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Meghan Markle, Prince Harry: People want them to be stripped of their ‘Sussex’ royal title; Petition continues to gain supporters

Photo by: The Royal Family/Twitter

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s royal titles could be stripped away from them after a petition launched by a citizen named Chris Ross unexpectedly gained more than a thousand signatures in East Sussex. The petition is asking the Brighton and Hove Council to renounce the use of the couple’s royal titles the “Duke of Sussex” and “Duchess of Sussex” as they said allowing them to use it is “morally wrong and disrespectful to the country of East Sussex.”

According to UK’s The Sun, the council was compelled to set a date to discuss the possible removal of “Sussex” in Meghan and Harry’s titles. The members of the council will convene next month to debate whether they should grant the petition or not.

How the petition gained merit for the council’s debate

The petition was started by Ross, and it was signed by 1,250 people which is the required number for Brighton and Hove City Council to give the matter a look. If it has 1,705 signatures or more, it will be presented at a meeting for debate on October 24, and apparently, the petition gathered enough signatures so it will be discussed by the city councilors.

“As residents of Brighton and Hove we call on Brighton and Hove Council to not refer to these individuals by such titles which we believe to be entirely non-democratic and symbolic of the oppression of the general public by the wealthy elite,” part of the petition reads. “Neither will Brighton Council invite or entertain these individuals nor afford them any hospitality or courtesies above and beyond that of an ordinary member of the public.”

It was added that on Dec. 19, this petition is set to be presented to the full Council meeting. This means that the city is taking this matter seriously and Meghan Markle and Prince Harry could really lose their royal titles as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

There are people who are against the petition

While the petition gained support from the residents, there are people who are also against it, and they had sent emails to the city council as well. According to those who disagreed, they are hoping that people will realize that the request does not make sense.

Carole Rooke, a former lawyer who resides in East Sussex, stated that she saw the petition and she believes it was only signed by few people of around 1,600. With that small support, she is hoping that the council will dismiss it because Meghan Markle and Prince Harry “are meant to represent all of the people in the county and not just a minority.”

She added that she doesn’t think that the petition is valid because it seems to be just a podium for anti-royalist and left-wing views. Finally, Rooke explained that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but the petitioners are expressing their views in the wrong way.

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