

Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo

Ecosystem ecologist, Spanish National Research Council, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)



Manuel García Ortiz

Doctorando en Derecho. Especializado en Bioética y Derecho de la Discapacidad, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

LICENCIADO EN FILOSOFÍA por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 2002.
MÁSTER en derechos fundamentales. Especialidad en Derechos Humanos, Bioética y Bioderecho en la Fac. de Derecho de la UNED. Febrero 2020
TFM. Marco normativo y prácticas sociales hacia las personas con discapacidad a lo largo de la historia. Calificado con Matrícula de Honor.
DOCTORANDO EN DERECHO en la Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha. En fase de redacción de la tesis doctoral: “Elementos históricos y sociales del desarrollo de las regulaciones jurídicas sobre las personas en situación de discapacidad” en el marco de la línea de investigación de derecho público (6 1410 - DERECHO PÚBLICO UCLM) en el departamento de Derecho Administrativo de la UCLM
Estancia predoctoral investigadora en el instituto de investigación JusGov. Escola de Direito da Universidade do Minho (julio 2022). Sobre las regulaciones jurídicas referidas a las personas con discapacidad en la historia de portugal
Certificado de Aptitud Pedagógica (CAP) por el Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid en 2003.


- Junio 2019 – Actualidad. Dinamizador del Programa de Autonomía personal en la Confederación Española de Personas con Discapacidad Física y Orgánica (COCEMFE), Área de Accesibilidad y Vida Independiente. Miembro y secretario de la comisión de Autonomía personal del Comité Español de Representantes de Personas con Discapacidad (CERMI)
- Enero 2022 – Actualidad. Dinamizador del Programa de viviendas de transición a la vida independiente
- Noviembre 2010 – Junio 2019. Técnico de formación y empleo en la Confederación Española de Personas con Discapacidad Física y Orgánica (COCEMFE), desarrollando funciones de dinamización de la formación interna de las entidades de la confederación a través de la Universidad Técnica de COCEMFE.
- Jul. 2008 – Nov. 2010: Coordinador de formación del convenio entre Instituciones Penitenciarias y la Fundación La Caixa para el Organismo Autónomo de Trabajo Penitenciario y Formación para el Empleo, programa para la formación e inserción laboral de personas privadas de libertad en régimen ordinario.
- Nov. 2006 – Jul. 2008: Coordinador del proyecto Aula de Intermediación Laboral para Personas con Discapacidad en el Ámbito rural de la Consejería de Familia y Asuntos Sociales de la Comunidad de Madrid, gestionado por COCEMFE. Coordinación, orientación e intermediación con empresas a través de itinerarios personalizados de inserción.


- Necesidad de una estricta neutralidad hacia las personas con discapacidad en la regulación de la muerte asistida. Anales del derecho y de la discapacidad. Fundación Derecho y Discapacidad. CERMI. Nº7 julio 2022. Año VII.

- Diseño Universal del Ocio (DUO). Una guía para apoyar la gestión de un ocio inclusivo en las entidades de COCEMFE. 2022.

- Regulación de la muerte asistida en el estado español: posibles efectos adversos sobre los derechos fundamentales de las personas con discapacidad. Bioética y debate. 2021;27(91):14-19. Instituto Borja de Bioética, Universidad Ramón LLull.

- Participación en el proceso de estudio y elaboración del documento “Libro Blanco de la Discapacidad Orgánica”.
- Cuestiones bioéticas y biojurídicas sobre asistencia personal y asistencia sexual. Webinario del Ciclo "Discapacidad, Autonomía y Cuidados" de la Fac. de Psicología de la Universidad de la República de Uruguay

- AccesibilidApp, una herramienta para la sensibilización y el conocimiento sobre accesibilidad universal. Revista Asociación Española de Profesionales de Accesibilidad Universal (ASEPAU) nº 5 abril 2021.

- Derechos de las personas con discapacidad en un contexto de recursos limitados durante una situación de emergencia sanitaria. Revista Iberoamericana de Bioética. Núm. 15 (2021).

- Demarcación ética y jurídica entre la asistencia personal y la asistencia sexual en un contexto de vida independiente. Revista Zebitzuan de Trabajo social. Nº 73. Dic. 2020

- VVAA. Guía práctica: Análisis de casos prácticos sobre intervención policial con personas con discapacidad, Asociación a favor de personas con discapacidad de la Policía Nacional (AMIFP)

- “Neutralidad de la regulación de la muerte asistida hacia las personas con discapacidad”. Comunicación presentada en el V Congreso Internacional “Europa sociedad abierta” del Seminario Italoespañol de la Red europea de investigación jurídica. Dic. 2020.

-- Riesgos de vulneración de los derechos fundamentales de las personas con discapacidad en relación con las crisis sanitarias. Revista Bioética y Derecho. Observatorio de Bioética y Derecho (OBD) de la UAB. 2020

- Las Tecnologías de Apoyo en la Smart City desde un Enfoque Social. Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação (RISTI) 2020

- Barreras de acceso a la educación inclusiva para las personas con discapacidad: el acceso efectivo a los productos de apoyo. Comunicación de ponencia específica en las I Congreso "Derechos Humanos y Vulnerabilidad". Publicado junto a otras comunicaciones en el libro En tiempos de vulnerabilidad. Ed. Ana María Marcos del Cano. Editorial Dykinson. 2020

- Ponencia inaugural I Jornadas InnovaUDIMA con Tecnología Educativa. Educación inclusiva: autofabricación de productos de apoyo para la adaptación del puesto de estudio. 2019

- COCEMFE. (2019). Metodologías y enfoques inclusivos en la educación: guía para el conocimiento de nuevas metodologías de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Madrid: COCEMFE.



Manuel Peinado Lorca

Catedrático emérito. Director del Real Jardín Botánico de la Universidad de Alcalá, Universidad de Alcalá



Manuela Dantas

Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, California State University, Northridge
Manuela M. Dantas is an assistant professor at the David Nazarian College of Business and Economics of California State University, Northridge. Her research interests include financial accounting, ESG investing, greenwashing, behavioral finance, banking, and political science.



Mara Cameran

Researcher in financial accounting, Bocconi University
Tenured Researcher of Accounting at Bocconi University, Italy. Italian CPA (Dottore Commercialista) and Chartered Auditor (Revisore contabile). Member of the Standard Setting Boards’ Nominations Committee to manage the selection process for members of the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) and the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA).
Her research interest is focused on the regulation and the functioning of the audit market and on the developing of the auditing process inside teams. She is also interested in the ethical and equality dimensions related to the accounting profession.



Mara Violato

Associate Professor, Health Economics, University of Oxford
Mara is an Associate Professor at the Health Economics Research Centre in the University of Oxford. She holds a BSc (Hons) in Economics from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy; an MSc in Economics from the University of Glasgow; a PhD in Economics from the University of Dundee; and a Doctorate in Economics from the University Milano-Bicocca, Italy.

Mara’s research contributes to two complementary aspects of the health economics discipline. The first aspect relates to investigations of economic-driven inequalities in health outcomes and healthcare utilisation, through the statistical and econometric analysis of large and complex observational survey data and linked healthcare administrative datasets, in order to inform clinical practice and wider policies to reduce inequitable differences in people’s health status. The second aspect refers to the economic evaluations (for example, cost-effectiveness analysis) of health treatments/healthcare delivery models alongside randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in order to identify those treatments/programmes that represent good value for money in a healthcare system which increasingly is under financial strain. The development of a more equitable and efficient healthcare sector is therefore an important perspective that underpins all of her economic research across several disease areas.

She is particularly interested in the economics of mental health, especially in children and young people, as well as the analysis of health-related quality of life in large multi-country surveys. In addition, she has recently developed an interest in behavioural economics. She is currently engaged in several projects in these areas, which are funded by the UK National Institute for Health and Care Research and the EuroQol Foundation.



Mara-Daria Cojocaru

Privatdozentin, Munich School of Philosophy
Mara-Daria Cojocaru's main research interests include: political philosophy and theory, philosophical pragmatism, (animal) ethics, philosophy of emotion and intellectual virtues.

She has taught at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, the Munich School of Philosophy, the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena and Graz University, and she has been visiting scholar at the University of Sheffield, the University of Brighton and the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna. Currently, she is establishing a new project on “animal-assisted philosophy” – a blend of philosophical and creative writing that is not just about, but with and for other animals.



Marc C-Scott

Marc C-Scott is a lecturer in screen media and coordinator for both the Bachelor of Screen Media at Victoria University (

Prior to his position, Marc taught at many institutions in the areas of digital media, video production, motion graphics, visual effects, web technologies along with project and research methodologies.

He has been active in the area of digital media since 1996, completing a Bachelor of Design (Multimedia) with Honors at Swinburne’s National School of Design in 2004.

Marc is currently completing a PhD, which uses a historical comparative approach, in investigating the changes of the television industries within Australia, United Kingdom and United States.

His research interests are within television (history, institutions and new broadcast methods), cross-media, cross-platform media and the use of new digital media services.



Marc Collinson

Teaching Associate in Political History, Bangor University
Dr Marc Collinson teaches contemporary history and politics. An active political historian of post-war Britain, Marc is interested in electoral phenomena (including by-elections), political parties, and policymaking. He is currently writing a study of Smethwick in electoral politics, c. 1955-1970. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and an Associate Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.



Marc Edelman

Professor of Law, Baruch College, CUNY
Marc Edelman is a tenured Professor of Law at the Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, City University of New York, where he specializes in sports law, antitrust law, intellectual property law, and gaming / fantasy sports law. He has published upwards of 70 law review articles, including articles in Boston College Law Review, Florida Law Review, George Mason Law Review, Indiana Law Journal, Illinois Law Review and Washington & Lee Law Review.

In addition to his full-time role as a law professor, Professor Edelman is the founder of Edelman Law, where he provides legal consulting and expert witness services to businesses in the commercial sports, entertainment and online gaming industries. Some of Professor Edelman’s recent clients include a Major League Baseball team, the Arena Football League Players Union, and several online fantasy sports providers.

Professor Edelman is regularly cited by the media on a wide range of topics including how the Sherman Act applies to professional sports leagues, how gaming laws apply to fantasy sports contests, and how both labor laws and antitrust laws apply within the college sports industry.

A magna cum laude graduate of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and a cum laude graduate of Michigan Law School, Professor Edelman began his professional career by practicing antitrust and sports law with the law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher and Flom LLP. Thereafter, Professor Edelman has practiced both litigation and transactional law in the sports and intellectual property practice groups of Dewey Ballantine LLP.



Marc Hye-Knudsen

Cognition and Behavior Lab, Aarhus University
Research areas:

Cultural forms of expression: humour, jokes, storytelling

Culture and cognition: biocultural studies

Film theory: cognitive film theory

Text theory and analysis: cognitive literary studies, evolutionary literary studies

Video genres: comedy



Marc Olynyk

Director of Financial Planning, Deakin Business School, Deakin University
Marc is a Senior Lecturer in Financial Planning and Course Director of Financial Planning in the Department of Accounting within Deakin University.

Marc has significant experience within both academia and industry in the areas of financial planning, superannuation and retirement planning and accounting.

He was an Authorised Representative for over 15 years and has more than 20 years of experience as one of Australia’s leading academics and educators in the financial planning discipline where he has played a key role in the development, growth and recognition of financial planning within both the university sector and the financial planning profession.

He is Program Director of Financial Planning at Deakin University and plays a key role in facilitating industry engagement and strengthening the ties between the university sector and industry.

Marc has published a number of articles in the areas of financial planning, superannuation and financial literacy.

Marc is a founding committee member and currently Chair of the Financial Planning Education Council (FPEC), is on the TEQSA Register of External Experts in Financial Planning and Financial Services and is regularly called upon to undertake course reviews and accreditation's.

He is also a co-author of one of Australia’s leading textbooks in financial planning.

Marc is a Fellow of the Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand and a member of the Financial Advice Association Australia .



Marc Tadaki

Social scientist, Cawthron Institute
Marc is human geographer interested in the social construction of science and the framing of environmental issues in policy and governance.



Marc Arsell Robinson

Assistant Professor of History, California State University, San Bernardino
Dr. Marc Arsell Robinson is Assistant Professor of African American history at California State University, San Bernardino. In 2022, he won the Mellon Emerging Faculty Leader Award, and served as Visiting Fellow in Equity, Justice, and Inclusion at the University of Oregon’s Clark Honors College. Dr. Robinson’s research focuses on the Civil Rights and Black Power Movements in the Pacific Northwest. His forthcoming monograph, Washington State Rising: Black Power on Campus in the Pacific Northwest will be published in August 2023 as part of the Black Power Series of New York University Press. His previous publications include journal articles in the Pacific Northwest Quarterly, and in California History. He has also contributed numerous essays and book reviews in platforms such as, The Western Journal of Black Studies, Reference Services Review, The Journal of Black Studies, The Journal of African American History, and Race in American Television: Voices and Visions That Shaped a Nation.



Marc D. Froese

Professor of Political Science and Founding Director, International Studies Program, Burman University
Professor Froese has expertise in the integration dynamics of economic law, the relationship between regional and multilateral economic governance, and the political economy of Canadian public policy formation. He is the author of books and articles on these and other issues, including Canada at the WTO (UTP, 2010) and Sovereign Rules and the Politics of International Economic Law (Routledge 2018). His most recent book is Has Populism Won? The War on Liberal Democracy (ECW 2022, with Daniel Drache). Research papers and some published work is available on the Social Science Research Network at



Marc Johan Van den Brandt

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Evolutionary Studies Institute (ESI), University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg., University of the Witwatersrand
PhD (Palaeontology), MSc (Palaeontology), BSc Honours (Palaeontology) - University of the Witwatersrand
Bcom Honours (Information Systems), BCom - Rhodes University



Marc S. Mentzer

Professor of Human Resources and Organizational Behaviour, University of Saskatchewan
Marc Mentzer holds the position of Professor of Human Resources and Organizational Behaviour in the Edwards School of Business of the University of Saskatchewan. He holds an MBA from McGill University and a PhD in Management from Indiana University.

Marc's research has appeared in over 20 journal articles. His research has centred on business history and the regulatory aspects of human resource management.



Marc-Andre Pigeon

Assistant Professor, Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Saskatchewan
I completed my doctorate degree in Philosophy, Mass Communications, at Carleton University in 2008. At the time, I was employed full time as a policy analyst / advisor in the Library of Parliament working for finance and fiscal-policy related related committees :
- Senate Banking
- House of Commons Finance Committee
- House of Commons Public Accounts Committee).

I subsequently worked for the Department of Finance on consumer issues and later still, joined the Canadian Credit Union Association as their lead policy advisor / analyst. While I have taught as a sessional lecturer, my formal academic career only really began this fall, in 2018.

Prior to working for government, I worked at a fiscal policy think tank in the United States (Levy Economics Institute) and prior to that, was a bond and stock market reporter for Bloomberg Business News. In addition to my PhD, I have a masters' degree in economics.



Marc-Andreas Muendler

Professor of Economics, University of California, San Diego
Marc-Andreas Muendler is Professor in the Economics Department at the University of California, San Diego, where he is starting up the Globalization and Prosperity Lab. He is a Research Professor at the ifo Institute Munich, Germany, a Guest Professor at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, and a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Muendler has published in leading economic journals on the origins of globalization and its consequences for local industries and labor markets, firm dynamics and entrepreneurship, and information economics. Muendler's research revolves around local impacts of global markets.



Marc-Antonin Hennebert

Professor of Human Resources Management, HEC Montréal
Marc-Antonin Hennebert is full Professor at the Department of Human Resources Management and associate researcher at the Interuniversity Research Centre on Globalization and Work (CRIMT) and the International Observatory on the Societal Impacts of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Technologies (OBVIA). He holds a PhD from University of Montreal (Canada). His research focusses on industrial relations, trade unionism, collective bargaining and social dialogue which he studies at both a national and an international level.



Marc-Olivier Dubé

Physiothérapeute, Chercheur postdoctoral en réadaptation, Université Laval
Marc-Olivier Dubé est physiothérapeute et a obtenu un Doctorat en sciences cliniques et biomédicales de l'Université Laval en 2023. Il est maintenant chercheur postdoctoral au La Trobe Sport and Exercise Medicine Research Centre (LASEM) à Melbourne en Australie. Il a reçu une bourse des Fonds de recherche du Québec en santé (FRQ-S). Ses recherches antérieures ont porté sur la prise en charge de la douleur persistante à l'épaule et sur la façon dont les facteurs psychologiques et contextuels propres au patient, tels que l'auto-efficacité face à la douleur et les attentes quant à l'efficacité de l'intervention, peuvent influencer les résultats. Au LASEM, il participe actuellement à des projets visant à réduire le fardeau de l'arthrose post-traumatique du genou.

Marc-Olivier a une expérience clinique préalable en tant que physiothérapeute travaillant dans une clinique privée avec des personnes souffrant de divers troubles musculo-squelettiques, ainsi que de commotions cérébrales. Il a également participé à l'enseignement dans le cadre du programme de physiothérapie de l'Université Laval (Canada). En 2023, Marc-Olivier a reçu le prix Engagement du Réseau provincial de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation du Québec (REPAR) pour souligner sa contribution au développement de la recherche en adaptation-réadaptation, ainsi que son implication et son engagement au sein du réseau de recherche.



Marc-William Palen

Dr. Marc-William Palen is a historian at the University of Exeter. He is the author of The 'Conspiracy' of Free Trade: The Anglo-American Struggle Over Empire and Economic Globalization, 1846-1896 (Cambridge University Press, 2016). His commentary on historical and contemporary global affairs has appeared in the New York Times, the Australian, the Globalist Magazine, the History News Network, History & Policy, Foreign Policy in Focus, Common Dreams, Not Even Past, and the ABC, among others. He edits the Imperial & Global Forum, the blog of Exeter's Centre for Imperial & Global History. Follow him on Twitter @MWPalen



Marcel Nagar

Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Johannesburg
Dr Marcel Nagar is a Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the NRF SARChI Chair: African Diplomacy and Foreign Policy at the University of Johannesburg where she obtained her doctoral degree in Political Science in 2019. Her research interests include African Politics, South African Politics, South African Public Policy and Administration, International Political Economy, and the broader debates surrounding the Democratic Developmental State. She is the author of The Road to Democratic Development Statehood: The Cases of Ethiopia, Mauritius, and Rwanda. (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021).



Marcel Weiss

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg



Marcelle Dawson

Associate Professor of Sociology, Gender Studies and Criminology, University of Otago
My research platform comprises four interrelated themes, namely Social Movements and Popular Protest; Identities; Alternative Futures and Decolonial Studies. In general, I am interested in researching and teaching about social transformation, and I have a particular interest in alternatives to capitalism.



Marcello Bertotti

Reader in Community Health, University of East London
Marcello is a reader in community health at the Institute for Connected Communities. His main role is to develop research in public health, from securing funding to conducting research and publishing its results, primarily in peer reviewed academic journals.

He has 15 years work experience in research and evaluation of community health interventions, social enterprise, asset based approaches to health, and social prescribing. It has used a range of methodologies and approaches to evaluation including realist evaluation, social network analysis, asset mapping and used approaches to systematic reviews including meta-narrative and systematic mapping to study health interventions and communities. He is a co-founder of the social prescribing network and of the social prescribing youth network. He also co-delivers an accredited Level 3 certificate in social prescribing.

Marcello supervises PhD students working in the areas of health inequalities. He would welcome supervising doctoral research looking at alternative approaches to promoting health and well-being as well as the economic and social determinants of health and mental health.



Marcello Russo

Full Professor of Organizational Behavior and Director of the Global MBA, Università di Bologna
Marcello Russo (PhD) is the global MBA director at Bologna Business School in Italy and Full Professor of Organizational Behavior at the University of Bologna, Italy. He is an expert on work-life balance, with a focus on what individual strategies and organizational factors can help individuals accomplish their ideal model of work-life balance and it has published in leading scholarly journals, including Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, Journal of Management, Academy of Management Annals. In this last years, he has conducted many research trying to help individuals juggling their work and personal roles and supporting companies in outlining effective policies and a supportive organizational culture that could help people pursuit their ideal model for managing the work-life interface



Marcello Ruta

Associate Professor, Life Sciences, University of Lincoln
Dr Marcello Ruta was a PhD student at Birkbeck College, University of London, and The Natural History Museum, London. He became a postdoc at UCL, and then moved to Chicago where he spent a few years as a postdoc at the University of Chicago and at the Field Museum of Natural History. After returning to the UK, he embarked on another postdoc at University of Bristol, before being hired at University of Lincoln in 2012. Marcello's interests revolve around phylogeny reconstruction, phylogenetic comparative methods, and shape analysis. He is primarily interested in early tetrapods, or limbed vertebrates



Marcia Brennan

Professor of Religion and Art History, Rice University
Marcia Brennan’s research engages clinical aesthetics and the medical humanities, spirituality and comparative mysticism, and modern art and museum studies. She is the author of several books, including Curating Consciousness: Mysticism and the Modern Museum, Modernism’s Masculine Subjects: Matisse, The New York School, and Post-Painterly Abstraction, and Painting Gender, Constructing Theory: The Alfred Stieglitz Circle and American Formalist Aesthetics. She is the winner of the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum Research Center Book Prize, and the recipient of grants from the American Council of Learned Societies, the Office of Research, Rice University, and Rice’s Humanities Research Center. She has served as a Fellow at Rice’s Center for Teaching Excellence, and she has been awarded the George R. Brown Award for Superior Teaching. Since 2009, she has also served as an Artist In Residence in the Department of Palliative Medicine at the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. Her experiences in this setting represent the subject of her books The Heart of the Hereafter: Love Stories from the End of Life, Life at the End of Life: Finding Words Beyond Words, and A Rose From Two Gardens: Saint Thérèse of Lisieux and Images of the End of Life.



Marcia Mkansi

Professor, University of South Africa
Marcia Mkansi is a professor at the University of South Africa. Her specialist subject is supply chain and operations management, with a specific focus on e-grocery supply chain, healthcare supply chain, innovation and research methods.



Marcio D. DaSilva

Flinders University



Marco Adria

Lecturer in Media and Technology Studies, University of Alberta
Dr. Adria is an accomplished teacher, a distinguished academic leader, and an internationally published researcher. He has held the positions of Associate Dean, Acting Dean, and Founding Graduate Program Director (the Master of Arts in Communications and Technology) at the University of Alberta. He has also taught in the Business School at Athabasca University. He is a former president of the Canadian Library Trustees’ Association and a recipient of the Lewis Mumford Award for Outstanding Scholarship from the New York based Media Ecology Association.



Marco de Jong

Lecturer, Law School, Auckland University of Technology
Dr Marco de Jong is a Pacific historian and lecturer at the AUT Law School. He was raised in Tāmaki Makaurau with ties to Papa Puleia in Sāmoa. His work details the history of regional politics and environmental governance in the Pacific Islands with a particular focus on Indigenous knowledge, nature conservation, anti-nuclearism, and climate change.

Prior to joining AUT, Marco completed a doctorate at the University of Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar and worked in civil society organisations advocating for an independent, nuclear free, and Pacific-led foreign policy for Aotearoa.



Marco Dehnert

PhD Candidate in Communication, Arizona State University
I am a Doctoral Candidate and Graduate Teaching Associate in the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication at Arizona State University. I am a multi-method social scientist who studies Human-Machine Communication, Human-AI Communication, and the social impact of communication technologies.

I use qualitative, quantitative, and rhetorical methods including interviews, textual analysis, thematic analysis, surveys, and experiments. My work integrates methods, concepts, and theories from a variety of disciplines and areas including communication studies, critical/cultural studies, human-computer and human-robot interaction, as well as sexuality studies.

Currently, I am working on my PhD with a focus on how humans build relationships with machines such as social robots and AI technologies. In particular, my dissertation uses qualitative methods to explore human-machine relationality (how humans form relationships with machines like robots).

My research has been published in a variety of academic journals such as Human Communication Research, Human-Machine Communication, Review of Communication, and in book chapters published by Routledge and SAGE (forthcoming). My article "Persuasion in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI): Theories and Complications of AI-based Persuasion" received the 2022 Outstanding Article Award from the Human Communication and Technology Division of the National Communication Association.

In June 2022, I was featured on the National Communication Association’s Podcast Series “Communication Matters” on the topic of alternative academic careers for communication graduate students. In October 2022, I was featured on the German science communication portal in an interview about the topic of transformation.



Marco Romano

Professor of Paleontology, Sapienza University of Rome
Marco Romano received his PhD in Earth Science (vertebrate paleontology) from Sapienza, University of Rome Italy, with a focus on the phylogeny of basal synapsids (Family Caseidae, Casesauria, Synapsida). Since 2012 he has been a Research Associate in Vertebrate Paleontology at the Sam Noble Museum (Norman, Oklahoma) and since 2018 has been a corresponding member of the Subcomission on Permian Stratigraphy (International Commission on Stratigraphy). After completing his PhD he spent two years at the Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions of Berlin, as post-doc researcher in vertebrate paleontology in the framework of the Sofja Kovalevskaja-Project “Early Evolution and Diversification of Synapsida.“



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