

Antonia Ypsilanti

Associate Professor in Cognitive Psychology/ Psychobiology, Sheffield Hallam University
I have extensive teaching experience and have lead on various Departmental and College roles at SHU. Over the last five years, my research has been concerned with understanding emotional processes and how these affect decision-making and mental health in clinical and non-clinical populations. My expertise lies in understanding the interplay between emotion and cognition by utilizing novel methodological tools to inform relevant mental health promotion interventions. My research involves three main strands: Mental Health; Aging; and Risk-Taking Behaviours. I supervise numerous post graduate dissertations and I am the Director of Studies for two funded PhD students and I am a member of the supervision team for several self-funded students. I am the module leader for the elective Level 6 module "Social and Affective Neuroscience" and I teach in the MSc in Clinical/Cognitive Neuroscience.



Antonio Acín

Professor and group leader, Instituto de Ciencias Fotónicas (ICFO)



Antonio Duran

Assistant Professor of Higher and Postsecondary Education, Arizona State University
Antonio Duran (he/him/él) is an assistant professor of higher and postsecondary education in the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. His research broadly examines how historical and contemporary legacies of oppression influence college student development, experiences, and success. Connected to this central thread, he is also interested in how scholar-practitioners use the above knowledge in their practice. He primarily uses critical frameworks (e.g., intersectionality, queer of color critique, quare theory, jotería studies) to complicate the field’s understanding of racism, heterosexism, trans oppression, and other forms of marginalization on college campuses.



Antonio González-Martín

Profesor Antropología Física, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Licenciado en Biología y Doctor en Antropología Física por la Universitat de Barcelona. Postdoctoral en la Universidad de Bolonia (Italia). Cargos en diferentes instituciones mexicanas (Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Universidad del Estado de Hidalgo,....). Investigador "Ramón y Cajal" en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, actualemente Profesor Titular en el departamento de Biodiversidad, Ecología y Evolución de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Especializado en filogeografía humana y en el estudio de las estrategias adaptativas de nuestra especie.



Antonio Malfense Fierro

Dr Antonio Malfense Fierro completed his PhD at Edinburgh University Business School in 2012 and joined Hull University Business School in May 2013. In May 2010 he was selected as one of the 100 global ‘Young Leaders of Tomorrow’ for the St Gallen Symposium in St Gallen, Switzerland. During 2010-2011 he was the first ‘Chazen Visiting Scholar’ at the Lang Entrepreneurship Center at Columbia University Business School, in the city of New York. He has also more recently (2013) been a visiting researcher at Makerere University Business School in Uganda, investigating large scale successful portfolio entrepreneurs in addition to work with the STEP family business consortium. In 2014 he was invited to the London School of Economics (LSE) Africa summit as an academic advisory panel member.

During his PhD Antonio worked for a year with Edinburgh Universities Student business Incubator. He has also conducted consultancy projects in Southern Africa and has worked at a prominent New York, Venture Capital Fund. Antonio was an accomplished amateur water polo player before injury put an end to his playing career in 2011/2012. He is a qualified water polo coach and represented the Scottish Universities Team (national selection) as a player for three seasons (2006, 2008, 2009), receiving a half blue and colours for this and other achievements, from the Edinburgh University Sports Union. He is a keen golfer, angler and a live sports enthusiast

Dr Malfense Fierro is particularly interested in the role of large scale (or portfolio entrepreneurship) in economic development in Africa and elsewhere. This underlines a broad interest in African business and entrepreneurship which he teaches at undergraduate and postgraduate level. More specifically, he is fascinated by the relationship between risk and entrepreneurship and how risk is managed over time by entrepreneurs in different environments.

Antonio is currently assessing existing measures of ‘entrepreneurial environments’ and their practical applicability and relevance to entrepreneurs and policy-makers. He is also investigating the role of portfolio entrepreneurship in African economic growth and development. Other interests, include the growth processes of entrepreneurial business groups in rapidly, developing and growing markets and other interests in family business and venture capital.

His interests and capabilities also extend to undertaking business opportunity assessments and information gathering that is focused on different industries and markets within African countries, or in environments where the gathering or accessing such information is severely challenging.



Antonio Pele

Associate professor, Law School at PUC-Rio University & Marie Curie Fellow at IRIS/EHESS Paris & MSCA Fellow at the Columbia Center for Contemporary Critical Thought (CCCCT) w/ the HuDig19 Project, Université Paris Nanterre – Université Paris Lumières
Associate Professor at the Law School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Marie Curie Fellow at EHESS/IRIS (2021-23
Visiting Professor at the University Paris Nanterre / CREDOF (Centre de Recherches et d'Etudes sur les Droits Fondamentaux)
Antonio is trained as a political scientist (Sciences-Po) and has received a Ph.D in Law (Carlos III University of Madrid)
His scholarship explores the politics of Human Dignity, the History of Human Rights, and Ethics of New Technologies.



Antonio Arenas Amado

Assistant Professor of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, Iowa State University
Dr. Antonio Arenas serves as an assistant professor at Iowa State University (ISU) in the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering. He has participated in a variety of research projects with an emphasis on the application and development of computational models and data analyses to understand and simulate surface-subsurface hydrologic interactions, the long-term effects of land-use changes on watershed hydrology and water quality, fish migratory behavior, spillway hydrodynamics, and total dissolved gas and temperature dynamics at hydropower reservoirs and tailraces. His current research focuses on developing and using fully coupled surface-subsurface watershed models to evaluate flood mitigation strategies and study the fate and transport of nutrients. Before joining ISU, Dr. Arenas worked as an associate research engineer at IIHR Hydroscience & Engineering at the University of Iowa (UI). He has a Ph.D. from UI, received a master’s degree from Universität Stuttgart (University of Stuttgart), and holds a bachelor’s degree from La Escuela Colombiana de Ingenieria.



Antony Young

Professor of Experimental Photobiology, King's College London
Antony Young’s interest in photobiology was initiated by his MSc in Radiation Biology at the University of London. He studied for his PhD, on psoralen skin photosensitization, under the supervision of the late Professor Ian Magnus who was a pioneer in clinical and experimental photobiology. Professor Young has been secretary of the American Society for Photobiology (ASP) and is a regular faculty member at the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). He is chairman of the British Photodermatology Group (BPG). He has also served on three working groups of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and was the rapporteur for the European Commission (EC) Scientific Committee on Consumer Products (SCCP) that assessed tanning devices. He is photobiology section editor for the Journal of Dermatological Sciences.

Professor Young’s research interests include the effects of UVR on immune function, DNA photodamage and its repair, risk factors for skin cancer, UVR-induced oxidative damage and the role of antioxidants, photosensitization, endogenous and exogenous photoprotection and how the skin adapts to repeated low dose UVR exposure. Typically, experiments are done with human cells in vitro and studies on normal human volunteers. Professor Young has a long-standing interest in action spectroscopy (wavelength dependence of photobiology effects) and the public health implications of his work.



Antti Mikkonen

Principal Health Risk Advisor – Chemicals, EPA Victoria, and PhD Candidate, School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, University of South Australia
Please add a brief bio



Anupam Chander

Professor of Law and Technology, Georgetown University
Professor Chander is Scott K. Ginsburg Professor of Law and Technology at Georgetown University. He is an expert on the global regulation of new technologies. A graduate of Harvard College and Yale Law School, he clerked for Chief Judge Jon O. Newman of the Second Circuit Court of Appeals and Judge William A. Norris of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. He practiced law in New York and Hong Kong with Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton. He has been a visiting law professor at Yale, the University of Chicago, Stanford, Cornell, and Tsinghua. He previously served as the Director of the California International Law Center and Martin Luther King, Jr. Professor of Law at UC Davis. A member of the American Law Institute, he has also served on the Executive Council of the American Society of International Law, where he co-founded the International Law and Technology Interest Group. The author of The Electronic Silk Road (Yale University Press), he serves as a judge of the Stanford Junior International Faculty Forum. A recipient of Google Research Awards and an Andrew Mellon grant on the topic of surveillance, he has served on ICTSD/World Economic Forum expert groups on the digital economy. He serves as an Adjunct Senior Research Scholar at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Policy, a faculty advisor to Georgetown’s Institute for Technology Law and Policy, and as a faculty affiliate of Yale’s Information Society Project.



Anupama Sen

Head of Policy Engagement, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford and Fellow in Environmental Change, Reuben College, University of Oxford, University of Oxford
Dr Anupama Sen is an energy economist who has published extensively on electricity sector restructuring and reform in the context of the energy transition in non-OECD Asia, the transition to renewables in resource-rich economies in the Middle East and North Africa, energy pricing reforms, and the impact of the energy transition on international energy markets. She has a strong interest in the socio-economic implications of the energy transition, its implications for energy consumers, producers and governments, and in the circular economy in relation to energy.

Anupama holds a BA(Hons) in Economics from the University of Mumbai, MSc from the London School of Economics and PhD from the University of Cambridge. Anupama is a Fellow of the Cambridge Commonwealth Society, and has previously been a Junior Research Fellow and a Visiting Fellow at Wolfson College, Cambridge.



Anuradha Rao

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Emory University
I am an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and am currently part of the team at ACME POCT (Atlanta Center for Microsystems Engineered Point-of-Care Technologies), the Test Verification Center for RADx (Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics) Tech that is involved in validating tests that are used to detect and diagnose SARS-CoV-2 infections. I co-lead the Analytical Testing Lab of RADx at ACME POCT. Since December of 2020, we along with the Variant Task Force (comprising leaders in the diagnostics industry, NIH, FDA, and academia) have been involved in “testing the tests”. We ascertain that diagnostic tests are capable of accurately detecting all rapidly arising SARS-CoV-2 variants and to establish a biobank at Emory University that includes all the known variants of concern (VOC) that are circulating in the US. A major portion of this endeavor involves using clinical samples of specific variants to verify that diagnostic tests detect all the circulating variants as effectively as wild type SARS-CoV-2. In the past year, we are analyzing multiplex tests. These are home tests being developed for simultaneous detection of Influenza A, Influenza B and SARS-CoV-2 using a single sample. In addition to working to facilitate EUA for over-the-counter multiplex tests, our team also working on analytical studies for other point of care device for detection of viruses involved in common curable liver disease.



Anuradha Sajjanhar

Lecturer in Politics and Policy, University of East Anglia
I work at the intersection of comparative politics, communication, sociology, and public policy. I ask questions about ideology and discourse, processes of policy making, and right-wing mobilisation in the US, UK and India.

I am an Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Politics and Public Policy at the University of East Anglia, UK. Prior to this position, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow in Policy and Governance at the Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University, and a New Generation Network Scholar at the Australia India Institute. Parallel to my independent research, I led a research project in 2021 funded by the Immigrant Learning Center and the Institute for Immigrant Research examining the policy neglect experienced by immigrant essential workers in the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic.



Anurag Pandit

PhD Candidate in Exercise Physiology, UNSW Sydney
I am an Accredited Exercise Physiologist based in Australia, and have just started my PhD investigating the menopausal transition and resistance training. My honours thesis was looking at the effect of creatine monohydrate on acute lean body mass changes measured by a DEXA scanner, and was contributing to research in the effect of your gut microbiome profile on adaptations to resistance training. During this time I published a paper (DOI: 10.1007/s40279-023-01878-1) looking at the sex bias in data informing resistance training guidelines.



Anya Daly

Senior Lecturer in Philosophy and Ethics, University of Tasmania
Anya is Senior Lecturer in Philosophy and Ethics in the School of Humanities, University of Tasmania. Anya’s research interests are wide-ranging. She investigates the intersections of phenomenology with philosophy of mind, ethics, the philosophy of perception, aesthetics, the philosophy of psychiatry, embodied and social cognition, enactivism and Buddhist Philosophy.

She has published in ethics, aesthetics, philosophy of psychiatry, feminism, social cognition, philosophy of psychology, philosophy of perception, ontology and animal ethics.

For my publications - please see my UTAS profile



Anya Schiffrin

Senior Lecturer in Discipline of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University
Dr. Anya Schiffrin is the director of the Technology, Media, and Communications at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs and a lecturer who teaches on global media, innovation and human rights. She writes on journalism and development, investigative reporting in the global south and has published extensively over the last decade on the media in Africa. More recently she has become focused on solutions to the problem of online disinformation, earning her PHD on the topic from the University of Navarra. She is the editor of Global Muckraking: 100 Years of Investigative Reporting from Around the World (New Press, 2014) and African Muckraking: 75 years of Investigative journalism from Africa (Jakana 2017). She is the editor of Media Capture: How Money, Digital Platforms and Governments Control the News (Columbia University Press 2021)



Aoife Duffy

Senior Lecturer, University of Essex
Dr. Aoife Duffy is an interdisciplinary human rights scholar affiliated with University of Essex’s Human Rights Centre/School of Law. Prior to this posting, she held lectureships at the National University of Ireland Galway and Dublin City University. Aoife has been the recipient of various awards and grants, including the prestigious Department of Foreign Affairs Andrew Grene scholarship in conflict resolution for her doctoral studies. With a broad horizon of research interests, Aoife has published on topics ranging from indigenous peoples’ rights to states of emergency in such journals as Human Rights Quarterly, the International Journal of Refugee Law, and the International Journal of Transitional Justice. Her transitional justice scholarship examining major paradigm shifts has led to new historiographies shedding light on legacy issues in various case studies. Several of these have been published, including the ground-breaking monograph - Torture and Human Rights in Northern Ireland: Interrogation in Depth. In tandem with legal histories, she has accumulated expertise on intelligence/security operations, detention without trial, interrogation, and torture.

Aoife’s interdisciplinary scholarship has evolved into other areas: producing original work on the interplay between photography/visual framing and international law, developing a conceptual framework on universality and rights recognition, and an output on reproductive autonomy. Adding to the canon of critical pedagogy, her latest journal article devises a fresh approach to human rights education by drawing on multiple disciplines. Current projects focus on the modalities through which the past is understood in the present; accessed through oral histories, official and non-official archives, legal documents, historic testimonies, memoires, and contemporary understandings of the past. A particular sensitivity is given to excavating subaltern or marginalised narratives that might otherwise be lost from the socio-historical record.

Aoife's academic research and activism is animated by social justice goals - in particular, the achievement of substantive equality and the elimination of discrimination in society. In order to address structural injustice, systemic marginalisation and exclusion, human rights practice and scholarship is strengthened by different disciplinary perspectives. In that regard, she would welcome human rights PhD supervision in a cross disciplinary arrangement.

In 2022, Aoife was invited to participate in the International Expert Panel: State Impunity and the Northern Ireland Conflict (due to report in 2023). She has also acted in an advisory/consultative capacity for various stakeholders on legacy issues stemming from the Northern Ireland conflict.



Aoife Morrin

Associate Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Dublin City University
My research is focussed on how we can use cutting-edge analytical measurements in new types of health diagnostics. I am interested in designing sensors that can interact with the human body in non-invasive ways. Wearable sensors that sit on the skin are of particular interest as we believe the chemical markers available on the skin surface offer great opportunities for new sensors. The gas or volatile emission from skin is being studied in my group to understand its origin and how it links to human health and well-being.
In terms of sensor development, we have materials science research underway related to responsive biomaterials that are candidates for targeting health markers specifically from skin tissue. These include hydrogels, conducting polymers and various nanomaterials.

Published including >80 peer-reviewed papers, several book chapters and 1 book. (h-Index: 29; citations>3000).



Aoko Oluwayomi

PhD Candidate (Exercise Physiology), University of Lagos
Patient focused and responsible Physiotherapist and researcher with 20+ years of experience in epidemiology studies and examining patients rehabilitation needs, developing therapy plans and goals across home healthcare, in-patient and out-patient health facilities. Distinguished client-facing skills and experience working closely with healthcare professionals and researchers to assess and treat complex conditions. At Ageless Physical Rehabilitation Center, spearheaded and maintained Lagos State, Nigeria accreditation. Lead researcher at Center for Research, Education and Development in physical Rehabilitation.
Leads the research team of SUNRISE STUDY Nigeria in the first international cross-sectional study that aims to determine the proportion of 3- and 4- year-old children who meet the WHO Global Physical Activity Guidelines in the Early Years and how they differ by gender, urban/rural location and/or socioeconomic status, executive functions, motor skills and adiposity as potential correlates of 24-hour movement behaviors.



Apparao Rao

Professor of Physics, Clemson University
Apparao Rao is currently the R. A. Bowen Professor of Physics and a former Associate Dean for Discovery in the College of Science. He is a Fellow of four prestigious societies: the American Physical Society and American Association for the Advancement of Science, National Academy of Inventors, and the Materials Research Society. He received his PhD in physics from University of Kentucky in 1989 and subsequently served as a post-doctoral research associate at MIT until 1991. Later, he joined University of Kentucky as a research assistant professor before coming to Clemson in 2000. His laboratory is dedicated to understanding the atomic, magnetic, electrical, optical, and biophysical/biochemical properties of micro- and nano-structured materials. Rao’s research interests include the characterization and applications of carbon nanotubes, semiconducting nanobelts, nanowires and thermoelectric materials. His group's strength lies in the ability to synthesize several nano-structured materials (using various growth techniques such as electrical arc, chemical vapor deposition and pulsed laser vaporization) and explore the fundamental physics in nanostructured systems (using a wide range of characterization techniques such as Raman scattering, infrared, UV-visible, fluorescence, non-linear optical spectroscopy, harmonic detection of resonance method, atomic force microscopy, electron microscopy and electrical transport measurements). Recently, his team has been developing energy harnessing and energy storage technologies, and he has served as the principle investigator on grants funded by NSF, NASA, SC EPSCoR and industry.



April Smith

Associate Professor of Psychological Sciences, Auburn University
April Smith is the director of the Research on Eating Disorders and Suicidality (REDS) Laboratory at Auburn University. She received her PhD from Florida State University’s Clinical Psychology Program in 2012 and completed her clinical residency at the University of California, San Diego. Dr. Smith was an associate professor at Miami University before starting at Auburn in 2021. She was named a 2016 Rising Star by the Association for Psychological Science. Dr. Smith has received over $6.5 million in funding from the Department of Defense and NIMH to support her work.



April J Burt

Research Associate, University of Oxford
April spent eight years in conservation management and research positions in the western Indian Ocean region, including as the science coordinator for Aldabra Atoll, a marine UNESCO world heritage site. April completed her PhD at the University of Oxford and now specialises in marine protected area management in the Western Indian Ocean. This role is geared towards improving the management of island ecosystems to enhance their resilience to the impacts of climate change and other threats.



April Nisan Ilkmen

PhD Candidate in Couple and Family Therapy, Adler University
After completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology at the University of Ottawa, April Ilkmen received a Master of Arts in Couple and Family Therapy from Adler University. She is an Associate Licensed in Marriage and Family Therapist in Illinois, and is currently enrolled in Adler’s renowned Ph.D. program in Couple and Family Therapy. April grew up in Turkey, has lived in Canada, and now resides in the U.S. She speaks English, Turkish and French.



Ara Monadjem

Full Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Eswatini
Ara Monadjem is Full Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Eswatini, Eswatini, where he has been lecturing in zoology since 1993, and a fellow of the Mammal Research Institute in the Department of Zoology & Entomology at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. Raised in Eswatini, his research has taken him across much of Africa, and has included ground-breaking expeditions to largely undescribed regions in countries such as Liberia and Mozambique. His academic interests centre upon ecology and conservation, with a special focus on small mammals. He has published over 160 scientific articles, and among his eight books is the landmark Bats of Southern and Central Africa, also published by WUP. In his spare time, Ara enjoys bird watching and cycling.



Arantxa Vizcaíno-Verdú

Phd Student in Communication, Universidad de Huelva
Arantxa Vizcaíno-Verdú is Predoctoral Fellow (FPU) at the University of Huelva (Spain), Communication PhD Candidate, and researcher in transmedia storytelling, fandom and pop culture on social media. M.A. in Communication and Audiovisual Education (UHU), Bachelor Degree in Advertising and Public Relations (UA), and Certificate of Higher Education in Plastic Arts and Design – Illustration (Massana School of Barcelona). Professor on Advanced Research Methods in Social Sciences (UHU/UNIA, Spain), and Key Regional Leader of the 'TikTok Cultures Research Network'. She is Researcher of the Influencer Ethnography Research Lab (IERLab), the Research Group ‘Agora’ (Andalusian Research Plan: HUM-648), the media literacy research network 'Alfamed', and the Comunicar Group.



Aravinda Meera Guntupalli

Senior Lecturer in Global Health, University of Aberdeen
Research Areas: Health Inequalities (with a special focus on protected characteristics), Nutritional Transition & Noncommunicable Diseases, Non-monetary Indicators of Poverty & Health in Later Life, Quantitative Research Methods and Historical Perspective



Archana Venkatesan

Professor of Religious Studies and Comparative Literature, University of California, Davis
Archana Venkatesan is Professor of Religious Studies and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Davis. Her research interests are in the intersection of text, performance, and visual culture in South India, and in the translation of Tamil religious poetry into English. Her translations are inflected and inspired by extensive fieldwork in the temples of South India, where Tamil devotional poetry continues to be read, recited, interpreted, and performed. Her current research (begun in 2005) is on the annual Festival of Recitation celebrated at a network of eleven temples in Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu. She is the author of The Secret Garland: Āṇṭāḷ’s Tiruppāvai and Nācciyār Tirumoḻi (Oxford University Press, 2010 and HarperCollins, 2015), A Hundred Measures of Time: Nammāḻvār’s Tiruviruttam (Penguin Classics, 2014), Endless Song: Nammāḻvār’s Tiruvāymoḻi (Penguin Classics 2020), and with Crispin Branfoot, Andal’s Garden: Art, Ornament and Devotion in Srivilliputtur (Marg 2016). Her translation of Endless Song received the Lucien Stryk Prize for Asian Translation from the American Literary Translators Association (2021) and the AK Ramanujan Translation Prize from the Association of Asian Studies (2022). She is one of the translators of Kampaṉ’s twelfth century Tamil epic, Irāmāvatāram, for the Murty Classical Library, She served on the editorial board of the Murty Classical Library of India from 2017-2024. In collaboration with noted South Indian classical vocalist, Sikkil Gurucharan, Archana performs her translations guided by the principles of Indic performative and interpretive practices. She served as the Chair of the Department of Religious Studies from July 2015 to June 2018 and again from 2019-2021. In recognition of her research, she was named a UC Davis Chancellor’s Fellow, a title she held from 2014-2019. Archana’s research has been supported by the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts (for the Tiruvāymoḻi translation), National Endowment for the Humanities, The American Institute of Indian Studies, The American Academy of Religion, and Fulbright. Her personal website is Poetry Makes Worlds ( She was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2022.



Archana Venkatesh

Assistant Professor of History, Clemson University
Professor Venkatesh's research interests lie at the intersection of South Asian history, oral history, women’s history, and history of medicine. She is currently working on her manuscript, titled Women, Medicine and Nation-building: The ‘Lady Doctor’ and Development in Twentieth Century South India, which examines the role of women doctors in the creation and extension of development initiatives in south India from 1919-1970. Her research has been supported by the American Institute of Indian Studies. Her teaching interests are in Women’s History, History of South Asia, World History, Oral History and Digital History.



Archie Chapman

Senior Lecturer, School of IT and Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland
Dr Archie Chapman is a Senior Lecturer in Computer Science in the School of IT and Electrical Engineering.

Archie develops and applies principled artificial intelligence, game theory, optimisation and machine learning methods to solve large-scale and dynamic allocation, scheduling and queuing problems. His recent research has focused on applications of these techniques to problems in future power systems, such as integrating large amounts of renewable power generation and using batteries and flexible loads to provide power network and system services, while making best use of legacy network and generation infrastructure.

Prior to joining UQ, Archie was Research Fellow in Smart Grids at the University of Sydney (2011-2019), and a postdoc fellow at the University of Southampton (2009-2010), where he completed his PhD.



Archie McLean

Associate Professor of Journalism and Digital Media, Mount Royal University
Archie McLean is an associate professor of journalism and digital media at Mount Royal University. Before coming to Calgary, he served as the managing editor for CBC North, based in Yellowknife. He also worked as a reporter and editor at the Edmonton Journal, and served as the chair of journalism at MacEwan University.



Archie Wolfman

PhD Researcher, Queen Mary University of London
I am currently working on a PhD in Film Studies at Queen Mary University of London. My research focuses on how Holocaust memory is represented in contemporary transnational cinemas. I examine a variety of films in different (trans)national contexts to show how the Holocaust today is understood in both dialogue and competition with other genocides and historical events, ranging from the Armenian genocide, the Roma genocide, as well as the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war. I have an upcoming book chapter, about the online viral phenomenon of the "dybbuk box", to be published in a edited volume by De Gruyter on digital Holocaust memory. I have a BA in Film Studies for which I achieved a first, and an MA in Film and Philosophy, for which I achieved a distinction -- both from King's College London.



Areej Al-Hamad

Assistant professor, School of Nursing, Toronto Metropolitan University
Dr. Areej Al-Hamad is an Assistant Professor at the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Toronto Metropolitan University. She holds a PhD from Western University and another PhD in Rural and Northern Health/Health Policy from Laurentian University. Dr. Al-Hamad's academic journey and professional pursuits are deeply rooted in enhancing healthcare and wellbeing of vulnerable population through innovative and empowering research and education, particularly focusing on women’s health, food and housing insecurities and the wellbeing of marginalized communities including immigrants and refugees.

Renowned for her commitment to community-based research, Dr. Al-Hamad has extensively explored the healthcare, settlement and integration, food and housing experiences, sense of belonging and economic inclusion including employment and entrepreneurship experiences of different refugee groups including Syrian, Afghan and Ukrainian refugee women, shedding light on their challenges and resilience. Her work transcends academic realms, actively contributing to the broader discourse on social justice and health equity. As peer reviewer for several journals and Associate Editor for the Diversity & Inclusion Research Journal, she leverages her expertise to elevate critical research in migration, integration, settlement and health and social sciences. Through her contributions in academia and community engagement, Dr. Al-Hamad exemplifies a steadfast dedication to social justice, equity, diversity, and the betterment of societal health structures. Dr. Al-Hamad supervised and mentored several undergraduate and graduate students. Dr. Al-Hamad has several affiliate positions including University of Calgary, Graduate Program in Immigration and Settlement Studies at TMU, and the MSc Occupational Health and Safety Program at TMU.

Dr. Al-Hamad has an extensive publication record in highly reputable journals. In addition, she has extensive experience in grant writing and successful funding achievements, such as the SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grant and the SSHRC Insight Development Grant, QNRF, FCS together of conducting several impactful knowledge translation events and forums. Dr. Al-Hamad is a certified JBI reviewer and has also been recognized with various awards, like the Western University/ Louise Rickwood PhD award for best and impactful dissertation and academic achievements, reflecting her commitment to excellence in research and academic endeavors. Dr. Al-Hamad sits on several committees including DCSN Quality Assurance and Scholarship, Research and Creativity (SRC) committee. Dr. Al-Hamad is currently involved in several international research projects, and she sits on the Toronto Metropolitan University's Research Ethics Board as a Reviewer.



Arend Hintze

At the Hintzelab we are researching the evolution of natural and artificial intelligence. We use computational modeling to understand what environments and evolutionary pressures give rise to intelligence, and how cognitive mechanisms evolved. At the same time we want to bring about Artificial Intelligence by the means of evolution. The idea is that conventional approaches in software design will ultimately be limited to our understanding of the human brain, and we simply don’t want to wait until cognitive- and neuro-science figured “it” out, but instead use the one process that already made cognitive entities: evolution!



Ari Joskowicz

Associate Professor of History, Jewish Studies and European Studies, Vanderbilt University
Ari Joskowicz is a historian of modern Jewish and European history. He is especially interested in the interplay between Jewish history and transnational minority politics since the Enlightenment. His book The Modernity of Others: Jewish Anti-Catholicism in Germany and France (Stanford University Press, 2014) explores how German and French Jews in the long nineteenth century defined their own modernity and national belonging by criticizing the anti-modern politics of the Catholic Church. The book was a finalist for the Jordan Schnitzer Book Award (2015). His articles emerging from his interest in questions of religious polemics and secularism include: “Liberal Judaism and Confessional Politics of Difference in the German Kulturkampf” in the Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook (2005), “Heinrich Heine’s Transparent Masks: Denominational Politics and the Poetics of Emancipation in Nineteenth-Century Germany and France,” in the German Studies Review (2011), “The Priest, the Woman, and the Jewish Family: Gender and Conversion Fears in 1840s France,” in the Jewish Quarterly Review (2011), “Jewish Anticlericalism and the Making of Modern Jewish Politics in Late Enlightenment Prussia and France,” in Jewish Social Studies (2011), and “Selma the Jewish Seer: Female Prophecy and Bourgeois Religion in Nineteenth-Century Germany” in the Journal of Modern Jewish Studies (2014). He is also the co-editor of Secularism in Question: Jews and Judaism in Modern Times (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015).

His new book, Rain of Ash: Roma, Jews, and the Holocaust (Princeton University Press, 2023) traces the unlikely entanglement of the histories of Jews and Romanies throughout the twentieth century, focusing on Western and Central Europe as well as the United States and Israel. The aim of this project is twofold: First, he explores the encounters between Jews and Romanies in various camps and killing fields during the Holocaust. Second, he seeks to understand how survivors and historians have spoken about Romani and Jewish suffering during the Second World War in relational terms and to explore the paradoxes that arise when victims of related persecution tell stories next to, and after, each other. Several articles develop themes from this project: “Romani Refugees and the Postwar Order” (Journal of Contemporary History, 2016), “Separate Suffering, Shared Archives: Jewish and Romani Histories of Nazi Persecution” (History & Memory, 2016), and “The Age of the Witness and the Age of Surveillance: Romani Holocaust Testimony and the Perils of Digital Scholarship” (American Historical Review, 2020).

His interest in the history of European minorities is also reflected in various other scholarly projects. He contributed to two EU studies on racism and antisemitism in contemporary Europe and translated G. C. Spivak’s essay “Can the Subaltern Speak?” into German together with Stefan Nowotny (Vienna, 2007). His work has been supported, among others by the Rosenzweig Minerva Research Center (Hebrew University, Jerusalem), the Lady Davis Fellowship Trust, the Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, the American Philosophical Society, the American Society of Learned Societies (ACLS), the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies, the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

At Vanderbilt, Professor Joskowicz teaches courses in modern European and Jewish history, including “The Holocaust,” “The Idea of Europe,” “Religion and Politics in Modern Europe,” “Perspectives on Modern Jewish History,” and “Conspiracy Theories and Rumors.”



Ari Mattes

Lecturer in Media Studies, University of Notre Dame Australia

I received a PhD from the English department of the University of Sydney for my thesis, Action! America: The Impulse to Action in American Literature and Film.



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