

Temitope Lawal

PhD Candidate, Bond University
Temitope Lawal is currently a PhD candidate at Bond University, Australia. He has extensive policy and regulatory experience in the telecommunications industry, having served as legal and regulatory services manager at the Nigerian Communications Commission.



Tendai Mangena

Professor of African Studies, University of Leeds
I have worked as a British Academy Global Professor at the University of Leeds’ School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science, and the Leeds University Centre for African Studies since February 2023. I have also been a Research Fellow in the Department of English at the University of the Free State in South Africa since 2017.

Before joining the University of Leeds I was an Associate Professor in the English and Media Studies Department at Great Zimbabwe University, where I taught African literature. I received my PhD in African literature from Leiden University in 2015.

Since then, I have held different research fellowships that include the Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellowship and Fulbright Research Scholarship in the Department of Comparative Literature and Languages at the University of California (Riverside) in the US.

My research interests lie at the intersections of African/Zimbabwean literary and cultural studies, including onomastics, with a focus on questions of gender, sexuality, politics, power and (in)justice.



Tenelle Porter

Assistant Professor of Psychology, Rowan University
Our knowledge is neither perfect nor complete. We are often confused, ignorant, mistaken, or completely wrong. What determines whether these moments will lead to growth and discovery, or defensiveness and discouragement?

I am interested in the psychological processes that make growth possible for imperfect humans navigating imperfect systems. My work combines behavioral studies of children, adolescents, and adults and large field experiments. I also have expertise in evaluation science.

I completed a PhD at Stanford University, an IES postdoctoral fellowship at UC Davis, and a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania funded by my grant from the John Templeton Foundation.



Terence C. Cheng

Associate Professor, Centre for Health Economics, Monash University
Terence Cheng is a health economist and an Associate Professor at the Centre for Health Economics, Monash University. His broad research interest is on the economics of health systems, with an emphasis on how public and private health care systems interact. His work focuses on the roles that public and private sectors play in financing and delivering health care, and on the implications of this public-private interface for health system outcomes and performance.



Teresa Baron

Nottingham Research Fellow in the Department of Philosophy, University of Nottingham
I am a Research Fellow at the University of Nottingham working on philosophy of parenthood and reproductive ethics. I have published on a number of topics within these spheres in journals such as Bioethics and the Journal of Applied Philosophy, and my book 'The Philosopher's Guide to Parenthood: Storks, Surrogates and Stereotypes' was published in 2023 by Cambridge University Press.



Teresa Rzezniczak

PhD Candidate, Biomolecular Sciences, Laurentian University
Teresa is a PhD candidate in Biomolecular Sciences at Laurentian University with over a decade of research and teaching experience. Her research interests lie in elucidating the connections underlying biological complexity.

When she's not in the lab, Teresa enjoys hiking and spending time with her husband and two young sons.



Teresa Sádaba

Dean at ISEM Fashion Business School, Universidad de Navarra
Decana de ISEM Fashion Business School, donde es profesora de Comunicación Estratégica para empresas de moda.

Doctora y licenciada en Periodismo por la Universidad de Navarra, licenciada en Ciencias Políticas, y profesora titular acreditada por la ANECA.

Se ha especializado en el área de la Comunicación Estratégica aplicada a distintos sectores como la política, la banca y las empresas de moda: desde 2001, ha sido profesora de Comunicación Política y Sistemas Políticos Comparados en la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Navarra.

Su investigación se ha centrado en la teoría del Framing, de la que ha publicado numerosos artículos y dos libros. Actualmente trabaja en temas de política y moda y en nuevos desarrollos de la comunicación. Ha sido research scholar en la London School of Economics and Political Science, en la University of Texas at Austin y Fulbright scholar en la George Washington University, así como profesora invitada en la Université Paris 12, entre otras.



Teresa Scassa

Canada Research Chair in Information Law and Policy, L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa
Dr. Teresa Scassa is the Canada Research Chair in Information Law and Policy at the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law. She is Chair of the Canadian Statistics Advisory Council, member of the Digital Strategy Advisory Panel for Waterfront Toronto, and member of the Canadian Advisory Council on Artificial Intelligence. Teresa Scassa is also a senior fellow with CIGI’s International Law Research Program. She is the author of Canadian Trademark Law, and co-author of Digital Commerce in Canada, and Canadian Intellectual Property Law. She is a co-editor of the books Law and the Sharing Economy and Interdisciplinary Approaches to Intellectual Property Law. Her research interests include: privacy law, data governance, intellectual property law, law and technology, law and artificial intelligence, and smart cities.



Teresa Fernández Crespo

Investigadora Distinguida en Prehistoria, Universidad de Valladolid
Doctora en prehistoria. Actualmente Investigadora Distinguida en la Universidad de Valladolid e Investigadora Asociada en la Universidad de Oxford. Sus líneas de investigación se centran en la ostearqueología humana y los análisis isótopicos de las comunidades de la prehistoria reciente en el occidente europeo, con especial interés en la subsistencia, la identidad, la desigualdad socio-económica y la violencia.



Teresa García Alcaraz

Postdoctoral researcher in the School of Natural and Built Environment (QUB), Queen's University Belfast
I am a postdoctoral research and teaching fellow in the Department of Urbanism and Regional Planning (DUOT) of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain. I am currently a visiting scholar at the School of Natural and Built Environment, Queen’s University Belfast (UK), with a Postdoctoral Fellowship (Margarita Salas) exploring the interfaces of Belfast.

I graduated in Architecture from the UPC, completed a Master of Arts at the London Metropolitan University (UK), and I currently hold a PhD (Excellent Cum Laude) in urban studies from the UPC with research interests related to contested cities, in-between spaces, socio-spatial segregation and artistic interventions in the intra-borders of contemporary cities.

I have more than 15 years of experience in strategic and practical implementation of community engagement programmes, and developing grass-root projects around heritage and the built environment in Venezuela, Ecuador, Spain, and the United Kingdom. I have extensive experience in stakeholder engagement, architecture and urban design, writing and editorial work. I combine my experience in participatory design, architecture, urbanism, and writing with research and teaching.



Teresa Rossignoli Palomeque

Personal docente investigador. Líder del proyecto STap2Go: plataforma de cribado e intervención de atención y funciones ejecutivas, Universidad Nebrija
Doctora Cum Laude en Psicología por la UCM (2020), Máster en Neuropsicología Infantil (2010-2012 UCM) y Ldo. Psicopedagogía (2010, UCM). Actualmente, dirijo el máster de Cognición y Emoción en Contextos Educativos en la Universidad de Nebrija. Además, pertenezco a los grupos de investigación CINC (Centro de investigación Nebrija en Cognición) y CEDI (Cognición, Educación y Diferencias Individuales) de la misma Universidad. Imparto docencia en el máster que dirijo, así como en los grados de Infantil y Primaria.
Poseo experiencia anterior como personal docente-investigador en el Centro Universitario Cardenal Cisneros (programa bilingüe), profesora asociada en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, y docente en Master de Neuropsicología en la Universidad Operta de Catalunya entre otros. A su vez, cuento con amplia experiencia en intervención neuropsicológica y coordinación del departamento de Neuropsicología Infantil en el Centro Comunica (Majadahonda, Madrid). Durante más de 8 años, trabajé con niños y adolescentes con dificultades de aprendizaje como dislexia, Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH), dificultades en habilidades sociales etc.
Mi investigación está orientada especialmente a la evaluación y entrenamiento cognitivo de la atención y de las funciones ejecutivas en población escolar, entre los que destacan publicaciones como:
(1) Rossignoli-Palomeque, T., Perez-Hernandez, E., & González Marqués, J. (2018). Brain training in children and adolescents: Is it scientifically valid? Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 565.
(2) Rossignoli, T, Perez-Hernandez, E., Quiros-Godoy, M., González Marqués, J (2019) Schoolchildren¿s compensatory strategies during an Executive Function App Training. Frontiers in Psychology 10, 2332.
(3) Rossignoli, T, Perez-Hernandez, E., González Marqués, J. (2020) Training effects on attention and EF strategy-based training "Nexxo" in school-age students. Acta Psychologica 210, 103174.
(4) Rossignoli-Palomeque, T., & Perez-Hernandez, E. (2022). Validity of The Evaluation System of Children and Adolescents to Measure Executive Functions: Convergent Validity. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 07342829221104349.
Actualmente, dirijo dos tesis en esta línea de investigación.
Por otro lado, realizo transferencia de investigación desarrollando una plataforma de cribado y entrenamiento de atención y funciones ejecutivas "STap2Go" en colaboración con la empresa GeneticAI, especializada en desarrollo informático de soluciones para la salud. Esta herramienta, combina estrategias metacognitivas con el entrenamiento de procesos básicos: velocidad de procesamiento, atención, inhibición, memoria de trabajo y flexibilidad cognitiva.



Terje Ostebo

Chair of the Department of Religion and Professor at the Department of Religion and the Center for African Studies, University of Florida
Dr. Terje Østebø is a Professor in the Department of Religion and the Center for African Studies, University of Florida. He is the founding director of the Center for Global Islamic Studies and currently the chair of the Department of Religion.



Termeh Teymoorian

PhD student in chemistry, Université de Montréal



Terra Glowach

PGCE English Tutor and Senior Lecturer in Education, University of the West of England
Terra Glowach is a Senior Lecturer in Initial Teacher Education at the University of the West of England. She has 20 years experience working as a teacher and teacher-educator in Canada, Japan, Ethiopia, India and the UK. After working as a teacher, subject leader and lead practitioner in Bristol, she founded the Bristol Decolonising Network in 2021 to facilitate collaboration between local teachers and academics. Her research focuses on teacher-led, anti-racist work in schools.



Terrance J. Wade

Professor of Health Sciences, Brock University
My research takes a population perspective, focusing on the social and structural determinants of mental and physical health and behaviour across the life course with an emphasis on childhood. My work is interdisciplinary in nature linking social determinants to emotional, cognitive, social, and physiological development.



Terri Cardinal

Director, Indigenous Initiatives, MacEwan University
Tansi, I’m Terri Cardinal (she/her) and I’m from Saddle Lake Cree Nation in Treaty 6 Territory. I just completed a one year contract, working on a meaningful project as the Indian Residential School Coordinator with Blue Quills University. I have now returned to MacEwan University, where I am the been the director of Indigenous Initiatives for the last 6 years. I have a clinical MSW specializing in trauma and I am now pursuing my PhD in Social Work with the University of Calgary. My research and passion focus on ceremony is healing, grief and loss traditional practices, Indigenous social work, and identity. In my aspirations, I am a co-host and co-creator of “2 Crees in a Pod”, a Podcast that amplifies Indigenous voices to honor Indigenous helping practices. In addition, along with my co-host and colleague Amber Dion, we deliver nêhiyaw trauma informed practices & Indigenous love workshops for front line workers across the country.



Terri Farrelly

Adjunct Fellow, Department of Indigenous Studies, Macquarie University
Dr Terri Farrelly is an Adjunct Fellow and Postdoctoral Research Associate with the Department of Indigenous Studies at Macquarie University. She is a settler researcher and author whose work has been dedicated to Aboriginal suicidologies and addressing racism and discrimination through truth-telling. She is the co-author of 'Monumental Disruptions: Aboriginal People and Colonial Commemorations in So-Called Australia' (Aboriginal Studies Press, 2023).



Terri Givens

Professor, Political Science, University of British Columbia



Terri L. Griffith

Keith Beedie Chair in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Simon Fraser University
Terri Griffith holds the Keith Beedie Chair in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Simon Fraser University’s Beedie School of Business. She spent two decades in the Silicon Valley and in 2012 was honored as a Woman of Influence by the Silicon Valley Business Journal. Terri helps her students and their organizations accelerate performance and prepare for the futures of work. Terri brings energy and evidence-based innovation to organizational design and technology management through her research, teaching, speaking, and writing. Her current research focuses on remote and hybrid work strategies, especially the bottom-up application of automation and artificial intelligence.

For over 30 years she has partnered with universities as they provide executive education to organizations such as Oracle, IBM, Cisco, ESADE, Sonera, SIM APC, and the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals. She serves on advisory boards for startups and advisory groups and served as the 2022 President of ISSIP - The International Society of Service Innovation Professionals. She's now joined the ISSIP Strategy Council.

Through her blog, Technology and Organizations, and freelance work (Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review Blog, Women 2.0, MIT’s Sloan Management Review), Terri follows organizational trends and the leaders who bring them to life. Terri's award-winning book, The Plugged-In Manager: Get in Tune with Your People, Technology, and Organization to Thrive, offers clear examples and frameworks for succeeding now and in the future -- not just leadership, not just technology, but a powerful combination that leverages all your resources. Her academic work is published in top journals such as: Organization Science, Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, IEEE – Transactions on Engineering Management, and the Academy of Management Review. Some of this research has been funded by Canada’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and the U.S. National Science Foundation. Terri has served as senior editor for Organization Science and associate editor for MIS Quarterly. She is currently an editorial review board member for Organization Science and Organizational Psychology Review. Her undergraduate degree is from UC Berkeley; her MS and PhD are from Carnegie Mellon.



Terry Boyle

Senior Lecturer in Cancer Epidemiology, University of South Australia
Dr Terry Boyle is an epidemiologist in the Allied Health and Human Performance Academic Unit and the Australian Centre for Precision Health at the University of South Australia (UniSA). He has a broad interest in lifestyle factors and chronic disease, with a focus on the role that physical activity and sedentary behaviour play in cancer risk, cancer survival and cancer survivorship. Terry received his PhD from The University of Western Australia in 2012, then spent two years at the BC Cancer Agency and the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He joined UniSA in 2017, before which he was at Curtin University.



Terry Eddy

Associate Professor, Sport Management, University of Windsor
Dr. Eddy is currently an Associate Professor of Sport Management, having been at the University of Windsor since 2017. Previously, he was an Assistant Professor of Sport Management at the University of Arkansas, as well as St. John's University in Queens, New York. Dr. Eddy's research centres around Sport Marketing and Sport Consumer Behaviour, much of which is in the context of Sport Sponsorship.

Dr. Eddy's research can be found here:



Terry Flynn

Graduate Director and Associate Professor, Master of Communications Management Program, McMaster University
Dr. Terry Flynn is an Associate Professor of Communications Management in the Department of Communication Studies & Multimedia and lead professor and founding director of the Master of Communications Management (MCM) program. Terry joined McMaster University in 2004 after a 20-year communications consulting career, having built an international reputation specializing in crisis and risk communications and having worked with such organizations as: the Town of Walkerton, Ontario (e-coli crisis); the U.S. Navy Public Health Agency (leukemia cluster); the U.S. Army Centre for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine (base closures and environmental cleanups); the Chemical Manufacturers’ Association; the American Gas Association; Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada; and the Vinyl Council of Canada.

His advice and counsel has also been internationally recognized by: the Canadian Public Relations Society; the International Association of Business Communicators; the Community Relations Awards; and the United States Secretary of Defense Environmental Restoration Award. Terry’s scholarly work has been published in the Journal of Public Relations Review, Corporate Communications, Public Relations Journal and Journal of Professional Communications and has also been recognized by the Association for Educators in Journalism and Mass Communications and the Arthur W. Page Society International Case Study. Dr. Flynn is also an award-winning teacher having won a number of student teaching awards for his engaging, challenging and stimulating communication courses.



Terry Goldsworthy

Assistant Professor in Criminology, Bond University

Dr. Goldsworthy is currently conducted research into the use and perceptions of performance and image enhancing drugs. This research survey can be undertaken users and non-users of these type of drugs.

The survey can be accessed at:

Dr. Terry Goldsworthy has more than 28 years of policing experience in Australia as a Detective Inspector. He has served in general duties, watchhouse and as a motorcycle officer before moving to the Criminal Investigation Branch in 1994. He spent eight years as a Detective Senior Sergeant on the Gold Coast in charge of the CIB at Burleigh Heads.

Dr. Goldsworthy has completed a Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Laws, Advanced Diploma of Investigative Practice and a Diploma of Policing. As a result of his law studies Dr. Goldsworthy was admitted to the bar in the Queensland and Federal Courts as a barrister in 1999. Dr. Goldsworthy then completed a Master of Criminology at Bond University. He later completed his PhD focusing on the concept of evil and its relevance from a criminological and sociological viewpoint. In particular Dr. Goldsworthy looked at the link between evil and armed conflicts using the Waffen-SS as a case study.

Dr. Goldsworthy has recently published his first book titled Valhalla's Warriors, which examines the genocidal actions of the SS in Russia during World War II. He has also contributed a chapters to the tertiary textbooks, Serial Crime and Forensic Criminology, published by Academic Press. He contributed a number of articles to the Australian Police Journal.



Terry Katz

Senior Instructor of Pediatrics and Developmental Pediatrics, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Terry Katz, PhD is a licensed psychologist and Senior Instructor with Distinction at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. She has worked with children with developmental disabilities and their families for over 30 years. In 2009, she co-founded a sleep behavior clinic for children with special needs at Children’s Hospital Colorado and continues to work in this clinic. Dr. Katz has helped develop educational materials for caregivers and providers to help address difficulties with sleep and has written a book on sleep for parents of children on the spectrum. She was the co-chair of the Autism Speaks/Autism Treatment Network Sleep Committee from 2012 to 2014. Her research interests include assessment of sleep problems, the association between sleep and daytime functioning, and behavioral sleep education.



Terry L. McCoy

Professor Emeritus of Latin American Studies and Political Science, University of Florida

I am Professor Emeritus of Latin American Studies and Political Science at the University of Florida where I spent most of the professional career. I also held faculty positions at The Ohio State University and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. At UF I taught political science courses and inter-disciplinary courses and trained MA and PhD students.I also served as Director of the Center for Latin American Studies, Associate Director of the Center for International Business Education and Research and founding director of the Latin American Business Environment Program. I finished my career as Adjunct Lecturer in the College of Business at Illinois where I taught an undergraduate honors seminar on business in Brazil which incorporated a business case competition in Brazil.

My area of interest is on the political economy of Latin America, especially the environment for business and investment.



Tesla Monson

Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Western Washington University
I am Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA where I run the Primate Evolution Lab. My lab researches primate evolution, life history, reproductive ecology, and the growth and development of the skeletal system.



Tess Do

Lecturer in French Studies, The University of Melbourne



Tessa Baker

Royal Society University Research Fellow, Reader in Cosmology, Queen Mary University of London
I'm a cosmologist who works on understanding the role of gravity in our universe. In particular, I develop tools to test ideas about modified gravity and dark energy models with gravitational waves, large-scale structure and cosmological voids.

I completed my PhD at the University of Oxford, on devising mathematical frameworks for testing alternatives to General Relativity. I remained in Oxford for a five-year postdoctoral research fellowship at All Souls College, one year of which I spent as Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania. In January 2019 I moved to QMUL to join the Cosmology & Relativity group as a Royal Society University Research Fellow and proleptic Reader.

I'm a member of the LIGO Scientific Consortium, DESC -- the consortium behind the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) -- the ESA Euclid satellite, and the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA).



Tessa Conroy

Economic Development Specialist, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Tessa is an Economic Development Specialist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison /Extension, studying community economic growth and development, small business dynamics, and women entrepreneurs.



Tessa Leach

Senior Analyst at Climateworks Centre, Monash University
Tessa works in the Industry system at Climateworks Centre. Her work involves research, analysis and the communication of findings to support Australian industry to realise opportunities for decarbonisation. Tessa is passionate about Australia’s energy transition, the critical study of technology, and science communication.



Tessa Morris-Suzuki

Professor Emerita, Australian National University
I am a historian of East Asia, with the focus mainly on Japan, and was a Distinguished Professor in the School of Culture, History and Language, College of Asia and Pacific, ANU, until 2018, since when I have been a Professor Emerita. I have published 16 sole authored books and 10 co-authored books on East Asian history and culture ( a number of them also translated into Japanese, Chinese and Korean), and have served as president of the Asian Studies Association of Australia. I am also a Fellow of the Australian Institute of International Affairs, and a recipient of the Fukuoka Prize (Academic Award) for contributions to Asian Studies.



Tessa Reardon

Postdoctoral researcher, University of Oxford
Tessa Reardon is a Postdoctoral researcher in the Departments of Experimental Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of Oxford. She completed her PhD on parents’ experiences of help-seeking for anxiety disorders in children at the University of Reading in 2018, and moved to Oxford 2019. Tessa has a lead role on two large school-based randomised controlled trials, and has experience of a range of other research methods and study designs (e.g. systematic reviews, measurement development and evaluation, surveys, qualitative studies).



Tessa Toumbourou

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Environmental Social Science, The University of Melbourne
Tessa Toumbourou is a postdoctoral environmental social science research fellow in the School of Agriculture, Food, and Ecosystem Sciences, at The University of Melbourne. Her research, informed by feminist political ecology, explores the links between social and environmental change, land and natural resource governance, and changing livelihood responses and strategies.



Tessa Vance

Palaeoclimatologist, Australian Antarctic Program Partnership, University of Tasmania
Tessa Vance develops high resolution palaeoclimate records with a view to understanding long-term climate change. She has a particular interest in developing rainfall and drought records for Australia and the SE Pacific region over the last 2000 years, and in understanding the underlying climate processes that cause rainfall variability.



Tessa M Page

Research fellow, University of Southampton
I am a molecular biologist and physiologist researching biomineralisation in marine calcifiers and species’ responses to global change stressors. My research integrates omics tools, physiological methods, and geochemical techniques to investigate these research areas. I primarily work with coral and coralline algae.

I am currently a Research Fellow at the University of Southampton, working in the Foster Lab and Coral Reef Laboratory. Previously, I was a Research Fellow at the Université du Québec à Rimouski. I completed my DPhil at Griffith University with Guillermo Diaz-Pulido and Carmel McDougall.



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