Forrest Fellow, The University of Western Australia
Dr Mark Wong is a Forrest Fellow in the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Western Australia. His interests lie in community and invasion ecology. Dr Wong's research uses trait-based approaches to understand the causes and consequences of changing biodiversity, especially for insects and their kin. Dr Wong previously completed a DPhil at the University of Oxford on a prestigious Clarendon Scholarship, where his research on the ecology of ant invasions in the tropics was supported by funding from the National Geographic Society and a Varley Gradwell Fellowship. Dr Wong currently serves on the editorial board of the journals Insect Conservation and Diversity and Asian Myrmecology.
Apr 19, 2024 06:22 am UTC| Nature
Have you ever wondered if there are more insects out at night than during the day? We set out to answer this question by combing through the scientific literature. We searched for meaningful comparisons of insect...
Sep 20, 2022 06:16 am UTC| Nature
Have you ever wondered exactly how many ants live on Earth? Possibly not, but its certainly a question weve asked ourselves. Our research published today provides an approximate answer. We conservatively estimate our...
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