation.

Research focused on challenges for implementation and effectiveness of environmental and sustainability governance across scales, particularly on two areas: understanding the diversity of views on controversial or conflictual issues, and the spatial variability of impacts. This includes adoption and diffusion of sustainable land-use practices, social implications of biodiversity indicators and drivers and motivations of behavioural change.

I approach these questions using a pluralistic methodological approach. Topics include, among others, the social and economic implications of a large wetland restoration program in South Africa, the political economy of rural livelihood change in Mexico, discourses about peatland fire solutions in Indonesia, the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices in the tropical forest frontier, and multi-criteria evaluation of sustainable transport policies.

Recent work includes analysing acceptability of waste-to-energy facilities (with Univ. of Basque Country), barriers for sustainable aquaculture certification (with Univ. of Tokyo), and the sustainability of post-pandemic recovery policies.



Aisha Lofters

Associate professor, Department of Family & Community Medicine, University of Toronto
Aisha Lofters is a family physician and Chair in Implementation Science at the Peter Gilgan Centre for Women's Cancers at Women's College Hospital in partnership with the Canadian Cancer Society.



Aisha Malik

Casual Academic/ Research Administration Officer, University of Sydney
Dr Aisha Malik is an academic and research administration officer in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Sydney. Under the supervision of Professor Lee Wallace, she completed her PhD titled 'Feminist Edutainment and the Pakistan Televisual Commons: A multi-site Ethnography of Urdu Serial Drama'. Aisha is a Fulbright scholar having completed her MFA in Writing for Screen and Stage at Northwestern University; she writes about gender, sexuality, media and race.



Aisha Moolla

Health economist, University of Sheffield
After completing a medical degree at the University of Cape Town, I did a Master's degree in public health with a focus on health economics.



Aisling Hegarty

PhD Researcher, Endocrine Oncology Research Group, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences
Aisling Hegarty is a specialist breast cancer research nurse with the Endocrine Oncology Research Group at Beaumont RCSI Cancer Centre. Working closely with the Breast Family History Clinic in Beaumont RCSI Cancer Centre, Aislings’ research is focused on patients with inherited mutations in the breast cancer genes BRCA1 and BRCA2.



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