Lead Scientist, Natural Capital Project, Stanford University
Rafael’s (he/him) research is on catchment-scale modelling of hydrologic and sediment transport processes and their integration in decision making processes. In the freshwater and terrestrial ecosystem team, Rafael works on designing catchment interventions for better hydropower outcomes in the Himalayas and on quantifying the value of natural forest cover and sustainable land management for flood risk reduction in Myanmar.
Rafael holds degrees in environmental science and engineering from ETH Zurich.
During his PhD in information technology at Politecnico di Milano, Rafael developed the CASCADE framework for modelling network-scale sediment connectivity, for which he was awarded the Young Researcher Award of the International Hydropower Association.
Before joining NatCap, Rafael was a postdoc at UC Berkeley’s Center for Environmental Design, where he developed optimization-based approaches to identify hydropower portfolios that balance hydropower production and dam impacts on river ecosystem services in the Mekong River Basin while including issues of deep uncertainty as well as trans-boundary equity.
Postdoctoral Researcher in History, Ghent University
Rafael Verbuyst has a joint PhD in history (Ghent University, 2021) and anthropology (University of the Western Cape, 2021). He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Ghent University’s History Department, funded by the Research Foundation – Flanders. Rafael is also a visiting research fellow at the University of Cape Town’s Centre for African Studies (2022-2024). His research centres on the revival of indigenous identity in post-apartheid South Africa, settler colonialism, ethnographic methodology, the political uses of the past and the concept of indigeneity. He is the author of 'Khoisan Consciousness: An Ethnography of Emic Histories and Indigenous Revivalism in Post-Apartheid Cape Town'.
PhD Candidate, Latin American Studies, Trinity College Dublin
Rafael Mendes is a PhD candidate in the Hispanic Department at Trinity College Dublin and an Early Career Researcher at the Trinity Long Room Hub. His research theorises the Latin American Gothic at the intersection of the grotesque, particularly to show how non-normative practices and behaviours give voice to marginalised individuals through working in and against dominant ideologies. Outside academia, he works as a poet and fiction writer. He has been selected for Poetry Ireland's 2023 Introduction Series and was awarded the Irish Writers Centre/Tyrone Guthrie Centre Lacuna Bursary 2024.
Lecturer in Environmental Anthropology, UCL
Professor de Antropologia Ambiental, Universtiy College London, Departamento de Antropologia. Experiência em sistemas sócio-ecológicos, especialmente no Pantanal, Brasil
Lecturer in Environmental Anthropology, Universtiy College London, Anthropology Department. Experience in social-ecological systems, especially in the Pantanal wetland, Brazil
IBM Chair of International Studies and Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University
Rafaela Dancygier holds the IBM Chair of International Studies at Princeton University, where she is Professor of Politics(Link is external) and Public and International Affairs(Link is external) (Link opens in new window). Dancygier is Director of the Mamdouha S. Bobst Center for Peace and Justice(Link is external) (Link opens in new window) and Director of the Initiatives on Contemporary European Affairs (ICEA)(Link is external) (Link opens in new window). Her research examines how social and economic divides structure political conflict in Europe and the United States. Dancygier covers topics such as immigration, radical right populism, political extremism, gender equality, and housing crises and gentrification.
Her first book Immigration and Conflict in Europe(Link is external) (Link opens in new window) explains when and why immigration destinations witness conflict between immigrants and natives, between immigrants and the state, or no conflict at all. Her second book, Dilemmas of Inclusion: Muslims in European Politics(Link is external) (Link opens in new window) examines how minority groups are incorporated into politics and studies the consequences of this inclusion for the nature of party politics, electoral realignments and gender equality. Her articles have appeared in outlets such as the American Journal of Political Science, American Political Science Review, Comparative Political Studies, Journal of Politics, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, World Politics, and elsewhere.
Immigration and Conflict was awarded the Best Book Award by the European Politics and Society Section of the American Political Science Association (APSA), and it was also named a Choice Outstanding Academic Title. Dilemmas of Inclusion won the 2018 Stein Rokkan Prize for Comparative Social Science Research and the 2019 Luebbert Prize, awarded by APSA to the best book published in comparative politics in the previous two years. Her articles have been awarded Best Paper Prizes by APSA’s Sections on Comparative Politics; Migration and Citizenship; European Politics and Society; and Representation and Electoral Systems.
In 2023 Dancygier was elected to be a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Urban Studies and Planning, University of Sheffield
Rafaella joined the Department of Urban Studies and Planning in August 2023 as a Postdoctoral Research Associate on the project 'Empty Homes: The Impact on Blue-Green Towns'. The project is investigating the scale and impact of empty and second homes ('low-use properties') in rural and coastal areas of the UK.
Prior to this, Rafaella completed her PhD in Geography at the University of Sheffield. Her ESRC-funded research explored the role of transnational institutional investors in the production of housing in Lisbon. She has also contributed to research on Gulf investment in UK Cities as part of the Urban Institute's Centripetal Cities project.
Rafaella holds an MSc in Urban Development Planning from the Development Planning Unit, UCL, where she worked for two years as a teaching and research assistant.
Experiencia en docencia, investigación analítica y empírica, y análisis de datos. Capacidad demostrada para trabajar en entornos internacionales/multiculturales (Líbano, EE. UU., España). Aprendiz de por vida; tanto académica como personalmente. Defensora de las mujeres en el empoderamiento STEM - Rompiendo estereotipos uno a la vez. Ganador en múltiples ocasiones del premio al Mejor Profesor y firme defensor del uso del entrenamiento y la tutoría para ayudar a los estudiantes a mejorar su rendimiento académico y su experiencia universitaria en general. Recientemente, nominado entre los 183 principales académicos de datos líderes de 2021 por la revista CDO. También nominada entre 55 mujeres líderes en el sector de la #tecnología en España, en la categoría de "Yo, Jefa", 2021.
PhD Researcher in International Relations, University of Warwick
Ragnar Weilandt is a doctoral researcher at the University of Warwick and the Université libre de Bruxelles working on external perceptions of the European Union, Euro-Mediterranean relations and civil-military relations in the Arab world. He also contributes to various newspapers including SPIEGEL ONLINE, ZEIT ONLINE, The European, The Huffington Post UK and zenith - Zeitschrift für den Orient. Ragnar co-founded FactCheckEU.org, a watchdog monitoring European politicans' statements on EU affairs.
Children, Social Welfare, and Health Research Officer, Resilience Development Initiative (RDI)
Public Health fresh graduate majoring in Epidemiology at the University of Indonesia. Currently working as a Children, Social Welfare, and Health cluster researcher at the Resilience Development Initiative (RDI), particularly focusing on the Global Health pillar. Passionate about health, social, environmental, poverty eradication, and other related issues.
PhD Candidate, Neuroscience, University of Sheffield
I study neurovascular coupling, which is the link between blood flow and neural activity in the brain. When your brain cells become active they require a constant supply of blood to meet the increasing energy demands. My research uses pre-clinical models of human disease to characterise neurovascular function in dementia, and how cardiovascular disease affects the speed, severity, and progression of Alzheimer’s disease. In the hope that we may be able to decelerate the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
Rahul Telang is professor of Information systems and Management at the Heinz College at Carnegie Mellon University and at the Tepper School of Business (Courtesy). He has been at the Heinz College since 2002 and predominantly teaches in the School of Information Systems and Management.
Professor Telang’s is broadly interested in how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and associated digitization of information impact consumers, business and policies. Within this thread, his interest lies in two major domains. First is Digital Media Industry with a particular focus on how digitization (and associated piracy) in copyrighted industries is affecting the incentives of content provider, distributors and users. His research is directed towards understanding and shaping an optimal copyright and intellectual property policy in the Digitization Era. He was the recipient of Sloan Foundation Industry Study fellowship and a number of Google Faculty awards. He is also co-director of a center IDEA (Initiative for Digital Entertainment Analytics). He has worked extensively with industry and policy makers on variety of issue surrounding digitization of Media.
His second area of work is on economics of information security and privacy. His key interest is in understanding the incentives of various parties (users, firms and hackers), why markets fail, how to create a useful policy framework and how to measure the effectiveness of such policies. His work explored the controversy surrounding vulnerability disclosure, vulnerability markets and their role in generating optimal outcomes. Recently, he has been examining the role of data breach disclosure laws on identity thefts. He was the recipient of NSF CAREER award for his work on economics of information security. He is also part of Cylab and Institute for Infrastructure Protection (I3P). Currently, he is working on a large NSA funded project on examining home users’ security and privacy behavior.
Some of his other work has explored the role of broadband in schools, ICTs in for form of EMR (Electronic Medical Records) in hospitals, issue of number portability, exclusivity and so on in mobile industry.
Profesor de Epidemiología en VIU, Universidad Internacional de Valencia
Licenciado en Farmacia, Doctor en Parasitología Humana y Animal, con amplia experiencia en epidemiología de enfermedades infecciosas, con especial interés en aquellas catalogadas como 'Tropicales', así como en epidemiología de las aguas residuales.
PhD Candidate in Legal Analytics, University of Galway
Raisul is a Doctoral Researcher at the School of Law, University of Galway. He holds a Scholarship awarded by the College of Business, Public Policy and Law of the University of Galway to pursue his PhD. Raisul’s research focuses on Regulation of Legal Analytics in the Legal Profession and investigates whether legal analytics tools enhance access to justice.
He is also an Associate Professor (presently on study leave) at the Department of Law, Dhaka International University (DIU), Dhaka, Bangladesh, and a qualified lawyer at the Supreme Court of Bangladesh. He is the elected Ethnic Minorities Officer 2024-25 of the University of Galway Students’ Union (Aras-Na-Mac-Leinn).
Raisul worked as a lead consultant for a Road Safety law reform project in Bangladesh. He writes numerous Opinion Editorials (Op-eds) and scholarly articles in both national and international peer reviewed journals, newspapers and magazines on contemporary legal and human rights issues. Raisul is currently the Senior Editor of University of Galway Law Review. Earlier he served as the Executive Editor of Dhaka International University Journal of Law and Human Rights.
Lecturer, Civil Engineering, CQUniversity Australia
Dr R is a Senior Lecturer at CQUniversity. His PhD research was in hillslope hydrology and landslides, and he has contributed through several publications focusing on shallow landslides and hillslope hydrology.
Senior Research Fellow, International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation, King's College London
Rajan Basra is a Senior Research Fellow at the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR) and a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of War Studies at King's College London.
He researches how terrorists think and act, focusing on the terrorist threat in Europe, the relationship between regular crime and terrorism, and the role of prisons in radicalisation and recruitment.
Dr Basra has presented his research at the United Nations Security Council, the European Council, and the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, and is a member of the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN).
He completed his PhD in War Studies at King’s College London, for which he won a 2021 King’s Outstanding Thesis Prize. He holds an MA in Terrorism, Security, and Society from King’s College London and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Warwick.
Rajani Naidoo is Professor and Director of the International Centre for Higher Education Management, School of Management, University of Bath, UK. She sits on the editorial board of numerous journals and is on the research and development steering committee of the European Foundation for Management Development. Her research interests include new forms of imperialism in higher education and the transformation of higher education into a global commodity; higher education for global wellbeing and the changing nature and conditions of the academic profession.
Adjunct professor, Physics, L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa
My current research interest is in astrophysics, cosmology, and general relativity, especially the dynamics of the universe under evolutionary physical constants beyond the standard model. I have shown that variations of constants are correlated and thus are not possible to observe as, in most observations, they cancel, e.g., lunar laser ranging, binary pulsar timing, gravitational lensing, and evolution of planetary orbits. I have hypothesized that the observed redshifts of distant galaxies are not only due to the expansion of the Universe but also caused by the photons losing energy due to cosmic drag while traveling over large distances.
I currently teach astrophysics and cosmology to senior undergraduates and graduate students. I enjoy teaching and learning through teaching.
Professor of Marketing, Rochester Institute of Technology
Raj S. Murthy, Ph.D., is the J. Warren McClure Research Professor in Marketing. An active business consultant, his research is tied to his experience and teaching interests in quantitative analytics, research methods, with a focus on technology and stakeholder engagement. Raj works with students and the community in Rochester on commercialization of ideas and new product development. As the J. Warren McClure Professor, Raj has organized distinguished lectures and engaged in multiple national and regional media outlets. His most recent research efforts are focused on the adoption, use, and abuse of technology.
Dr. Rajkishore Nayak is an Associate Professor with the School of Communication & Design (SCD) at RMIT Vietnam. He completed PhD from the school of Fashion and Textiles, RMIT Australia. He has more than 150 journal publications, 13 books, 30 book chapters and 25 conference publications. He has received the RMIT excellence in Learning & Teaching 2019 Award, the RMIT Research Excellence Award 2015, and RMIT Excellence in Research and Teaching 2012. His current research areas focus on, but not limited to sustainability in fashion and textiles, circular economy, waste management and advanced materials. Prior to joining at RMIT Vietnam Dr. Nayak has worked in contemporary fashion (design and management), human ecology, product development, sustainable dyeing technologies and functional materials in India and Australia.
Research Fellow with Immunization Advisory Centre (IMAC), University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau
I am a Public Health, mixed methods Researcher with a diverse career in multiple disciplines across community and population preventive health including infectious diseases and respiratory health.
Water Policy Specialist, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Rajpreet Grewal is a Water Policy Specialist and Sea Grant UW Water Science-Policy Fellow at the Center for Water Policy. She holds a Master of Science in Water Resources Management from the Nelson Institute and a Juris Doctorate from the University of Wisconsin Law School. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Senior Clinical Research Officer , University of Cape Town
Dr Rakiya Saidu is a research scientist with over 20 years of research experience in clinical obstetrics, gynaecology and epidemiology. She is currently a Senior Clinical Research Officer at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. Her expertise spans grant writing, protocol development, research implementation, data analysis, and dissemination of findings through publications and conferences. She is skilled in statistical software, and an AI and machine learning enthusiast. She is committed to adhering and upholding ethics in research practices. Previously, Dr Saidu worked as a lecturer and consultant in Nigeria. She holds a PhD in Gynaecology from the University of Cape Town, an MPH from the University of Liverpool, and a fellowship from the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria. With numerous awards, publications, and conference presentations to her credit, she is dedicated to advancing women's health through her work.
Senior Research Fellow, Australian National University
Dr. Ralf Steinhauser is a Senior Research Fellow at the ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods. He previously held a position as Assistant Professor for Environmental and Resource Economics at Hamburg University and is currently a Fellow of the Tax and Transfer Policy Institute. He holds a Bachelor and Master’s degree from Humboldt University Berlin and a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley. He has published research on carbon emissions forecasting, behavioural consumer response, corporate governance and taxation. He is an expert in behavioural and environmental economics and has particular expertise in large data analysis and experimental design. He has undertaken extensive work on economic policy issues involving tax elasticities, GFC stimulus payments, property tax reform, fertility and road accidents.
Senior Research Fellow, SPRU, University of Sussex Business School, University of Sussex
Ralitsa Hiteva specialises in infrastructure and energy governance, business models, innovation and low-carbon transition. Ralitsa is also a Principal Investigator for an EPSRC funded project which aims to investigate the environmental impact of digital technologies for health and wellbeing in the home. The project works with Orbit (a social housing association), Appello (a digital care system developer) and the NHS to understand how people over the age of 55 in social housing encounter digital technologies in the home and, how the development, maintenance and operation of such technologies can be changed to reduce their environmental impact.
Ralph Callebert teaches global and African history at Virginia Tech. His research interests are in African and global history, global labor history, gender and households, and the informal economy. He is published in Africa, the Journal of Southern African Studies, the Canadian Journal of African Studies, International Labor and Working-Class History, and Australian Humanities Review. His book manuscript in progress is titled "Global Shipping, Local Lives: Rural households, dock labor, and informal trade in apartheid South Africa". His current research explores how we understand labor and work outside the Global North.
He has a Ph.D. in history from Queen’s University in Canada and received an M.A. from the Department of Economic History and Development Studies at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban, South Africa.
Professor of Social Research, Cardiff University
Ralph Fevre has been Professor of Social Research in the Cardiff School of Social Sciences since 1995. He is the author of Individualism and Inequality – the future of work and politics, published by Edward Elgar, 2016.
Ralph Fevre has a B.A. in Sociology and Economics from the University of Durham and a PhD in Sociology from the University of Aberdeen. Ralph came to Cardiff in 1995 after holding teaching and research posts in the University of Wales since 1982. He has served a number of terms as Director of Undergraduate Studies, Director of Teaching and Learning and Director of Postgraduate Research. Between 2003 and 2005, he served as Deputy Director of the School.
Conflict researcher, US Naval War College
Ralph Shield is a senior researcher with the Strategic and Operational Research Department (SORD) at the U.S. Naval War College. He previously served as a military officer, defense attaché, and foreign military advisor. His work has appeared in the Journal of Strategic Studies, Small Wars & Insurgencies, the Journal of Slavic Military Studies, and the Journal of Southern African Studies (forthcoming). His specific research interests include non-Western approaches to counterinsurgency, air power employment in intrastate war, competitive intervention in civil wars, and the drivers of divergent military behavior.
Adjunct Associate Professor in Climate Change, The University of Queensland
Ralph is a research scientist with expertise in climate change, ecohydrology and spatial sciences. He integrates these branches of knowledge to tackle relevant issues for society with potential to inform policy and natural resources management. Ralph's current research focuses on climate extremes and the impacts of climate change across multiple sectors using climate simulations and observations. He leads the Climate Projections and Services team at Queensland’s Department of Environment and Science and the Queensland Future Climate Science Program. Ralph is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Queensland.
Emeritus professor, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, Duke University
Ralph L. Keeney is Professor Emeritus at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University and throughout his career has been a professor and consultant on making important decisions for policy-makers, businesses, and individuals. He is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering and has authored or co-authored several highly successful books.
Professor Emeritus of Geography, Florida International University
Ralph Clem is Professor Emeritus of Geography at Florida International University. He was also the founding Director of FIU's Center for Transnational and Comparative Studies, a Title VI National Resource Center in International Studies. His research highlights the geopolitics of Russia, Ukraine and other post-Soviet countries and focuses on socioeconomic, military and national security issues. Clem is a Senior Fellow at the Steven J. Green School of International and Public Affairs at FIU and a Research Affiliate of the Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also retired from the Air Force, having served as an intelligence officer at the squadron, wing and national agency levels and on the Air Staff in the Pentagon.
Associate Professor (Reader) in Finance and Accounting, UCL
Rama Kanungo is an Associate Professor (Reader) in Finance and Accounting at GBSH, UCL and a Senior Fellow of HEA. He is also the Finance route lead for the MSc Global Healthcare Management programme.
Rama’s research is largely interdisciplinary by nature, where the dominant theme of his research sits across complementary subject tracks that include Finance, Innovation for well-being, Fintech, AI, Financial Inclusion, Financial markets and Institutions. He combines several theoretical constructs from Finance, International Business, well-being and Industrial relations to enrich the context of his studies. He believes in the tangibility of research that is central to theory generation and validation has a profound societal significance which is interesting and equally compelling to explore through the lenses of interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary research. To this end, he has widely published in world leading journals, books, media outlets and parliamentary reports. His written evidence published by the Parliamentary Select Committee relating to COVID-19 and the House of Lords Select Committee on Financial Exclusion has been published and cited by many media outlets including the British Parliament, BBC, FT, Reuter, Financial Inclusion Commission etc.
He has undertaken national and international collaborations through publication and grant applications together with co-authors from universities across several countries and he has been actively engaged with a number of industry immersive initiatives by the New York Institute of Finance (NYIF), CIMA, ACCA, Bloomberg, Volvecube and FitchConnect to enrich teaching and research provision. For his excellent teaching, Rama has received the Best Postgraduate Teaching award and was nominated for the Outstanding Teaching Excellence award while working at Newcastle University.
I am a Lecturer in Accounting and Finance at Newcastle University London. Much of my research is driven by the more realistic, fundamental and empirical process of decision-making, that is surrounded by analytical and computational queries to study Merger and Acquisitions (M&As), Risk and Liquidity within capital market and beyond. Particularly, how market anomalies can explain the default capital market-momentum.
My core research mainly focuses on Empirical Finance, Merger & Acquisitions, Corporate Finance, Financial Modelling, Financial Theory and Management, Business Finance, Investment, Risk and Portfolio Analysis. I am a member of Finance, Accounting, Control & Evaluation (FACE) and Applied Econometrics (AE) group at Newcastle University Business School.
I hold a number of memberships in scholarly forums and professional agencies, i.e. Euro Working Group of Financial Modelling (EWGCFM), Fellow of the HEA (Higher Education Academy), CMI (Chartered Management Institute), Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the British Accounting Association Corporate Governance Special Interest Group.
PhD Candidate in Sustainable Travel, Bournemouth University
Rama Permana is a PhD Candidate studying sustainable tourism travel. His PhD project explores how to better sustainability transitions in rural tourism transport, focusing on Bali as a major Global South destination.
Rama is also working as a research assistant in Bournemouth University on research projects related to sustainability. One of the projects is Future Flight in Place, exploring public perceptions on how electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) air taxi could be useful for the movement of people and goods.