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Nintendo Switch Lite: What is the difference between Switch and Switch Lite? Price, specs and other details

Photo by: Nintendo Switch/Facebook

Nintendo Switch Lite has been announced, and it was made to offer a smaller version of the original portable gaming gadget. It was also said to feature a simpler interface for easy gaming experience and navigation. Its size will make playing easier since it will better fit in the hands.

Nintendo revealed the lite version just earlier this month, and gamers are already excited for its release. Everyone should expect a smaller built Switch console that is fitted with non-detachable Joy-Cons.

Comparison: Switch vs. Switch Lite

It was said that there is not much difference between the original Switch and the new Nintendo Switch Lite. Besides the design and few tweaks, the two consoles are almost identical. In terms of performance, there is no difference at all, and all the functions are intact, and the accessories of the original are also useable in the new version like the Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Poke ball Plus, gyro controls and more.

Display specs

The Nintendo Switch Lite is said to feature a 5.5-inch display and touch sensors are available, as per The Verge. The touch sensors are running smooth, and the size is just right for gaming. The bezels are thin, and the air vent has been made to match the hues of the hardware for better appearance. The gadget is fresh, nice to hold and it got everything that its bigger predecessor offers.

How much is the new Nintendo handheld gaming unit

The Nintendo Switch Lite is not so expensive. Its price is just right, and it will be easy on the pocket for most gamers. They are designed to be cheaper so they will be launched with the retail value of just $199. It can be noted that this is $100 less expensive than the original.

Launch date - When is it coming?

The Nintendo Switch Lite will be out in the market on Sept. 20. It is expected to play almost all games that were designed for handheld gaming consoles. There could be games that cannot be played though, and they are the types that require the use of accessories like special controllers, motion controls, and multiple Joy-Cons.

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