Mark Zuckerberg has been dousing the flames of an angry public recently thanks to the proliferation of fake news on Facebook. Many are blaming the huge number of misleading content for allowing the victory of Donald Trump, which Zuckerberg promptly denied. Recently, the Facebook founder also assured users that they were taking the epidemic of fake news very seriously. Unfortunately, it’s beginning to look like the social media site can do nothing about it.
Fake news is practically impossible to stop on a medium like Facebook because of how it provides users with significant control over the content that they see, share, or indulge in, Fortune reports. Unlike an actual news media organization, the social network can’t control everything that goes through its servers, especially if the users themselves choose to spread misinformation through fraudulent content.
While Facebook certainly has some control over its servers, which allows its staff to check and verify content, there is absolutely no way for Zuckerberg and his team to filter every single content that’s shared on the platform. The tech figure already said that neither he nor his people could afford to be the arbiters of truth. Without significantly restricting what users could do on Facebook, Zuckerberg’s hands are tied.
Perhaps the more galling aspect of this development is the fact that the partisanship reflected on how much fake news is spread on Facebook when divided between conservative and liberal content is quite distinct. PC World recently looked into just how skewed the numbers are and found that fake news is significantly more influential among conservatives.
It also seems like the recommendation feature by Facebook showcased just how ineffective the social media was at weeding out fake news. By simply liking several pages, users could be showered with recommendations of posts and other pages that heavily featured fake news if the original Liked page was conservative. Consequently, liking a liberal page hardly ever resulted in fake content being recommended.