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US Election Series: Poll numbers are dropping for Clinton all across the country

The poll numbers are in decline for Clinton and quite rapidly as the scandals have started taking its toll. To most of the Americans, the scandals have portrayed Clinton’s image as a dishonest person. Many of her lies have been exposed already and many could yet to come. Survey shows two facts, more than 60 percent of the Americans feel that she has been dishonest with her use of personal email server and large people support her because they don’t want to see Trump as the President.

However, in recent days, Donald Trump has been successful in portraying himself as Presidential. He visited flood-stricken Louisiana and accepted the invitation of Mexican President Enrique Pieta Nieto, while Clinton was busy raising funds.

All of these have finally started to take shape in the polls, where she is still leading but the numbers are falling fast for her. RCP poll average shows, Clinton is now leading with just 2.8 points.

  • In Florida, Clinton’s margin declined to just 0.3 points. In Ohio, it dropped to just 1 point. In Nevada, Clinton’s lead has tightened to just 2.3 points.
  • Even in key battleground states, where Clinton has been leading big, there were declines. In Colorado, Clinton was leading in double digits but that now has shrunk to 9.7 points.
  • On the other hand, Trump, who was just leading in Iowa, among battleground states, is now leading in Georgia, Missouri, and Arizona as well.
  • Market Data

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