After completing my PhD at Cardiff School of Engineering, I joined Bridgend College of Technology as a Lecturer. Prior to my research studies, I worked as a Site Engineer on various infrastructure and regeneration projects. Waste Management and the Built Environment are of particular interest to me as far as research is concerned. I have a keen interest in interdisciplinary research and continue to work in this respect.
I have been collaborating with the construction industry to embed R&D and enhance productivity while promoting sustainability and circular economy for waste-derived construction materials. In the past, I have developed and delivered an award-winning Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Partnership project, which lead to patents and End of Waste certifications. I am working on the effective use of various industrial by-products in order to divert waste from landfills.
My research interests are:
Sustainable Construction Materials – Assessing ways to meet the demand for low-cost housing in low-income countries. Seeking to incorporate both organic and inert waste into various construction materials such as concrete and soil building blocks. Research that extends beyond traditional laboratory experiments, employing advanced materials studies and finite element analysis to evaluate the microstructural characteristic of construction materials.
Geo-Environmental Engineering – Development and evaluation of soil remediation strategies, focused on efficient remediation of complex hydrocarbon-based contaminants, utilising low-cost, and environment-friendly techniques.
Waste and Resource Management – Composting, treatment of organic and catering wastes, recycling and reuse of construction and demolition wastes. A key area of interest is the development of markets for waste-derived products including compostable plastic packaging.
I am a Chartered Civil Engineer (CEng) and a member of the Institution of Civil Engineers UK
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