

Jordy Kaufman

Associate Professor, Swinburne University of Technology
Dr Jordy Kaufman is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Swinburne University of Technology. His research focuses on the intersection of child development and technology, exploring how children interact with and learn from various technologies such as virtual reality, touchscreens, video chat, and robots.

Dr Kaufman's studies, which employ a range of methods, including behavioural experiments, event-related high-density EEG, neuroimaging, and surveys, provide a nuanced understanding of children's engagement with technology. This research contributes to our understanding of child development in the digital age; and, in doing so, informs educational practices and policy.

As part of his research program, Dr Kaufman has led multiple projects for the Australian Department of Education and Training, focusing on enhancing children's learning experiences through technology. These projects bridge the gap between academic research and real-world applications, demonstrating the potential of technology to transform learning experiences.

While grounded in psychology, the work conducted in Dr Kaufman's research program intersects with technology and education. This interdisciplinary approach and dedication to applying research to real-world challenges contribute to the evolving dialogue on innovation in education and child development, reflecting the dynamic nature of the field.



Jordyn Maria Bogetti

Research Associate, Department of Environmental Science, Thompson Rivers University
Jordyn M. Bogetti has a Master’s in Environmental Sciences from Thompson Rivers University and a JD from the University of Victoria Faculty of Law. She is also a non-practicing member of the Law Society of British Columbia. Her research focuses on the interaction between legislation and conservation, with an emphasis on comparing species at risk protections between Canadian jurisdictions.



Jörg Krieger

Associate Professor for Sport and Social Science, Aarhus University
Jörg Krieger is an Associate Professor in Sport and Social Science at Aarhus University, Denmark. He also holds a Professor II position at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. He is the Head of the International Network for Doping Research and the Chair of the Sport & Society Research Network.



Jorge González-Cruz

Professor of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences, University at Albany, State University of New York
Prof. González earned his Doctorate (1994) and Bachelor (1988) degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and from the University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez, respectively. He joined The City College of New York faculty in 2008 after tenures at Santa Clara University, California, as Professor and David Packard Scholar, and as Chairman and Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez. He teaches and conducts research in urban energy sustainability, urban weather and climate, urban remote sensing, and regional climate modeling and analysis.

Professor González holds several patents in solar energy equipment, aerosol detection, and energy forecasting for buildings, and was recognized as a prominent young researcher by the National Science Foundation with a prestigious CAREER Award. He has authored or co-authored more than 100 peer-reviewed publications, has delivered 100s of conference presentations, and his research has attracted more than $40M in external funding.

He is a Fellow Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME), and Former Vice-Chairman of the American Meteorological Society Board on the Urban Environment. He was appointed in 2015 by the Mayor of the City as Member of the Climate Change Panel for the City of New York, and more recently as Senior Visiting Scientist of the Beijing Institute of Urban Meteorology and of Brookhaven National Laboratory. He is the coeditor of the ASME Handbook of Integrated and Sustainable Buildings Equipment and Systems, and was named this year 2019 as the Founding Editor of the newest ASME Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Buildings and Cities.



Jorge Heine

Interim Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, Boston University
Ambassador Jorge Heine is a lawyer, IR scholar and diplomat with a special interest in the international politics of the Global South. He was most recently a Public Policy Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington D.C. (2018-2019). He has served as ambassador of Chile to China (2014-2017), to India (2003-2007) and to South Africa (1994-1999), and as a Cabinet Minister in the Chilean Government. A past Vice-President of the International Political Science Association (IPSA), he was CIGI Professor of Global Governance at the Balsillie School of International Affairs, Wilfrid Laurier University, from 2007 to 2017, and a Distinguished Fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI). He has been a Guggenheim Fellow; a Visiting Fellow at St Antony’s College, Oxford University; a United Nations Research Fellow at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC); a Visiting Professor of Political Science at the University of Konstanz; and the Pablo Neruda Visiting Professor of Latin American Studies at the University of Paris.

He is currently a non-resident Wilson Center Global Fellow at The Wilson Center in Washington D.C., a non-resident Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for China and Globalization (CCG) in Beijing, and an Honorary Visiting Professor of International Relations at the University of Sichuan in Chengdu. He has been a consultant to the United Nations, the Ford Foundation, the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Trinidad & Tobago Ministry of External Affairs, Oxford Analytica and Frost & Sullivan. A past president of the Caribbean Studies Association and of the Chilean Political Science Association, he served on the board of the Institute of International Relations (IIR) of the University of the West Indies, and was the first chair of the jury for the Luciano Tomassini International Relations Award of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) in 2011-2012.

He is on the editorial board of Diplomacy & Foreign Policy, World Affairs, Estudios Internacionales, Pensamiento Propio and the South African Journal of International Affairs. He has published fifteen books, including 21st Century Democracy Promotion in the Americas (with B. Weiffen, Routledge, 2015); the Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy (with A. Cooper and R.Thakur, Oxford University Press, 2013,2015); and The Dark Side of Globalization (with R.Thakur, UN University Press, 2011), and some 100 journal articles and book chapters. An active commentator on current affairs, he is frequently interviewed by international media and has written for The New York Times, the Washington Post and the International Herald Tribune. He holds a law degree from the University of Chile, a B.Phil. in Modern Political Analysis from York University in England and an M.A. and a PhD in Political Science from Stanford University in California.

Ambassador Heine’s areas of expertise include diplomatic studies, international relations, international politics of the global south, foreign policies of rising powers, globalization, multilateralism, democracy promotion, democratic transitions, transitional justice, as well as China, India, and Latin America.



Jorge Castro Gutiérrez

Catedrático de Ecología, Universidad de Granada



Jorge Herrera de la Cruz

Profesor Contratado Doctor. Departamento de Matemáticas y Ciencia de Datos, Universidad CEU San Pablo



Jorge L. Contreras

James T. Jensen Endowed Professor for Transactional Law and Director, Program on Intellectual Property and Technology Law, University of Utah
Jorge L. Contreras is the James T. Jensen Endowed Professor for Transactional Law and Director of the Program on Intellectual Property and Technology Law at the University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law, with a secondary appointment in the Department of Human Genetics, University of Utah School of Medicine. Professor Contreras’s research focuses on intellectual property, technical standards, antitrust law and science policy. He is the editor or author of twelve books and more than 150 scholarly articles and chapters. During his career he has served on advisory committees of the US National Institutes of Health, the National Academies of Science, and as Co-Chair of the National Conference of Lawyers and Scientists. Professor Contreras’s award-winning book, The Genome Defense: Inside the Epic Legal Battle to Determine Who Owns Your DNA (NY: Hachette/Algonquin, 2021), which has received praise from media outlets from the New York Times and Wall St. Journal to Nature and Law360, describes the landmark civil rights litigation that ended gene patenting in America. He is a graduate of Harvard Law School (JD) and Rice University (BSEE, BA), and an elected member of the American Law Institute.



Jorge Lorenzo Lacruz

Profesor de Geografía Física, Universidad de La Rioja
Licenciado en Geografía por la Universidad de Zaragoza (2008), Máster en Sistemas de Información Geográfica y Teledetección (Universidad de Zaragoza, 2010), y Doctor por la Universidad de Zaragoza con premio extraordinario (2012).

Como profesor he impartido 8 cursos académicos en estudios de Licenciatura, Grado y Máster en la Universidad de Zaragoza, la Universitat de les Illes Balears y la Universidad de La Rioja. He codirigido una Tesis Doctoral, tutorizado un Trabajo Fin de Máster y una decena de Trabajos de Fin de Grado.

Mi trayectoria investigadora se ha centrado en las interacciones entre el clima y los procesos hidrológicos, evaluando la influencia de la variabilidad climática en la disponibilidad de recursos hídricos, con especial énfasis en los fenómenos extremos, como sequías e inundaciones. En los últimos años he ampliado el foco de atención hacia la interacción entre la variabilidad climática y los niveles de los acuíferos. He colaborado activamente en líneas de investigación relacionadas, como los impactos hidrológicos de los patrones atmosféricos, la hidro-climatología de áreas de montaña y el desarrollo y test de distintos índices de sequía climática e hidrológica. Los resultados de estas investigaciones se han publicado en una cuarentena de artículos en revistas internacionales.



Joris Hoste

Research Fellow in the Department of Economics, KU Leuven
Joris is a research fellow in the Economics Department at KU Leuven. He is also a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Economics Department at the University of Cambridge.

His research interest are on the intersection between international macroeconomics, trade and industrial organisation. He has a particular interest in studying the quantification of changes in, and the level of, market integration and its implications for international macroeconomic policies.



Joscha Gretzinger

Postdoctoral researcher, Genetic History Group, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Doctoral thesis: Palaeogenomic insights into the population structure and organization of northwestern Europe during the “long Iron Age”



José Blázquez

Senior lecturer, Bournemouth University
José M. Blázquez is a practitioner and Senior Lecturer in media production. Previously, he held two postdoctoral research positions at the Faculty of Media and Communications at Bournemouth University. His work has been published in academic journals, newspapers and other publishing venues as well as screened and exhibited internationally. His second monograph, ‘Participatory Worlds: The Limits of Audience Participation’, was published by Routledge in October 2023.

Additionally, José has been teaching and supervising students at Bournemouth University (2019- ), University of Nottingham (2016-2019) and the University of Valladolid (2010-2011) and held research-oriented roles at the University of Granada (2010-2012) and the University of Nottingham (2014-2019).

José’s main research interests revolve around the study of audience/citizens participation and the intersection with new technologies and digital media, covering topics such as creative industries and practices (publishing, film, comic, videogame and photography), transmedia and interactive storytelling, game studies and immersive media. He has also been involved in research projects examining the representation of immigration in news, film and literature and the impact of transmedia narratives in creative industries. José worked with Professor Anna Feigenbaum and other colleagues in the AHRC-funded project ‘Comics in the time of COVID-19: How public health messages are communicated through web-based Comics’. He also led the ACE-funded project 'Press Start', in which he examined three transformative gaming practices (machinima, in-game photography and gamics) and the possibilities they offer to learn digital literacy skills. Additionally, José worked on the project 'Digital Narratives of the Amazon' with other BU and international colleagues of the University of Las Americas in Quito, Ecuador. This project, which also involved a Summer School, led to multiple media outputs co-created with students with the aim of helping native communities in the Amazon to preserve and share their culture, language, folklore and history.



José Fonseca

Assistant Research, Universidade do Porto
I am a researcher at Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences (IA) in Porto. I got my first degree in Physics/Applied Mathematics (Astronomy) by the University of Porto in 2007. In 2008 completed the Mathematics Triplos with distinction at the University of Cambridge (UK). In 2012 obtained a PhD from the University of Portsmouth (UK). After my graduation at the Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, I worked in Ciência Viva (PT), University of the Western Cape in South Africa, Università Degli Studi di Padova and Queen Mary University of London. I have been a member of IA since 2021.

My current research interests focuses in studying the large-scale structure of the Universe in the optical and radio frequencies to understand the composition, formation and evolution of the universe and test General Relativity at cosmological scales. I am interested in using the Square Kilometre Array Observatory, and its precursor MeerKAT, in the radio and Euclid in the optical/infrared to probe the very early universe.



Jose Navarro

Medical Student, Queen's University, Ontario
Jose Navarro (he/him) is a medical student at Queen's University in Kingston, ON with an interest in social medicine. He obtained a BSc in Medical Sciences at Western University, London, ON during which he was involved with research in trans health, social paediatrics, and cardiac oncology. Jose also is heavily involved in the acappella and musical theatre community as a music director and performer.



Jose Yong

Assistant professor of Psychology, Northumbria University, Newcastle
Jose is an Assistant Professor at Northumbria University's Department of Psychology. His interests span social cognition, evolutionary psychology, behavioral ecology, mating and relationships, culture, organizational behavior and group processes, motivation, and wellbeing. In a previous lifetime, Jose was active in the electronic music scene as a DJ but these days can be found pursuing his loves for whiskey, football, travel, and the occasional rave when he isn’t knee-deep in research.



José A. Godoy

Investigador Genómica de la Conservación , Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC)
José A. Godoy is a Scientific Researcher at Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC). His research aims at the understanding of the genomic changes caused by species decline, how they contribute to increased extinction risk. He also collaborates in applied conservation through the implementation of genetic monitoring and management programs.



José A. Morales García

Profesor e investigador científico en Neurociencia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Jose A. Morales-García is a neurobiologist on the Department of Cellular Biology in the School of Medicine at the Complutense University. He is also a member of the Center for Networked Biomedical Research on Neurodegenerative Diseases (CIBERNED). He was awarded his PhD (summa cum laude with a Special Doctorate Mention) in 2011 for a thesis entitled 'Identification and analysis of new cellular targets implicated in neurogenesis and neurodegeneration` performed at the Autonoma University of Madrid. During his scientific training in the University of Würzburg and Tübingen (Germany) and in the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spain), his work was focused in the study in vitro and in vivo of the mechanism underlying neurodegenerative disease, mainly Alzheimer's and Parkinsonism in order to develop new neuroprotective, antiinflammatory and neurogenic compounds for the treatment of these disorders.
Also participates at the Autonoma University of Madrid as a teacher in the Master of Pharmacological Research and in the Postgraduate Certificate “Expert in Public Communication and Dissemination of Science”.
He has vast experience in scientific communication as a speaker and organizing divulgation activities to bring science to the general public.



José Alberto Moráis Morán

Profesor Titular de Universidad, Universidad de León
Profesor Titular de Universidad.
Licenciado en Historia del Arte (2003), Doctor en Historia del Arte (2010) y Master en Pensamiento Europeo (2010) por la Universidad de León. Premio Extraordinario de Fin de Carrera, Premio Extraordinario de Memoria de Licenciatura, Premio Extraordinario de Fin de Master y Premio de Investigación de la Fundación Concha de Cáceres. En mayo del 2018 recibió el Premio de Innovación Docente de la Universidad de León.

Fue Becario FPU en el Departamento de Patrimonio de la ULE (2003-2008), Becario de la Fundación del Patrimonio de Castilla y León (2008-2010) y Contratado Postdoctoral en la Universidad de Extremadura (2010-2013).
Desde el año 2014 y hasta el 2017 fue Responsable de la Cátedra de Historia del Arte de la PUCV de Chile. Actualmente es profesor del Departamento de Patrimonio de la Universidad de León.
Ha publicado algunos libros sobre arte románico (2008, 2013 y 2016) y artículos centrados en la escultura románica, el tránsito de la antigüedad a la Edad Media y la visión del arte medieval en el siglo XIX.
Entre ellos, destacan las monografías Roma en el Románico, Universidad de Extremadura, 2013; La arqueta de San Adrián (Art Institute, Chicago) y el culto a sus reliquias en el antiguo reino astur-leonés, Edificios de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2016 y El Monasterio de San Juan de Montalegre: desde sus orígenes hasta su destrucción, Eolas Ediciones, 2016. En este año 2018 coordinó el volumen titulado Cien Años del Palacio Valle. Arnaldo Barison y Renato Schiavon, arquitectos neomedievales en Chile, publicado por la PUCV de Valparaíso.



José Manuel Mogollón

Assistant Professor, Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University
Having trained in Earth sciences, hydrology, geochemistry, My interests are quite broad, but generally pertain to quantifying the influence of humans (via the food-energy-water nexus) on biogeochemical cycles, more specifically on the global cycles of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus. I am primarily a modeller using a range of statistic, process-based, systems dynamic, and geochemical tools to study various environments, from soils and croplands to deep-sea sediments.



Jose Miguel Soriano del Castillo

Catedrático de Nutrición y Bromatología del Departamento de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública, Universitat de València
José Miguel Soriano del Castillo es Graduado en Nutrición Humana y Dietética y Licenciado y Doctor en Farmacia, con premio extraordinario, en 2003, por la Universitat de València. Es Catedrático del Área de Nutrición y Bromatología de la Universitat de València. Es Miembro Académico de Número y Miembro de Honor de la Academia Española de Nutrición y Dietética y Miembro Académico de Número de la Academia de Farmacia de la Comunidad Valenciana.
Es Director de la Clínica Universitaria de Nutrición, Actividad Física y Fisioterapia (CUNAFF) de la Fundació Lluís Alcanyís-Universitat de València, del Observatorio de Nutrición y Seguridad Alimentaria para el Mundo en Desarrollo-Universitat de València, con sede en Egipto y Madagascar, del Gastrolab-Fernando Sapiña del Instituto de Ciencia de los Materiales de la Universitat de València y del Food&Health Lab, promovido por el Campus de Excelencia Internacional VLC/CAMPUS, mediante el programa de creación de Ecosistemas Innovadores financiado por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Además de ser el Codirector de la Unidad Mixta de Investigación en Endocrinología, Nutrición y Dietética Clínica de la Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe-Universitat de València.
Ha realizado estancias docentes-investigadoras en la Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments (Francia), Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Italia), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (Italia), National Research Center (Egipto), Akershus University College (Noruega), Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina), Instituto Nacional Materno-Perinatal (Perú) y la Universidad de El Salvador. Es el editor de diez libros y ha publicado más de 200 capítulos de libros y artículos en revistas nacionales e internacionales.
Ha recibido varios premios; incluyendo el Premio de Investigación del Instituto de Estudios del Huevo (2004), Premio de la Asociación Benéfico-Docente "Profesor Vicente Callao" de la Academia Iberoamericana de Farmacia (2004), el XI Premio Valencia se Solidariza-Modalidad beca de investigación social de l'Ajuntament de València (2008), Premio a la Excelencia Docente de la Conselleria de Educación-Consell Social de la Universitat de València (2009), el Premio Cascajares para investigadores jóvenes del Grupo de Microbiología de Alimentos de la Sociedad Española de Microbiología (2010) y consiguió, por la coordinación y edición de “El gran libro de la horchata y de la chufa de Valencia” el premio internacional al mejor libro del Mundo en el Gourmand World Cookbook Awards (2016).



José R. Oliver

Reader in Latin American Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, UCL
As a Reader Latin American Archaeology, my interests are quite broad, covering practically all periods of human history in the Americas, from Paleoamerican to the early colonial period, particularly in South America (Andes and tropical lowlands) and the Caribbean Islands. Since 1992, I directed (PI) archaeological excavations along the Mississippi River (Tennessee, Arkansas), the Gulf Coast of Florida-Alabama, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Culebra Island, St. Tomas-Virgin Islands.

Since joining the Institute of Archaeology (1994), I have continued to direct projects in Puerto Rico (Utuado-Caguana Archaeological Project) and northern Dominican Republic (Macorix Archaeological Project) and currently added the margins of the Orinoco river region of Venezuela and Colombia. My research topics are quite diverse, including among others the development of agricultural economies, the rise of middle-range to complex state polities, the archaeology of sacred landscapes (burial caves, rock art, megalithic architecture), the meaning and symbolism of potent/powerful objects (material culture), trade and exchange, and processes of ethnogenesis and culture change.

One particular interest is in ceramic analyses, its classification methods, and theoretical assumptions, and what these tell us about social relations among producers and consumers and about their identities. In my fieldwork, I adopt a reflexive approach to archaeology approach, which involves partnerships with indigenous communities and leaders in jointly building past and recent historical knowledge and enhancing the conservation as well as promotion of tangible and intangible cultural heritage. I teach undergraduate (yrs. 2-3) modules on the archaeology of the Andes and Amazonia and co-teach two graduate (Masters) courses: "Comparative Archaeologies of the Americas-1: First Peoples to Emerging Complexity". and "Comparative Archaeologies of the Americas-2: Empire, States & Settlement." I also teach the 1st year undergraduate core module "Introduction to Social Anthropology".



Jose S. Romeo

Senior Research Officer and Statistician, Massey University
PhD in Statistics (2000 University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Lecturer (2005-2015 Department of Mathematics, University of Santiago, Chile)
Post-doctoral Research Fellow (2012-2015 Department of Statistics, University of Auckland)
Statistician/Senior Research Officer (2016-now SHORE & Whariki Research Centre, Massey University)
I'm a researcher in Statistics specialised in multivariate survival analysis and interested in applying statistical models for decision making in public health and social sciences. 23 years of research experience and 41 scientific publications.



José-Manuel Rey

Profesor de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
José-Manuel Rey es doctor en Matemáticas con premio extraordinario por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) y Profesor Titular del Departamento de Análisis Económico de la UCM. Ha sido profesor visitante en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, en varias universidades de Reino Unido y en la Universidad de Harvard, donde es investigador asociado con el departamento de Psicología. Ha publicado artículos de investigación de impacto en áreas diversas: matemáticas, ciencias de la Tierra, y ciencias sociales. Ha sido conferenciante invitado en numerosas ocasiones en centros de investigación y universidades, entre ellas Harvard, Cambridge, St. Andrews, University College London o el Politécnico de Milano. Ha recibido en dos ocasiones el premio de divulgación Plus New Writers Award de la Universidad de Cambridge. Es coautor del cortometraje de ficción “1+1” (2017), premiado en festivales de Nueva York y Australia. Colabora en radio y prensa como divulgador científico.



Joseba K. Fernández Gaztea

Profesor contratado doctor de Derecho administrativo, Universidad de Navarra
Ejercí en el despacho de abogados Clifford Chance, soy MSFS (Master of Science in Foreign Service) por Georgetown University, doctor en Derecho por la Universidad de Navarra; a lo largo de mi carrera académica he completado dos estancias de investigación en la Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität de Münster.



Josefa Henriquez

Phd Candidate (Economics), University of Newcastle
Josefa Henriquez is an economist, currently a Phd Candidate and Casual Academic at the University of Newcastle (Australia). She was formerly an advisor in the Minister’s Cabinet at the Ministry of Health of Chile, where she focused on the development of the health insurance reform act. Josefa’s research has concentrated on health economics and has several scholarly publications in A-ranked journals. She contributed to the publication of the Chilean chapter of the book ‘Risk Adjustment, Risk Sharing and Premium Regulation in Health Insurance Markets’ 2018, Elsevier.



Josefina Echavarria Alvarez

Professor of the Practice in International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame
Dr. Josefina Echavarría Alvarez is Professor of the Practice and the director of the Peace Accords Matrix (PAM) program at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, part of the Keough School of Global Affairs. Josefina is also a faculty fellow of the Pulte Institute for Global Development and serves as a faculty advisor for the Afghanistan Program for Peace and Development program at the University of Notre Dame.

As the director of PAM, she leads the Barometer Initiative in Colombia, which carries out official monitoring of implementation of the 2016 Final Agreement between the government and the former FARC-EP. Josefina also directs the Legacy Project for “Preserving and Engaging the Digital Archive of the Colombian Truth Commission", which guarantees continued access to more than 200,000 files including audiovisual, non-textual knowledge and digitized documents compiled by the Colombian Truth Commission about the country’s 52-year armed conflict to advance transitional justice, human rights and the centrality of victims.

She was previously co-director of the Research Center for Peace and Conflict at the University of Innsbruck and a Fellow at the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) and Trinity College (Ireland). She has been a guest lecturer at numerous universities around the world on peacebuilding, peace education, gender, conflict analysis, and research methods. She has also managed diverse international cooperation projects in the fields of gender, citizenship, and curricular development for peace and conflict studies.

Josefina earned her Ph.D. in Peace, Conflict, and Democracy from the Jaume I University (Spain), an M.A. in Peace, Development, Security and International Conflict Transformation from the University of Innsbruck (Austria), and a B.A. in Government and International Relations from the University Externado (Colombia).



Joselynn Baltra-Ulloa

Senior Lecturer in Social Work - School of Social Sciences, University of Tasmania
Joselynn Baltra-Ulloa (Jos), is a Senior Lecturer in Social Work at the University of Tasmania. Originally from Chile, she came to Australia as a refugee and has dedicated her professional life to working with people of refugee background. Her work and research passions relate to decolonising social work, transformative disruptive social innovation, sustainability, regenerative social work practice and the scholarship of decolonising teaching and learning. She is amongst a group of Indigenous and First Nations scholars across the globe that conducts research with a decolonisation agenda and with a focus on learning from Southern knowledges. She is involved in community-based projects aimed at building capacity for decolonisation, exploring how a decolonising social work can play a key role in regenerative practices that enable the sustainable interbeing of Humans and Nature. She serves the community via focused interdisciplinary collaborations, facilitating cross-institutional and cross-cultural projects.



Joseph Curti

Ph.D. Candidate in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Los Angeles
Joseph Curti is a fifth year Ph.D. Candidate interested in applying whole-genome sequencing to California conservation management. Joey’s current research projects include 1) the impacts of long-term isolation and small population size on California red-legged frogs (Rana draytonii) in the Santa Monica Mountains, 2) the impacts of roads on the genetic health and population connectivity of California quail (Callipepla californica), and 3) population structure and signatures of local adaptation of the Yuma bat (Myotis yumanensis). He works closely with the National Park Service (Santa Monica Mountains), the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the US Fish and Wildlife, and the California Conservation Genomics Project. For more information, visit Joey’s website (



Joseph Dick

PhD Student in Sport Management, University of Guelph
I recently earned an MA from Brock University in applied health sciences, with a focus on sport management. Specifically, I researched the influences of LIV Golf on fans of the PGA Tour after the recent challenge to the PGA Tour's preeminent position with men's professional golf. Overall, my expertise surrounds strategies for sport organizations to garner and retain fan support. Along with finishing a masters focused on this area, I have completed industry research consulting with a professional sport organization to provide marketing recommendations based on my expertise relative to sport fandom. I am now beginning my PhD in management at the University of Guelph where I will continue to study sport fans further.



Joseph Earl

PhD Candidate, Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University
My research is focussed upon public engagement, specifically in the field of citizen science, where I am working to establish Coast Watchers, an initative that aims to use citizen collected data to monitor coastal change at Cleveleys on the Fylde Coast, Lancashire. The key challenge is how we can use citizen science to better understand, communicate and prepare for coastal hazards across both the scientific and public communities.

The project is currently considering the value and importance of coastal blue space in the Fylde region, reflecting on the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic upon how people interact with and experience coastal space.



Joseph Guhlin

Postdoctoral Researcher with Genomics Aotearoa, University of Otago



Joseph Harley

Senior Lecturer in History, Anglia Ruskin University
Joseph Harley is an expert in the history of poverty over the early modern, Georgian and Victorian periods and researches the topics through myriad approaches including consumption, welfare, material culture and social relations. Joseph also researches human-animal relationships (especially with dogs) and the lives of people who lived in workhouses, especially, c. 1690-1834.

He has published a number of articles on these themes and three books. His book, 'At Home with the Poor: Consumer Behaviour and Material Culture in England, c. 1650-1850', was published with Manchester University Press in 2024. He has also recently finished co-editing 'Objects of Poverty: Material Culture in Britain from 1700' for Bloomsbury, which will be published in summer 2025.



Joseph Hayes

Associate Professor, Psychology, Acadia University
I am an experimental psychologist with expertise in social-personality psychology. My research examines how people respond to threatening events.



Joseph Ibrahim

Joseph is Head, Health Law and Ageing Research Unit, Department of Forensic Medicine, Monash University Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine and contributes to the research and teaching activities of the Centre of Research Excellence in Patient Safety, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine. Joseph is also an Adjunct Professor, Australian Centre for Evidence Based Aged Care, La Trobe University, Faculty of Health Sciences.

Joseph has extensive clinical experience and continues an active role as a practising Consultant Physician in Geriatric Medicine and is the Clinical Director of the Subacute Services at the Ballarat Health Service.

In the early 2002, Joseph started researching the role of medico-legal death investigations for improving workplace, patient and resident safety and continues with a several projects examining quality of clinical care, quality of aged care, promoting dignity of risk, patient safety and human factors, performance indicators and effects of extreme heat on health in older persons. Currently, Joseph and his team investigating injury prevention for residents living in aged care services. The doctoral candidates with his Unit are investigating preventable deaths from suicide and resident-to-resident aggression; deaths from choking and; barriers to implementing dignity of risk.

He is the current editor of the Residential Aged Care Communiqué, the consultant editor for the Clinical Communiqué and a former regional editor for the International Journal for Quality in Health Care (2000-2004). Joseph continues to publish widely in international peer-reviewed journals and received media attention for research into premature deaths of nursing home residents and promoting risk taking for enhancing quality of life. Joseph has a personal website to promote discussion with the general public on issues we face with a growing ageing population (see web site

Joseph has a Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (1994), obtained a Doctorate of Philosophy in Epidemiology and Health Services Research (1999 Monash investigating the relationship between quality of care and performance indicators), Fellowship of the Australian Faculty of Public Health Medicine (2000) and a Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (2001 Monash).



Joseph Kalt

Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Economy, Emeritus, Harvard Kennedy School
Joseph P. Kalt is Ford Foundation Professor (Emeritus) of International Political Economy. His research focuses on exploring the economic implications and political origins of the government regulation of markets. He also heads the Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development. Kalt has published widely in the area of natural resources economics and policy. He is the author of The Economics and Politics of Oil Price Regulation; Federal Policy in the Post-Embargo Era, Drawing the Line on Natural Gas Regulation (with F.C. Schuller); What Can Tribes Do? Strategies and Institutions in American Indian Economic Development (with Steven Cornell); and a principle author of The State of the Native Nations (with the Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development) and Rebuilding Native Nations (ed., Miriam Jorgensen). Kalt received his BA from Stanford University and his MA and PhD from the University of California, Los Angeles.



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