The beloved multiplayer sci-fi FPS series, Tribes, known for its high-speed gameplay, is set for a comeback with a new installment currently in the works. This development marks a significant step in the series, which has not seen a new release since 2012.
Revival of a Beloved Shooter Series
Tribes has been recognized as "the world's fastest shooter" and enjoyed a successful run with five installments from 1998 to 2012. The last game in the series, Tribes: Ascend, gained critical acclaim and was developed by Hi-Rez Studios, which later created popular titles like Smite and Paladins.
The upcoming Tribes game is being developed by Prophecy Games. This studio was initially a part of Hi-Rez Studios when it was founded in late 2019 but later branched off in early 2020 to become an independent entity. Interestingly, it seems that Prophecy Games has taken the Tribes project with them in their independent venture.
First Glimpses and Development Insights
Recent reports from FPS-Z reveal that playtests for the new Tribes game are set to commence soon, with invitations being sent out through the official Tribes Discord channel. Screenshots from an earlier playtest have been published, offering fans their first glimpse into what the new Tribes game might look like.
While still in the early stages of development, these images hint at a visual style reminiscent of Tribes: Ascend. This similarity isn't too surprising, considering that some of the personnel who worked on Tribes: Ascend at Hi-Rez are now reportedly part of the team at Prophecy Games.
Prophecy Games' Track Record
Prophecy Games, although a newer studio, has already released a game titled Starsiege: Deadzone. This free-to-play sci-fi shooter was launched in an early access format on Steam in July. However, it received mixed reviews from players.
A new Tribes game is in the early stages of development at Prophecy Games, promising to bring fresh life to the acclaimed high-speed FPS series.