

Philippe B. Wilson

Philippe B. Wilson

Professor of Animal Science and Bioinformatics, and One Health Medical Technologies, Nottingham Trent University
Farming cattle, sheep and poultry from an early age in Somerset, Philippe quickly developed an interest in native livestock. He obtained a Masters in Chemistry with First Class Honours from the University of Bath in 2014, and went on to carry out a PhD in Bath under the supervision of Professor Ian H. Williams, completing this in 2016. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education in 2018.

He is now a Professor of Animal Science and Bioinformatics within the School of Animal, Rural and Environmental Science, and Professor of One Health Medical Technologies for Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment at NTU as well as being appointed as Chief Scientific Officer at Willows Health under NHS Leicestershire. He has already received numerous international awards in recognition of his multidisciplinary approaches to analytical science: he was named by the prestigious Forbes Magazine in their 30under30 listing for Science and Healthcare in 2018, awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry Joseph Black Medal for his research and pedagogy in analytical chemistry in 2019, and was named as one of the top 118 young chemists in the world by IUPAC in their 2019 Periodic Table of Younger Chemists, being named as the element Krypton.

The group employs the computational and practical techniques in studies of the metabolome, proteome and genome in humans and animals. Philippe’s research group were the first to carry out metabolomic analyses on low field, benchtop NMR spectrometers and his works remain the pioneering papers in this nascent field. Furthermore, he has gained funding from Cancer Research UK, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, The Science and Technologies Facilities Council, and the Royal Society to further develop his unique bimodal approach to low- and ultra-low-field NMR analysis combining optimised protocols with bespoke computational frameworks. He is the author of more than 50 articles, books, book chapters and conference proceedings, including editing the upcoming Royal Society of Chemistry text Computational Approaches in Analytical Chemistry and Bioanalysis.

Philippe is appointed to the Farm Animal Genetic Resources Committee within the Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs in UK Government, and the Committee on the Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment at Public Health England and the Food Standards Agency. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, and a Fellow of the Linnean Society of London. He has delivered invited lectures internationally.

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Zombie deer disease is spreading and scientists are concerned that it could jump to humans

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COVID and your gut: how a healthy microbiome can reduce the severity of infection – and vice versa

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