

Shannon Sauer-Zavala

Associate Professor of Psychology & Licensed Clinical Psychologist, University of Kentucky
Dr. Sauer-Zavala is Licensed Clinical Psychologist with over 15 years of experience working with people struggling with anxiety and depression. She is also an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Kentucky (UK) where she develops new treatments for common mental health conditions and tests them in rigorous clinical trials. Dr. Sauer-Zavala is the lead developer of a short-term intervention personality difficulties to address common mental health problems – COMPASS (a loose acronym for cognitive behavioral modules for personality symptoms). Dr. Sauer-Zavala is also the Founder and Director of Compass Mental Health Training & Consulting, through which she has been invited all over the country and the world (Ireland, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, South Africa, Hong Kong, Japan, Russia, Brazil, Denmark, Germany, Canada) to train therapists in her potent, parsimonious interventions.

Dr. Sauer-Zavala received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from UK in 2011; she completed her predoctoral residency at Duke University Medical Center and her postdoctoral fellowship at Boston University. Dr. Sauer-Zavala is well-regarded in her field. She has co-authored over 120 peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and an academic book on personality. Her research has been supported by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the Canadian Institute of Health Research, and the Templeton Foundation.

You can follow Dr. Sauer-Zavala on Instagram @self.made.personality.



Shannon Toll

Associate Professor of Indigenous Literatures, University of Dayton
Shannon Toll is an associate professor of Indigenous Literatures and Cultures of North America at the University of Dayton. Her research interests include Indigenous literatures, film and visual culture theory, and gender studies.



Shannon L Sibbald

Associate professor, School of Health Studies, Western University
Shannon L. Sibbald is an Associate Professor at Western University with appointments in School of Health Studies (Faculty of Health Sciences), Family Medicine and the Schulich Interfaculty Program in Public Health. As a health systems researcher, her interests span the health care continuum. Dr. Sibbald works from an ‘integrated knowledge translation’ approach involving knowledge-users, decision makers and key stakeholders throughout the research process. Her current research focuses on the implementation, spread, and sustainability of integrated models of team-based care for chronic disease management. She primarily use qualitative research methods including multiple-case comparison, narrative approach, grounded theory, content and discourse analysis. She teaches across the university at both undergraduate and graduate level.



ShanShan Lin

Senior Lecturer, School of Public Health, University of Technology Sydney
Dr. Shannon Lin joined UTS in 2019 as the course director of the Graduate Certificate in Diabetes Education and Management in the Faculty of Health, with almost 20 years of experience in diabetes education and management. Before joining UTS, Shannon worked as a diabetes educator and dietitian at the University of Wollongong, Sydney Primary Health Network, Diabetes NSW and ACT, GP practices and aged care facilities. She also worked as a senior dietitian (Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian, AdvAPD) and diabetes educator (Credentialed Diabetes Educator, CDE) at various diabetes clinics, including Indigenous outreach clinics in Coonamable/Dubbo, Bathurst and Illawarra, while working at Sydney Endocrinology. Meanwhile, Shannon has consulted aged care facilities for nearly 20 years. She started with Life for a Child (an international humanitarian organization) as a diabetes education and training specialist in 2023 to support many African and Asian countries. Shannon is also the Honorary Senior Fellow of Baker Department of Cardiometabolic Health, University of Melbourne, working with the team at the Australian Centre for Accelerating Diabetes Innovations.



Shao Lin

Professor of Public Health, University at Albany, State University of New York
Dr. Shao Lin (MD, PhD) currently is a full Professor of both Dept. of Environmental Health Science, and Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, as well as the Associate Director for Global Health Research, School of Public Health, University at Albany (UAlbany), State University of New York. She has 25 years of experience in directing various environmental health studies and has successfully completed more than 40 projects when she worked in the New York State Department of Health and in UAlbany. As a Principal Investigator, she has directed studies assessing health impacts of various environmental exposures including natural or man-made disasters, extreme weather events, air pollution, heavy traffic exposure, residential exposure to urban air toxics from outdoor/indoor sources, and a series of school environment-health projects.

More relevantly, Dr. Lin has been acting as a Principal Investigator for over 10 federal grants investigating various disasters (September 11 Disaster, Hurricane Sandy etc.), and extreme weather events on human health. She has being involved in multiple national climate-health committees/ workgroups and was invited in the Expert Panelist of a National Climate Health Report, a President’s Workforce. She is also the reviewer of multiple top environmental health journals, Editor-in-Chief of the journal of “Hygiene and Environmental Health Advances”, and the standing members of two NIH study sections in the past 10 years. Dr. Lin has over 250 publications and has been acting as the PI/Co-PI on 27 external grants and Co-I on seven other grants.



Sharath Srinivasan

David and Elaine Potter Professor, Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge
I am an interdisciplinary and applied researcher currently working on issues at the intersection of digital technology and politics in Africa. This research has been awarded funding by UK-DFID, ESRC, Wellcome Trust, Isaac Newton Trust, university-related research funds and private foundations. It has yielded numerous publications, supported six early career researchers, built international research collaborations and had notable research impact. I am co-founder and the first executive director of a non-profit spin-out from this research, Africa’s Voices Foundation (a registered charity in the UK). Now with over 25 staff in Kenya, Africa’s Voices applies digital social research methods to deliver governance programmes in East Africa worth £1+ million annually.

Grounded in political theory on civic republicanism, democracy and constitutionalism, my long-term research interest lies in unravelling how political ideas, values and interests that are embedded in the ‘built’ world – for example in digital technology applications but also institutions built by peacemakers – enable or constrain political action and the public realm. I am committed to praxis; applied interdisciplinary research collaborations that enable critical thinking and collaborative innovation. My current work with Cambridge Computer Laboratory colleagues combines political theory and human computer interaction to reimagine socio-technical systems that can be built to serve civic democracy.

I regularly contribute to wider policy and public forums, and to date have accepted close to 30 speaking invitations for university conferences, the media and policymaker/public events.



Sharayah Carter

Lecturer Nutrition and Dietetics, RMIT University
Dr Sharayah Carter is a lecturer specialising in Nutrition and Dietetics at RMIT University. With over 10 years of experience as an Accredited Practising Dietitian, she has a strong background in teaching, clinical practice, and private practice.

Sharayah earned her PhD focusing on intermittent fasting for Type 2 Diabetes treatment. Her primary goal is to explore the link between dietary patterns and chronic disease risk, empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their health.



Shari L Gallop

Service Leader - Coastal, University of Waikato
I have extensive national and international research and consulting experience in coastal climate change impacts and hazards, climate change adaptation, coastal processes, and te ao Māori. My ability to combine these skills is invaluable across various commercial/research projects and advising for a broad variety of clients. I am an experienced and engaging communicator, and have a wealth of wānanga, teaching and media experience. I co-lead Te Komiti Māori in the New Zealand Coastal Society, and continue to engage in research including postgraduate student supervision. I am a Coastal Service Leader at Pattle Delamore Partners (PDP) in Tauranga, New Zealand and honorary lecturer at the University of Waikato.



Sharmaine Verhaert

PhD Candidate, Geology, University of Adelaide
PhD student at the University of Adelaide.



Sharmilla Bargon

Social Justice Practitioner in Residence/Senior Solicitor, University of Sydney
Sharmilla Bargon is a specialist employment and discrimination law practitioner. She is a Senior Solicitor at Redfern Legal Centre and coordinates the Employment Rights Legal Service, a statewide employment rights service in NSW. She is passionate about assisting migrant workers and working on broader law reform campaigns to achieve systemic change. She was awarded NSW Women Lawyer Community Legal Centre Lawyer of 2023 and in the same year was one of the first joint Social Justice Practitioners-In-Residence at USYD law school working on a research project looking into the use of non-disclosure agreements in resolving sexual harassment matters, as is hoping to use this work to advocate and reform legal practice.



Sharon Coen

Sharon is a Senior Lecturer in Media Psychology at the University of Salford. She has recently joined the Media Psychology team to continue and expand her research interests in Media Psychology at the heart of the media and digital scene at the University’s MediaCityUK campus.

She obtained her ‘Laurea’ degree in Psychology at the Universita’ degli Studi di Padova, where she worked under the supervision of Professor Anne Maass on a Master level project entitled ‘Attitude measures and behaviour: Which connection? A study about religious intergroup relations’.

In 2007 Sharon obtained her PhD in Social Psychology at the University of Sussex where she worked under the supervision of Professor Rupert Brown. Her thesis was entitled: ‘Collective Guilt and Shame in Intergroup relations. The effects of group based guilt and shame on intergroup attitudes and prosocial behaviour’. Between October 2007 and January 2012 she worked at Christ Church University in Canterbury as a Lecturer and then a Senior Lecturer in Psychology.



Sharon Crozier-De Rosa

Professor, University of Wollongong
Sharon Crozier-De Rosa is Professor in History at the University of Wollongong. Her books include Remembering Women’s Activism (with Vera Mackie 2019), Sources for the History of Emotions (with Peter Stearns and Katie Barclay 2020), On Behalf of the People of Ireland: Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of Irish-Australian Diplomacy (with Jeff Brownrigg 2022), and Shame and the Anti-Feminist Backlash (2018). Her chapters and articles cover a range of topics from woman hate, and feminist and anti-feminist uses of history, to anger and resentment, abortion activism, and the colours of protest, and have been translated into German and French. She has chaired the prize committee for the Australian Women’s History Network (AWHN), researched for The Guardian, and has held fellowships and visiting positions at the National Library of Australia, the State Library of NSW, Australian National University and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Emotions, Berlin. An Irish migrant, she currently serves as President of the Irish Studies Association of Australia and New Zealand (ISAANZ).



Sharon Dawe

Professor of Clinical Psychology, Griffith University
Research expertise:
Substance misuse and mental health
Psychosis and substance use
Parenting in high risk families
Impulsivity and substance use
Biological basis of personality



Sharon Geva

Senior Lecturer in Psychology and Neuroscience, Anglia Ruskin University
Sharon is a cognitive neuroscientist, with an interest in language and memory across the lifespan. She is studying cognitive processing and impairments following brain damage, using neuropsychological testing and brain imaging techniques.

Sharon joined ARU as a Senior Lecturer in 2022. Prior to this, she worked at University College London as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, first at the Institute of Child Health, and then at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Neuroimaging.

She works with both paediatric and adult populations, combining structural and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) with neuropsychological testing.

Sharon studies brain mechanism underlying speech and language impairments and recovery after stroke. She also studies the variability in inner speech in healthy adults and post-stroke, with special interest in the relation between inner speech and other aspects of cognition.

She is a member of the ARU Centre for Mind and Behaviour.



Sharon Hook

Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO
My research interests include applying modern –omics based approaches to environmental problems, determining the impacts of low level exposures in generating long term ecologically relevant toxic responses, and in the appropriate design and implementation of toxicity testing.



Sharon Jagger

Lecturer in Religion, York St John University
Having gained my PhD in Women's Studies at the University of York I am now full time lecturer in Religion at York St. John University. My PhD focused on female clergy in the Church of England, and how women are negotiating and influencing the androcentric nature of the structure of the Church and its language and symbols. My current research interests are around women's spirituality, particularly with reference to the feminine divine.

As a feminist researcher, and have worked on other research projects including women in the music industry, and gender and performance. As a long-standing professional performer, with an interest in research as practice, I write, in a number of formats, about cultural discourses and gender representation.

I am currently researching the experiences of working-class clergy and in a separate project, laywomen's experience of parishes that do not support women's leadership or ordination.



Sharon Lemac-Vincere

Senior Teaching Fellow in Space and Cyber, Hunter Centre For Entrepreneurship, University of Strathclyde
I am an interdisciplinary academic in the Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship and a visiting academic at the International Space University in Strasbourg. I work at the intersection of the dual domains of space and cyber, I bring a blend of expertise in entrepreneurship, space technology, cybersecurity, simulation, and legal knowledge. With an understanding of the complex challenges faced by the space industry, I seek to leverage my interdisciplinary background to create transformative learning experiences that bridge the gap between theory and practice.

Through my lectures and immersive storytelling, I aim to inspire students and professionals to embrace the dynamic intersection of space entrepreneurship, emerging technology and cybersecurity resilience. By infusing my teaching with practical insights and a focus on ethical decision-making. I seek to empower my students to become purposeful and visionary leaders who can navigate the ever evolving complex landscape in emerging sectors and economies.

I am committed to fostering a collaborative and inclusive learning environment that nurtures creativity, critical thinking, innovation, entrepreneurship, and legal knowledge. I believe in the power of interdisciplinary education and strive to cultivate meaningful connections, with my students, guiding them to unlock their full potential and pursue their passions. Fundamentally my work is shaped by a desire to shape a secure entrepreneurially thriving, innovative and legally compliant space industry.



Sharon Mullins

Tutor, Publishing and Editing, The University of Melbourne
Sharon Mullins is a trained editor and communications specialist with more than 25 years’ experience across publishing (Cambridge University Press, Lothian Books, RMIT Publishing, Hardie Grant Books) and corporate communications (State Library Victoria). She is a guest lecturer and member of the Industry Advisory Committee for RMIT’s Master of Writing and Publishing, and has previously served as a Board member for Writers Victoria and judge for the Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards.



Sharon Salmon

Honorary Senior Lecturer, UNSW Sydney
Dr Sharon Salmon is Technical Officer, Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN), WHO Regional Office of the Western Pacific. Prior to re-joining WHO, Sharon was the Assistant Director of Nursing, Infection Prevention at the National University Hospital, Singapore and Associate Consultant, Ministry of Health Singapore. She has 20 years of IPC experience including extensive international consultative experience, providing technical advice for IPC national programmes, hospital assessments and development of national guidelines across several countries in Asia. Sharon holds a Bachelor of Nursing and Master of Public Health from the University of Sydney and a PhD from the University of NSW, Australia.



Sharon Wu

PhD Student in Interdisciplinary Quantitative Biology and Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, University of Colorado Boulder
Sharon received a B.S. degree in Computer Science and Molecular Biology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She entered IQ Biology through the Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology. Sharon completed her first lab rotation in Dr. Sara Sawyer’s lab in the Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology. She completed her second lab rotation in Dr. Edward Chuong's lab in the Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology. Sharon completed her third lab rotation in Dr. Daniel Larremore's lab in the Department of Computer Science. For her team rotation, Sharon worked with three other IQ Biology students on 'Team Virus' and Dr. Sawyer, Dr. Larremore and Dr. Diamond were their advisors. Sharon joined the Sawyer lab in May 2020.



Sharon B. Megdal

Professor of Environmental Science and Director, Water Resources Research Center, University of Arizona
Sharon B. Megdal, Ph.D. is Director of The University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center (WRRC), a Cooperative Extension center and a research unit in the College of Agriculture, Life & Environmental Sciences. Other primary titles are Professor and Specialist in the Department of Environmental Science, C.W. & Modene Neely Endowed Professor, and Distinguished Outreach Professor.

Sharon Megdal aims to bridge the academic, practitioner, and civil society communities through water policy and management research, education, and engagement programs. The geographic scope of Dr. Megdal’s work ranges from local to international. Applied research projects include analysis of water management, policy, and governance in water-scarce regions, groundwater recharge, and transboundary aquifer assessment.

She is the lead editor of the book, Shared Borders, Shared Waters: Israeli-Palestinian and Colorado River Basin Water Challenges and she has guest edited several special journal issues. Dr. Megdal teaches the graduate course “Water Policy in Arizona and Semi-arid Regions”. In 2020, she was awarded the Warren A. Hall Medal for lifetime achievement in water resources research and education by the Universities Council on Water Resources.

Sharon Megdal serves as on the Board of Governors for the Kasser Joint Institute for Food, Water, and Energy Security, is an ex officio member of the Leadership Team for the Colorado River Basin Water & Tribes Initiative, and recently served as a member of the University of Arizona Presidential Advisory Commission on the Future of Agriculture and Food Production in a Drying Climate. In May 2023, she was appointed to Governor Hobbs’ Water Policy Council. Recent professional service includes serving for 12 years as a popularly elected Director for the Central Arizona Project, the Board of Directors for the American Water Resources Association, and Board President for the International Arid Lands Consortium. Dr. Megdal has served on numerous Arizona boards and commissions, including the Arizona Corporation Commission, the State Transportation Board, and the Arizona Medical Board. She holds a Ph.D. degree in Economics from Princeton University. Dr. Megdal’s full CV, along with her policy columns and Reflections essays, can be found at



Sharron O'Neill

Dr Sharron O'Neill joined Macquarie University in July 2011 as a Research Fellow in the International Governance and Performance (IGAP) Research Centre. Sharron came to academia from an established career as a financial accountant, primarily in healthcare and multi-national manufacturing firms where her responsibilities included financial accounting, treasury and the oversight of human resource and accounts payable and receivables departments.

Sharron's current research focuses on corporate governance and accountability, particularly corporate social and non-financial performance. Her niche area of expertise is work health and safety (WHS) risk and performance measurement, both financial and non-financial. Sharron's WHS research has examined the measurement, reporting and analysis of WHS inputs, processes and outcomes using both traditional and contemporary performance indicators and has employed a variety of research methods. She has also undertaken and published research in the areas of environmental risk management, financial accounting, management accounting and professions.

Sharron is a member of CPA Australia, the Safety Institute of Australia and the National Safety Council of Australia. She actively engages with industry, presenting her research, and providing advice on WHS performance measurement and reporting to members of the accounting, financial services, safety and legal professions as well as sustainability assurers and ASX100 firms. Sharron is currently leading a number of WHS projects that bring together the accounting profession, safety profession and Federal Government with a view to improving WHS governance and the reliability and decision-relevance of WHS performance information.

Prior to her appointment to IGAP in 2011, Sharron held academic positions at the University of Sydney and at the University of Western Sydney where she was also Head of Postgraduate Programs. She has developed, coordinated and delivered undergraduate and postgraduate subjects in financial accounting, management accounting, accounting theory, social and environmental accounting and accounting for corporate social responsibility.



Shasha Lu

Associate Professor in Marketing, Cambridge Judge Business School
Her research interests are in the areas of Artificial empathy, Digital marketing, Visual content/product design and optimization, Marketing innovation in data-rich environments, and Unstructured data analytics in business. Her research has been published in leading journals in marketing, such as Marketing Science and Journal of Marketing Research. Shasha is serving as an ad-hoc reviewer for Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Customer Needs and Solutions, and California Management Review.



Shaun Eaves

Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography, Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington
BSc. Geography (University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK)
MSc. Quaternary Science (Royal Holloway, UK)
MSc. Geographic Information Systems (University of Leicester, UK)
PhD. Geology (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)

I am a physical geographer who studies field observations, geochronology, and numerical modelling to reconstruct prehistoric climate changes (paleoclimate) recorded in landscapes, with particular specialism in glacier-climate interaction.



Shaun Thein

Clinical Lecturer in Respiratory Medicine, University of Birmingham
Shaun Thein is a Specialist Registrar in Respiratory Medicine and Clinical Research Fellow in the Institute of Inflammation and Ageing, currently completing a PhD in Neutrophil Function in COVID-19.

Shaun is currently completing clinical training in Respiratory Medicine in the West Midlands. He is finishing a PhD investigating the effect of COVID-19 on neutrophil function.

In addition to research, Shaun also has an interest in teaching, and is aiming to complete a Masters in Medical Education. He currently teaches regularly at Christ Church, Oxford as well as ward based teaching for clinical medical students at the University of Birmingham.



Shaun Thompson

Senior Lecturer in Primary & Childhood Education, Edge Hill University
My name is Dr Shaun Thompson and I am a senior lecturer in primary and childhood education at Edge Hill University. My current teaching and research focuses predominantly around the areas of SEND, inclusion, research methods, Alternative provision, mental health and well-being. I have presented my work both Nationally and Internationally and have a variety of published articles and book chapters.

I am currently leading on an initiative to support and engage schools and school staff within educational research, particularly considering the impact of new educational initiatives within, within the settings they are being implemented.

Prior to working in higher education, I worked in both mainstream primary schools and special education settings and have held the posts of both deputy head teacher and head teacher.



Shauna Bostock-Smith

ANU PhD, Australian National University
Australian National University, Canberra, Doctor of Philosophy, 2021.



Shauna Hurley

PhD candidate, School of Public Health, Monash University
Shauna Hurley is a science communications researcher, freelance writer and adviser to the Editor in Chief of the Cochrane Collaboration.

Shauna's PhD will explore the role and impact of social media in fostering the global backlash against science, scientific experts and public health authorities throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. It will consider if and how the growing global reach and power of the 'wellness' industry, influencers and popular podcasters can be countered in preparation for the next pandemic.



Shawhin Roudbari

Associate Professor of Environmental Design, University of Colorado Boulder



Shawn Kenny

Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carleton University
Dr. Kenny's research primarily explores the effects of geohazards on the mechanical performance of core infrastructure (e.g., roads, pipelines, rail lines and culverts). Current research activities are also exploring the significance of climate change effects on asset management practices and the supporting framework requirements (e.g., tools, standards, resources) that promote and support effective decision making.



Shawn J. Parry-Giles

Professor of Communication, University of Maryland
Parry-Giles teaches and studies rhetoric and politics in the Department of Communication at the University of Maryland.

Parry-Giles is the author or co-author of six books, including: Memories of Lincoln and the Splintering of American Political Thought (2017) and Hillary Clinton in the News: Gender and Authenticity in American Politics (2014). She also authored The Rhetorical Presidency, Propaganda, and the Cold War, 1945-1955 (named a Choice "Outstanding Academic Title") and is a co-author of Constructing Clinton: Hyperreality and Presidential Image-Making in Postmodern Politics as well as The Prime-Time Presidency: The West Wing and U.S. Nationalism.

Parry-Giles' most recent book is co-authored with David S. Kaufer and Xizhen Cai that is entitled, Hillary Clinton's Career in Speeches: The Promises and Perils of Women's Rhetorical Adaptivity (2023).

Parry-Giles is the Director of the University of Maryland's Rosenker Center for Political Communication and Civic Leadership. She is also co-editor of the journal: Voices of Democracy—a project that was initially funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Recovering Democracy Archives: Speech Recovery Project.



Shawn M. Chartrand

Assistant Professor of Environmental Science, Simon Fraser University
I am a geophysical and environmental scientist. My research focuses on how rivers form and co-evolve with landscapes. I have particular interest in mountain rivers and cold regions of the Arctic. I use field campaigns, physical experiments and theory development to address basic research questions. I apply my research to improve how professional scientists approach and develop river restoration plans, including the removal of dams. I also have two decades of professional experience as a consulting river scientist and geomorphologist, working throughout California and southern Oregon.



Shawna Mastro Campbell

Assistant Professor Psychology, Bond University
I have a PhD in clinical psychology and am a generally registered psychologist and clinical psychology registrar. I am trained in multiple evidence-based parenting programs. My clinical work is in the area of severe disruptive behaviour in at-risk populations. My research work is in program evaluation and the development of emotion regulation within parent/child relationships.



Shawnita Sealy-Jefferson

Associate Professor of Social Epidemiology, The Ohio State University



Shay Rabineau

Associate Professor of Israel Studies, Binghamton University, State University of New York
Most of my work deals with history, politics, and environment in Israel/Palestine. At Binghamton University, I teach courses on the history of Israel, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, walking and pilgrimage in the Middle East, the environmental history of Israel/Palestine, and the history of Middle East cartography.

All of these things intersect in my research on the history of trails and walking routes. My first book deals with the history and politics of Israel's marked and mapped hiking trail system: how it took shape on the eve of the 1948 war, and how struggles over its growth mirror struggles over Israeli identity and over the boundaries of the country.

My current book project builds on a trek I completed around the Dead Sea in November 2022. The walk, which took me through Jordan, Israel, and the West Bank, was the first circumnavigation of the Dead Sea on foot since 1934, and the first to take place since the rise of modern nation-states in the Middle East.



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