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US Presidential Election Series: Donald Trump officially elected as 45th US President

It was already over in November, and now it’s officially over in December. Last night US electors officially elected the Republican candidate Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States. Mr. Trump did exactly what very few predicted 18 months ago. With the backing of 304 electors, who gathered at the state capitals to choose the next President, the race is now officially over in the favor of Mr. Trump ending all the speculations with regard to recounting process launched by Green Party candidate Jill Stein and with the call from Trump opponents to the electors to reject him as the President. Mr. Trump had won 306 electoral votes in the November election but two rouge electors chose not to vote for him. Four Democratic electors broke rank, with three voting for Collin Powell and one voting for Faith Spotted Eagle.

The final count emerged as 304 electoral votes for Trump, 228 for Hillary Clinton, 3 for Colin Powell, 1 for Faith Spotted Eagle, 1 for John Kasich, and 1 for Paul Ryan.

After winning, Mr. trump tweeted, "We did it! Thank you to all of my great supporters, we just officially won the election (despite all of the distorted and inaccurate media)."

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