

David S G Goodman

David S G Goodman

Director, China Studies Centre, Professor of Chinese Politics, University of Sydney
David S G Goodman is Director of the China Studies Centre at the University of Sydney, where he is also Professor of Chinese Politics. He has worked in universities in Australia, China and the UK since 1971. Most recently he established the Department of China Studies at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University in Suzhou, China, where he also later served as Vice President for Academic Affairs. In Australia he previously worked at both the University of Technology Sydney; where he established the International Studies Program and later became DVC International; and the University of Sydney where he was part of the team that originally established the China Studies Centre. Prof Goodman is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia.

In addition to his role as Director of the China Studies Centre, Prof Goodman is general editor of two leading publication series on contemporary China: China in Transition with Routledge UK; and the Handbooks of Research in China with Edward Elgar UK.

Prof Goodman’s professional expertise is in social and political change in China, and international education. He has worked on projects with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the US State Department, as well as with commercial clients.

Prof Goodman’s research focus is on provincial and local development in China, class and social inequality in China, and the history of the Communist Party of China. He has written twenty books and published reports, and edited thirty volumes, as well as publishing articles in peer-reviewed academic journals.

Prof Goodman was educated at the University of Manchester, UK (Politics and Modern History) Peking University (Economics) and the London School of Oreintal and African Studies (Chinese language and Chinese Politics).

Global Geopolitics Series

The 'drums of war' are receding, but Anthony Albanese still faces many uncertainties on his trip to China

Nov 05, 2023 19:39 pm UTC| Insights & Views

Fifty years ago this week, Prime Minister Gough Whitlam visited the Peoples Republic of China, establishing a relationship that has become mutually beneficial in terms of economic growth and development to both China and...

Why has China released detained Australian journalist Cheng Lei?

Oct 12, 2023 07:32 am UTC| Politics

The arrival of Cheng Lei back in Melbourne today is clearly a moment of celebration for the Chinese Australian journalist and her family from whom she has been separated for over three years. But it would also seem to...

Global Geopolitics Series

China and the US are talking again – so, where does the relationship go from here?

Jun 21, 2023 07:24 am UTC| Insights & Views

A potentially significant meeting took place in Beijing this week when Chinese President Xi Jinping met US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Blinkens visit to Beijing was ostensibly to meet his Chinese counterpart,...



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브라질 경제 성장 가속 속 11주 만에 금리 인상 전망

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걸프 지역 여성 1300만명 '실종' 이유, 경제 발목 잡는 원인

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닛폰 스틸과 US 스틸, 미 승인을 위한 마지막 노력

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Ex-FBI Official Warns Donald Trump Could Be a Russian ‘Asset,’ Raises Alarming Questions About His Ties to Moscow

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Donald Trump Becomes ‘International Laughing Stock’ After Debate Gaffe About Migrants, Says MSNBC

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Psychiatrist Urges Donald Trump to Seek Neurological Exam After 'Alarming' Debate Behavior Raises Cognitive Concerns

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엔비디아의 사우디 진출, 미국 승인에 달려... 중국 관계도 불확실

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샘 올트먼의 오픈AI, ChatGPT 성공에 힘입어 1500억 달러 기업가치 목표

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AI Coins Surge with Nvidia as CEO Jensen Huang Signals New Industrial Era in Global Markets

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