Professor of Organisation Studies, Lancaster University
David Knights is a Distinguished Scholar and Professor in the Department of Organisation, Work and Technology at Lancaster University Management School and at the Oxford Brookes Business School. His research is in the field of leadership, power and identity, gender and diversity, the body and ethics.
His most recent publications include: Knights, D and Clarke, C (2017) Pushing the Boundaries of Amnesia and Myopia: A Critical Review of the Literature on Identity in Management and Organization Studies, International Journal of Management Reviews, 19, 3, pp. 337-356; Knights, D (2017) In remembrance of Professor Joan Acker: A legendary figure in the field of Gender, Work and Organization, Gender, Work and Organization DOI:10.1111/gwao.12223; Knights D and Clarke C (2018) Living on the Edge? Professions: their Preoccupations and Paranoias, Culture and Organization, Published online 30th Nov. 2017, 24, 2: 134-153; Clarke, C. and Knights, D (2018) Practice Makes Perfect? Skillful Performance in Veterinary Work, Human Relations, 71 (10):1395-1421; Ciulla, J., Knights, D., Mabey, C. & Tomkins, L., (2018a) Guest Editors’ Introduction in Philosophical Approaches to Leadership Ethics, Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol 28, Issue 1: January, pp.1-14.;
17. Ciulla, J., Knights, D., Mabey, C. & Tomkins, L., (2018b) Guest Editors’ Introduction in Philosophical Approaches to Leadership Ethics, Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol 28, Issue 3: June, Published online: 05 July 2018, pp. 245-250.
18. Clarke, C and Knights, D (2019) "Who’s a Good Boy Then”? Anthropocentric Masculinities in Veterinary Practice, in Special Issue on Non-human Animals, Gender, Work & Organization, 26, 3: 267-287. (DOI) - 10.1111/gwao.12244, July, (ABS 3)
19. Knights, D (2019) Gender still at work: Interrogating Identity in Discourses and Practices of Masculinity, Gender, Work and Organization, 26: 18-30, https://DO10.1111/gwao.12338.
20. Knights D and Clarke, C., Gendered Veterinary Organization, Veterinary Record, accepted 12th June 2019, published 0n line first 9th Sept. 2019 doi: 10.1136/vr.104994
21. Knights D and Latham, Y (2019) Disabled People and Digitalization: Disruptive Documents in Distributing Digital Devices? Organization Studies, Accepted 13.7.19, Forthcoming
His recent books are:
1. Knights, D and H. Willmott, Introducing Organization Behaviour and Management 3rd edition, London: Cengage Thomson Learning, 2017
2. Mabey C and D. Knights, “Leadership Matters?”: Finding Voice, Connection and Meaning in the 21st Century, New York: Routledge, 2018
3. Thanem T and Knights, D Embodied Research Methods, Sage, 2019.
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