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US Election Series: Mexico prepares to fight Trump’s wall

US Republican Presidential candidate, Donald Trump has repeated insisted that he will build a wall along Mexican border; as a matter of fact this is one of his signature policies and he has said that Mexico would pay for it, if not he might consider retaliation in terms of the trade deals. Now, Mexican lawmakers are preparing themselves to battle Mr. Trump’s proposals.

  • Mexico is preparing a bill, which is intended to protect North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which has been criticized by Mr. Trump as to be responsible for the losses of manufacturing jobs in the United States. The bill is also aimed at making the use of public money or official cash to fund the building of a border wall, proposed by Trump.
  • If Mr. Trump tries to fund the wall using $24 billion in annual remittances, Mexico received from the U.S.; then it would be empowered through the bill to impound similar amounts from the flows heading to the other direction.
  • If Mr. Trump tries to scrap the NAFTA agreement, the country would review all 75 bilateral treaties between the two countries that have benefited both.
  • The biggest power card Mexico is holding the 1848 treaty of peace, friendship, limits, and settlements that ended the war between the two countries and transferred large Mexican territories to the United States, which include California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada.

It seems, if Trump wins, big foreign political and legal battles await him.

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